It’s been a long time coming.ย Something like 3 years, I suppose.ย All I’ve heard about– is this day!
This cute kid…takes her appearance seriously.
Sometimes, things don’t go as planned. (Boo, retainer that didn’t fit!)
But that’s ok because LOOK HOW PRETTY your teeth turn out…when you stick with your orthodontist and follow the rules.
After enduring molds for NEW new retainers….We celebrate with a little BLING and some Steak-N-Shake!
I’m so proud of your beautiful new smile, Gates. You’ve been a devoted patient and a serious diva all at the same time. I know how hard it is to wait for something so special. The way you look today shows all the sacrifice was worth it! Congratulations, girl!
A special THANK YOU to the greatest Orthodontist and Staff, Dr. John Hiester at American Family Orthodontics in Seymour, IN. We’ve been hanging out there regularly for the last eight years or so. Because of your special talent we have 3 beautiful smiles to look at everyday. Gavin, Ally & Gates enjoyed being your patients….even when it hurt! ๐