Posts Tagged ‘Highway 50 Yard Sale’

Labor Day Tradition

Monday, September 7th, 2009

Here in southern Indiana where I live….the weekend of Labor Day is to be spent yard sale-ing! The entire county shuts down for this huge event. Some call it the Great Highway 50 Yard Sale. We just call it the weekend the roads shut down. I mean that! If you want to get across town…..don’t go on that highway! Cars and people take it over and you can barely get through.

We experienced a huge 2 days of deep dark rain! When I say it rained….I mean it rained cats & dogs! I felt really badly for the many people that worked so hard to put out their J U N K !! If you have ever had a yard sale then you know exactly how much work that is. It’s tremendous! These people gear up all year for this big weekend….tons of people hit the streets and walk and buy and walk and gawk.

This year….it was pretty much a bust! Today (Monday) the sun finally came out around 1:00pm. We decided to give it a try. We headed out for a little walk and gawk up town. Most everyone had shut it down and other’s were in the process of closing it up. We were disappointed! But probably not nearly as much as the many vendors were. Sorry, folks! Maybe next year!

Back before the weekend kicked off…..we went out with hubby to help hang the American flags around our town. As part of the Kiawanis this is one of many civic duties they perform locally. We loved helping out. It made for a fun evening for our little family of four (we miss you Sweetboy).

Hubby hanging a flag in downtown North Vernon

Gates stretching high to do her part

Walking the sunny streets on Labor Day (notice the traffic?)

One of only a handful of sale’s open (Need a sword?)

Now it’s back to reality. Even if it’s only a four day work week. It’s still real work! Looking forward to this weekend! It’s family weekend at IU. I will lay my eyes on my boy for the first time since college drop-off day August 26th. I’m so excited! I’m gonna hug him……so hard! 🙂