Posts Tagged ‘positive mindset’

31 Days — Positive Attitude (Day 22)

Monday, October 22nd, 2012

How do you feel on Monday?  Do you wake up ready to face the week with a smile in your heart or do you instantly feel dread?  Any person with a job can probably understand what I mean.  Facing a busy or stress-filled work week can be a little daunting.  But so can the week of a stay-at-home mama or a lonely elderly person that never sees visitors.  Everyone has to face Monday's, right?

It's how we face them that matters.

With Doom:

We talk about the new week with a negative mindset.

We repeat the dread of all that we "think" will go wrong.

With Excitement:

We imagine the positive interactions that are possible.

We rewire our brain to find the good in our situation.

Facing Monday's with excitement is possible.  Even for those of us with stressful jobs or miserable situations.  It's all part of that internal attitude.  I know just how powerful the feeling of dread can affect the whole week.  If I'm not careful, I can set myself up for dreaming of calling in sick.  That's not the way to function week after week, is it?

So, I'm taking my own advice and pushing forward with some positive thinking.  How about you?  Want to make Monday's your happy place?

Choose your attitude….choose your outcome.

Happy Birthday to this guy!  Another year older, another year wiser!