Posts Tagged ‘husband love’

He’s Amazing

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012


Just because I love him and he's not around this week to tell (yes, I can text him)… I thought I'd share a few reasons why he means so much to me.

My Hubby is amazing because…

  • He drops whatever he's doing to bring me food, forgotten items or money.  He works hard but never makes me feel left out.
  • He emails me funny things he finds or interesting facts that he knows I would enjoy.  He KNOWS me!
  • He understands how tired I am on Friday night and never minds eating something easy or ordering out.  Score!
  • He lets me rub my toes on his legs at night when I'm trying to fall asleep.  That could be annoying, but he never says so.
  • He defends me (even when I flub up) to our kids/family.
  • He tells me I'm pretty or that I look good as I race out the door in the mornings.  (Remember, I face YOUTH all day long)
  • He takes care of ALL my technical needs.  I don't know how anything REALLY works, but he does and he just handles it!
  • He will clean up any gross accident that happens in our life.  I can rely on him to step up to the gacky plate!  He is MINE!
  • He likes to surprise me with "favorite" items like Strawberry Limeades from Sonic when he's on his way home.
  • He understands my crazy behavior over sports like football and never criticizes me when I scream my head off at the game/tv.
  • He encourages me to write (even when it's pretty mediocre) and to follow my passion to big things.
  • ​He loves me…..and isn't afraid to look foolish trying to prove it!


I'm thankful for him and I think he knows it.  I try to show him how important he is to our family and to me but like every wife/mom…. I drop the ball every now and then and fall flat.  Having a husband that doesn't mind doing whatever is needed is all I know.  I'm blessed by his love & willingness to be the husband God has called him to be.  Just for me.

I miss you, Honey!  Work hard & stay focused!  Home is closer than you think.