Posts Tagged ‘holding grudges’

Bitterness Stings

Monday, August 19th, 2013

I've nibbled on bitterness recently…


I'm ashamed of what it did inside my heart…


I know all the truths about loving others.  I understand God's command to me and yet I still found myself wrapped up in a war of emotions.  I may have even used my eyes as laser darts to punish my offender.  Possibly.

life truth

Why is it so hard to let GOD HANDLE things?


I'm reminded of my Lord when I think of true forgiveness.  He had the weight of the world on his shoulders and he still….willingly, lovingly gave the forgiveness He gave.

What is my deal?

get rid

Today, I'm choosing to move forward and let it go.  My soul is battered because I couldn't see how troubling bitterness is to who you are in Christ Jesus.

I forgive…