Posts Tagged ‘lent’

Lent Pretend

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012

Well, it's Ash Wednesday.  A time for all of us sinners to give something up for 40 days in order to improve ourselves in the sight of Christ.  Every year, I find myself wondering why people do this.  Not that it isn't Biblical or Holy, but that we are so completely opposite of that ourselves.  We are indulgent!  We want what we want and we have no problem attaining it — in spiritual words, getting it!

Who doesn't want to be an improved version of self?  Everyone wants to be better.  Think about those New Years resolutions and how fired up we were writing them down and taking them on.  We want to look our best, feel our best and of course be our best (us) in not only man's eyes but God's eyes too.

I have a jaded view of this season and it's not because I'm being a jerk or ignorant.  It's just that as a Christian, I try to "die to self" daily.  Not specifically a vice, mind you, but of stuff that doesn't belong in my life at all.  If it's not good for me and it doesn't honor Christ–why would I do it?  I get the idea of denying oneself of something beloved to remind me of Jesus' sacrifice.  Any kind of fasting usually reminds us just how little we love God and how little we live according to His ways.  🙁

Sad admittance, huh?

All around me are friends/people bragging about what they are giving up for Lent.  Which in my thinking does just the opposite of what fasting should do.  You know that old 'don't let your right hand know what your left is doing' thing? (Matt. 6:3)  Don't boast or it doesn't count!  It's sacred, right?  So zip it and do it….focusing on becoming a better follower of the Most High God!  As we "struggle" with wanting whatever we've given up, God can use that to teach us to fill our lives with more of Him.

We need more of Him.

So, whether you're giving up Diet Coke, chocolate or tv for the next 40 days….don't forget to ask God to reveal the things that really need {to go} in your life.  Ask Him to show your sinfulness, selfishness and lack of faith.  That, my friend is what we need to rid our lives of the most.

This is a season of soul-searching and repentance. It is a season for reflection and taking stock. 

Don't pretend…this Lent.

PS-Easter's coming!


Monday, March 29th, 2010

During this season of Lent I haven’t given up anything in particular.  I haven’t ever focused on this sort of self-denial ideal in my faith walk.  Not because I think I’m so special or good.  Just that, as a follower of Christ…I’ve chosen to deny myself many things to live as an obedient servant….everyday.  I’ve never really heard (in the circles I’ve been a part of….preacher boys, seminary type folk) of giving up Coca Cola for Lent or chocolate.  It’s not been something of necessity.

(please do not misread me….I’m not claiming that giving up something is not good for the Christian to do)

I try to live in moderation.  I don’t overeat, drink alcohol or smoke and I don’t hang out in places that a mama my age shouldn’t.  I’m reserved.  Conservative.  I try to walk the line.  I care about my reputation and hope to honor God with my life…in everyway.

But, I’m not perfect!  I fail.  I goof up.  I fall short.  A lot!

This week, I’ve taken on a FAST.  Why?  Because I felt God wanted me to.  I haven’t misbehaved or gone over the top.  I just knew that I needed to stop and think about how I spend my money.  I don’t have much of it to blow in the first place.   But, I’m the queen of justification.  I can spend $2 bucks here and there and have crazy junk to show for it (THAT I DON’T NEED!!).

My fast is that I will not spend money on “whatever” this week.  Today(Monday) through Easter Sunday.  If it’s not in my budget or on my grocery list……I ain’t buying it!  Period!  I’m not a wild willy-nilly spender anyway.  But, I’m choosing to walk away from ANY SWEET DEAL that may appeal to my shopping desires!

Call it a denial if you want…..I’m feeling good about my decision already.  I know that God has a lesson for me and it may be a bit more painful than I’m actually anticipating.  Pray for me.  I just might be up against more than I can handle!

What I know:

Most wealth comes from saving.

People who spend all of their money have no money.


Deuteronomy 8:18 says, “Always remember that it is the Lord your God who gives you power to become rich.” And Psalm 24:1 tells us, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.”