Posts Tagged ‘fiction’

Move Ya, Movie!

Thursday, August 18th, 2011

Last summer, I checked out a book from the library that I noticed a few other bloggers talking about. I’m not a huge fiction fan, really. Call me a book snob….I don’t mind. So, I didn’t give it much hope to be anything special. Matter of fact, I thought surely I’d ditch it after a few chapters of it’s fiction nonsense make-believe!


I cried, I laughed. I tried to do my housework and life. But this book….it wouldn’t let me put it down (for long)! I think I finished it in just a few days. It was by far one of my favorite reads in a long time. Recently, I read that the author {Kathryn Stockett} was turned down 66 times by publishers before she found someone to take a chance on her little book about maids in Mississippi!

Girlfriend! God bless you!

I’m not sure if you can even imagine my excitement when I saw the first advertisement of THE MOVIE?!!! Holy Batman….I may have even squealed! All summer I’ve patiently waited for it to hit the theatre. It happened to debut while I was at the beach. Everyone encouraged me to go while I was there but I knew it was something I needed to do after I made it back home.

I’m so glad I did.

This last Saturday (the end of my summer break weekend) hubby and I were out grocery shopping when he said….”Let’s go see your movie!”. It didn’t take me long to hand that mixed greens salad mix back to the cashier and run out of Sam’s Club. We even swung by Coldstone Creamery on our way to the movie (I mean, if you’re going to live it up… it right!).

All I can say is GO SEE IT!!!! GO GO GO!

Oh and let me know….if you wanted to slap Miss Hilly as badly as I did? I’m still cringing! This will definitely be in my top list of favorite movies. It’s going to be a big deal. Just wait and see. 😉