Posts Tagged ‘improvement’


Saturday, February 2nd, 2019

You’ve surely heard that saying — when you know better, you do better. Right?

That’s where I feel smack dab in the middle of today. I want to do better. I want to be better. I want to love and forgive and show grace BETTER than I did yesterday or the day before.

It’s not easy to be a flawed up janky human.

I’ve got this one chance to be so many things to so many people. How can I do it and do it with a GOD-SIZED love? The hardest challenge as a human is to show love and be love in spite of the response or feedback you receive from others.

Yesterday, God poured out a bucket of love on my head while I was teaching at school. I received some of the kindest compliments from my students. I felt amazing! They were heart compliments, not outward appearance or stuff admirations. Which was a big reminder to me that it’s very important HOW WE INTERACT WITH OTHERS AND MAKE THEM FEEL!

I don’t want to be the jerk I know I can very easily be in a lot of situations. I want to be an Ephesians 4:29 kind of person –>

I want to show my love with the fruit of the spirit and not the dried up twigs I sometimes have hanging all over my heart. You know, the angry twigs….the ugly twigs….the jealous twigs….the unforgiving twigs….the judgemental twigs….the frustration twigs….the sarcastic twigs….the haughty-taughty twigs and a few others.



I am not perfect. But I know I can be better. Help me, mold me and make me more like you and less like me.
