Posts Tagged ‘food festival’

Smiling At Strangers

Thursday, August 2nd, 2018


My lunch date yesterday was fabulous! I’m confident that I have found a sweet friend in Jeanie! She teaches here for Bozeman Schools, she just moved from Westfield and teaching at Pike which is a stones throw from Zionsville!

She and her hubby moved here June & July. Him first, her after their house sold. For them, they are brand new empty nesters (7 children) and they moved here for his dream job in Big Sky!

Of course. I told you Big Sky was amazing!

During our conversation she told me several cool encounters her hubby has had since building dream homes for the rich and famous up in Big Sky. She rattled off a few amazing names and then she said, “My husband is really excited that he met his favorite author, CJ BOX!”.

I stopped her right there! W H A T?

My husband is going to flip! And guess what he did as we were walking the streets downtown last night when I mentioned this about my friend? He slammed on the brakes and said, WHAT? Are you serious?

Haha! So funny.

During our lunch date, we both realized that our guys would certainly get along great (he loves hunting….Yellowstone and more)! So, guys….here are our new friends. Jeanie & Jon!

God wasn’t finished there.

Last night I picked hubby up from work and we went downtown to the same area I was for lunch. The town shuts down Main St for a food festival called Bozeman Eats. It is glorious! Bands playing at every end and food vendors everywhere! We walked, talked and ate some good grub! Then we decided to pop into the Mexican restaurant I had eaten lunch earlier for a bathroom break and a cold drink (it was hot like fire outside)!

There were zero seats….so, I looked over and a table was missing from a section that had a wallbooth spot. I hopped up and sat down and a man was sitting at a table alone right beside us. He said, Hi and started asking us questions. Seriously, so friendly. Then his cute wife showed up and the rest is history!

We spent the rest of the evening talking and getting to know one another.

People are good. They aren’t thrown by newness in this area. We had lots in common and as God would have it…

We made sweet friends right there in the Toro Mexican restaurant!

I can’t believe they weren’t even alarmed at my awkwardness! hehe

All is well. All is going to be well. All is well in the hands of God!