Posts Tagged ‘BMW’

Fix It, Fix It Real Good

Friday, September 7th, 2012


I'm not married to a mechanic.  But you wouldn't know that, would you?


What?  You don't rig up the engine of your broken car by hanging straps in your garage beams?  Pshahh!  Whatev!


Why yes, it is dangerous!   Ain't skeered!  Ok, I lie!  I hid in my room while this was going on.



That's me yelling for mercy. I don't handle broken stuff as well as the normal gal. I fret and stress. But when I hear drilling and strange noises from my garage … I can't help but get a little nervous.  After seeing these photo's, do you blame me?

Somehow the problem with Ally's car is buried under all that engine stuff. The rigging up of a homemade engine holder upper was his only choice.

I had to leave.

Please somebody tell me other husbands have great ideas too??

After many nights of shade tree mechanic work, the car is still not right but the assistants are top notch, of course.


Yes, that's my beautiful prissy girl under her own car!!  She'll help her dad with anything.  Even in her pj's.

I think I've finally talked hubby into calling a mechanic friend for help. Maybe soon we'll be back to driving our own cars.

The last few weeks have been like a test.  Plumbing issues, 3 different car problems and some whacky virus or something (me). Thank goodness it's Friday, right?

May your weekend be filled with flushing toilets, running cars and a healthy immune system!

One Down…One To Go

Saturday, October 1st, 2011

Someone found and purchased a car ALL BY HIMSELF!!

Not only did he find what he was looking for it was in his price range. It’s amazing what praying about your needs will do. God knows….and he blesses. After searching the world over, he had just the car IN THE SAME TOWN as us RIGHT BESIDE OUR INSURANCE company. Convenient!

But that’s not all– God knew the needs of the seller too. He lives in another town and commutes to work (in our town). He’s the only one left (in his family) still in America. The rest of his family is serving as missionaries in the Ukraine. He needed to sell his vehicles in order to tie things up here to join them.

Hello, God thing? Definitely!

You NEVER stop! You bless, you share, you give and then you just do it all over again. Thank you for always having our best interest and loving us even with the daily needs that seem silly. My heart is overflowing.

~~I can’t wait to see what God has in store for my sweetgirl who has PATIENTLY waited for her car. Hopefully, this week…sister! 🙂