Posts Tagged ‘root canal’

Ouch, that hurts!

Friday, November 6th, 2009


Sweetboy has been complaining of a toothache. First he spoke with hubby about it and the conclusion was that he had a cracked molar. Huh? That’s not good! So after a week of sleepless nights filled with pain and misery….we scrambled to find a dentist to see him over in Bloomington. NOTE: Never are your mom power’s put to the test more than when you’re kid is away at college and has a medical need!!!   🙁

It was tricky! He located a doctor that accepted our insurance and made his own appointment. Hmm, my boy’s grown up!? The new dilemma? Do we go to B-town and assist? Or do we let him “handle” it? We were a mess over the decision. We decided to let him go and wait patiently freak out for his call afterwards.

He needs a root canal! The x-rays revealed an ugly cavity that went way wrong. How do you have a cavity that bad and not know it? I don’t know! Poor kid! He was hurting!  And we were hours away and working!

The next problem was finding a specialist that accepted our insurance. After 2 days of chasing the one closest to us (over an hour in an opposite direction) around between offices….I was able to set up an appointment for next Tuesday. Praise-a-luia! Then…..the lady began asking me all sorts of questions! Huh? What? I don’t know! I felt horrible! What kind of mom was I? How could he be in this situation and me not know any particulars? Grrrr.

I’m learning. I’m not a bad mom because my kid is at college with a rotten tooth! Shoot, I’m normal…….right?  Come on…..I’m needing a mom boost here!  This could happen to anyone, right?