Archive for March, 2009


Thursday, March 12th, 2009

Forever I am changed by your love.

God, you are so majestic.

They better be good…..

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

Or else we’ll handcuff them and leave! Who? My kids, that’s who! Did you hear about that? I was listening to the news this evening and heard that some parents are in trouble for actually doing this. Evidently, the boy had stolen a cell phone. The dad must have had a lightbulb moment or maybe he just overreacted and locked Junior up with his hands behind his back. Whichever it was, it was a bad idea! He went on to work and left the kid in that condition. They had to call the authorities to come over and unlock him……like six hours later! Yikes!

Parents, in case you haven’t heard….that is not appropriate punishment for your kid. It may cross your mind to do it….but it’s not going to work out well for you or your child. Imagine what comes next for this whole family. Now everyone is in trouble and it’s going to cost them all in more ways than one. Families are struggling in so many ways just to make it these days. Disciplining your kids out of anger is not going to help anyone. In this case, it has turned for the worst. What was he thinking? Oh the kicker? I heard that he was a correction’s officer at a jail! Crazy guy!

If you are a parent and you have kids that make mistakes (duh, who doesn’t?)…..might I recommend a great book for “dealing” with the lil’ darlin’s!? It’s called, Creative Correction by Lisa Welchel! Love this girl….and her CREATIVE ways of handling poor behavior in kids. She’s a genius when it comes to teaching your kids to choose to do what’s right. I’ve had it for years….but I can still pull ideas from it (even with my teens). It’s biblically based and it has tips on dealing with stronger willed kids. I like that! You will too. Go find it…..and share it with a friend if you need to.

Just stay away from the handcuffs! You will regret it! I promise!



Tuesday, March 10th, 2009

I think I may be experiencing a writing drought. My brain cannot focus and my thoughts are all over the place (and make no sense!). I haven’t felt well for over a week and I haven’t gotten one good nights rest in about that long either. I’m just a big hot mess!

Do all blogger’s have this happen to them? Or am I the weirdo as usual? I’m just dry. There is nothing of value coming out of me on this here blog.. Sorry ya’ll! Maybe soon. I’ll be back in a better bloggy mode and have something profound to say. It can happen.

Until then……I think I’ll incubate my brain. Hopefully gain some new perspective on things. Bless you guys for stopping by. You are so sweet!

Praying for a friend

Monday, March 9th, 2009

Morgan & Ally at JCHS basketball game 11/08

It’s never easy to understand. Why someone so young? Why cancer? Why this child? Only God knows. Our job is to trust Him. Even in these difficult times. My daughter has a classmate and friend (another sophmore @ JCHS) who is fighting the last few days of a battle with cancer. This vicious friend stealer….is not picky in who it affects.

Morgan Wright and her family need our prayers right now. She is a precious girl. Her family has gone above and beyond the call of duty to love and care for her during this illness. Cancer is a word no parent wants to hear for their child. Yet this was their reality for the last year or more.

God we plead for peace and understanding in the midst of this chaos. Morgan has touched so many lives in her short life. Thank you for sharing her with us all. I pray for her and her family as they sit by her side as she makes her transition from this world to you in heaven. Help them know you are there. We love you, mighty comforter! We choose to trust You, Lord.

Ally, Allie (Morgan’s step sister), Morgan, Leah, Laura, & Emily @ our house before the game!


Springin forward…

Sunday, March 8th, 2009

I’m not a fan! I can’t afford to lose more sleep. I tend to stay up too late at night and this really puts a damper on my undisciplined lifestyle. I need sleep. Especially since I’ve had the cough my head off gunk. I wake up coughing during the night….and feel so tired when I wake up. Hopefully soon this will be gone and I can sleep comfortably again.

Today I spent the afternoon with the high school singing group, Touch of Class. I drove the “man” wagon! That means I had all boys in my car. Five of the crazies! I was trying to be responsible but the testosterone fumes in the atmosphere had me laughing at their shenanigans! Let’s see, they were physically wrestling over a quarter…not safe in a moving vehicle! One had to ride with his window down (it was rainy) and yell out at people we passed by (yes, I was worried about the repurcutions) on the way back, this same lil’ 6’3 260 pound darlin made prank phone calls to all the girls in the car in front of us including the music teacher Mrs. Wildey! Sorry, Mrs. Wildey! After the performance at the nursing home we stopped at McDonald’s for a “treat”. The people there thougth it was a take-over! The kids were still dressed in their costumes. We had a great time! Even though all the teenagers and their leaders were pooped from a long weekend.

Touch of Class from Wanda Staton Galloway on Vimeo.

I’m not sure what is going on with vimeo…everything I upload with them is turning out jumpy. It’s not my video skills…it’s something with them. Sorry! Hope you have a great week!



Saturday, March 7th, 2009

Congratulations to my three lucky winners! I am so glad you stopped by my blog. I hope each of you enjoy your new books. Come on by again sometime. Big bloggy hugs to Tracy over at Book Room Reviews. She was the host of this book carnival and I think she did an outstanding job! Thank you Tracy! I love your blog!

Simple Ideas 4 Healthy Living—Chrysa (another great blog)

Through the Storm—Mindy

Abundant Gifts—Dorothy

Winners have been contacted.