Posts Tagged ‘President Trump’

Be a Critic or a Celebrator, Your Choice

Friday, January 20th, 2017

Today is a big deal in America. The Inauguration of a new President & Vice-President marks the start of a whole new set of hopes and ideals. For many, today is solemn and depressing while for others they are rejoicing and full of excitement. I’m here to tell you…..

It’s okay to not have an opinion.

Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, it’s okay to feel neutral about having a new President. However, like me…you’ve probably read a million posts on social media praising and or despairing over one President leaving and one coming in.

People are opinionated.

Here’s what I know about that – We are taught to have an opinion. It’s considered intellectually lazy to not have one. Some would say that a person without an opinion is likely uninformed or lacking in knowledge. So, it’s easy to see how we are programmed to form opinions and share them openly.

The truth is, it’s okay to shut up.

I’ve got a lot of nerve writing on this topic, huh? My number one objective here at Queenies is to share my opinion. I’ve proudly written on touchy topics from my own viewpoint and I’ll be the first to say that I may have gotten some things wrong (here & there). Did you know it’s okay to change your mind? Well, it is. It’s okay to learn something new about a topic or subject and change your mind from what you once believed.

Try it sometime. You might blow your own danged mind.

I have no political agenda today (and no, I haven’t changed my conservative thinking). I’m simply proud to be an American in a free country where my opinion is safe to share or to keep tucked safely inside however I choose. It doesn’t matter if you (or I) voted left or right, today marks the beginning of a fresh new start. The USA is the most powerful and coveted country on the globe. We have the eyes of the entire world on us – our unity as a people will either elevate us or break us down.

Today, I’m choosing to be an American that doesn’t tear down either man. What good will it do? It would just be my opinion and who wants to hear that? Right?
