My girl Ally has been dreaming. No, not about a boy. She’s quite smitten with one….but this dream is not boy related. It’s car dreams! She has fantasized about “what” God will bless her with in the form of wheels! She has some personal favorites.
Meet the FJ Cruiser! A groovy little SUV made by Toyota!
A bit pricey……around $20,000+. I’m not sure it’s worth it. But she likes it. It’s a dream, remember?
Then there’s the Smart Car! Yes….that weird little squished up thing they are calling a car. She was lucky enough to drive one recently. While at the eye doctor a few weeks back….one of the doc’s owns one and happily let her take it for a spin. Umm, she was psyched beyond words. (Thanks, Kirk…you’re SO COOL!! for a doctor and all!!)
Imagine our surprise when we saw Little Debbie is giving away the cutest little cupcake SMART CAR??!!!! Holy shmoly….we were really excited! We have signed up to win (OF COURSE!!) and you need to do the same! It’s not that complicated! Besides, who doesn’t want to drive around in a stinkin cupcake? Duh!
If you happen to win……..please drop by and take the dreamer for a spin! She’d be so thrilled! 🙂
And I hear….these scooter patooter’s get like 50mpg! Wow! That’s a lot of mileage!
Oh and the dreamer? She’s reached the point of a Ford Taurus starting to look cute. Poor girl! 🙂