Posts Tagged ‘send help’

Test of Time

Thursday, August 30th, 2018

I’m a hurry up, let’s go kinda person. I want everything to happen RIGHT NOW! If the last 2 years have taught me anything (and let me tell you, the lessons I’ve learned — could earn a person a Bachelors & Master’s degree) it’s that my timing and God’s are NOT THE SAME!

I am so thankful that He knows what I need when I need it.

It’s hard to see that when you’re feeling desperate for answers or change or rescuing. But, I’ll tell you….what you want for you and what I want for me will never compare to what God wants for us. His generosity goes beyond our tiny imaginations and from my own experience, turns out better than what was once hoped for.

Two nights in a row, we’ve gotten late night calls from Mr. Bob. He’s our new friend that we found by driving down his driveway (like criminals). Through him, we’ve found a loving church family and more friends than we ever dreamed. He is 80 years old and if I ever wished to know someone longer than him, I can’t recall. I woke up this morning thinking, I hope he lives forever. He’s in great health, healthier than me. So, he’s got time to stay my friend and I’m blessed because of it.

I only wish I’d met him sooner.

He has no idea who we even are….and he doesn’t care. He just loves and cares because that’s who he is in Jesus. Tuesday night he called to tell us about a house for sale that might be in our range. Not knowing $0 is our range right now. Don explained our situation and thanked him because the deal was truly an incredible one. But, timing. It just isn’t possible right now. As much as we wished it was…no housey.

Last night, he called because he’d been thinking of me stuck out in the country (he’s 1/2 a mile from me) without a car while Don is at work. He has an old Suburban out in the garage that all the grandkids drive and it’s just sitting there available. Please come get it and use it all you need.

Timing is everything when you really think about it.

This weekend we’re building a shed and working on our car. Both require having another vehicle to accomplish. How blessed are we that Mr. Bob wants to share his burb? Every prayer I’ve prayed, I’ve asked God for what I needed and I’ve trusted Him that if it was what I really needed, He would provide.

I know that we are in Montana for a reason.

As far as it is from my comfort people (see below for definition), God wants me here. I have sassed back a few times (just testing the waters) to make sure I’M REALLY SUPPOSED TO BE HERE IN BOZEMAN, MONTANA! Cause, I’m saucy like that. Every time, He does something else to love on me and show me that I am right where I am supposed to be and to zip it!

I’m humbled. Every new day, this or that steps in to remind me I am not in charge of anything. I have no power here and that’s the way it’s going to stay. God’s got this and he’s got that & that & that too.

I can take it to the bank, His perfect timing is alive and at work in my life. You can too. No matter what obstacle is standing in your way, God has a way around it.

You might be surprised at the hour or even the caller who steps in to be the hands & feet of Jesus when you need it most.

I don’t know how you put up with me. I’m weak and faithless when life gets tough. Still, you stick with me and lavish me with love and care. Thank you. I’m a work in progress, every day.

Definition for –> comfort people:

The people who love you, care about you and fill your heart to capacity. The ones you can be YOU with and they still love you anyway. People who hold your heart in all its fragility and give without end. Those who will never ever laugh at your hopes or dreams. The lifter’s of your soul and the holder’s of your hand when you are afraid. The people who comfort you just by being with you. Also known as LOVE TANK FILLERS!