Posts Tagged ‘dripping faucet’

All Work & No Play

Friday, April 20th, 2012

I'm on my own this weekend!  My kids have been invited to lead worship for a local church's Disciple Now weekend and my hubby just left on a big job project up north in Indiana.  Everyone's busy.

Weekends get like that.  It's the end of the school year (Halleluja!!) and all the fun activities are just getting cranked up.  Prom and senior trip are at the top of the list. I'll be going to both (working).

No rest for the weary.  πŸ˜‰

I've been a bit hard on my hubby lately.  Everybody knows a nagging wife is like a dripping faucet and in my case….it might be fair to say that I've been more of a dropped garden hose that landed on the spray nozzle handle.  I've sprayed him smack in the face with my complaining.  Bad, bad!

He's been a good sport about it….for the most part.

I'm embarrassed to admit that my fussing at him about working constantly hasn't brought us any closer.  If anything, it's made him want to get away from me and work even more.  Major fail (on my part)!  That's really not the kind of wife I want to be and I know it isn't the one God expects of me.

I bet I'm not the only one to gripe at my husband about stuff that's out of his control.  I've listened to friends.  They have troubles, disagreements and arguments about life too.  It's what we do with all of it at the end of the day that really matters.

Questions to ask (Me) or (Yourself):

–Am I being unreasonable to the point of NO COMMUNICATION?

–Do I argue just to be mean?

–What is my motive?  Am I just trying to get my way?

–Is what I'm arguing with him about important in the grand scheme of things?

–Can the issue be solved or is it a temporary inconvenience?


Husbands carry a heavy load in our families.  I know mine does.  He's constantly trying to please everyone and we all know that it's impossible to do that.  It's not his fault that his job requires some crazy hours (it is his fault if he's not using his work hours appropriately).  In this season, I'm choosing to be more patient and certainly more kind.

Who knows….maybe someday all that hard work WILL PAY OFF!!!  πŸ˜‰