Archive for the ‘31 Days to a Positive Attitude’ Category

31 Days To A Positive Attitude (Day 2)

Monday, October 1st, 2012



Every negative thought has power.  The question I have for you is how much power are you willing to hand over to negative thoughts?  You and I have a choice.  We can either succomb to the jumbled thoughts that threaten to invade our minds or we can take them captive.  Did you know that ugly thoughts are like a virus?  They invade your mind and try everything in their power to destroy.  Until the virus is stopped it lingers around making you sick and miserable.

Negative thoughts turn into negative words which leads to a negative attitude. 

If I were to ask the people around you to describe your personality to me…would they say you're an optimistic person or a pessimistic one?  The difference is an optimistic person can find the hope in a cruddy situation and the pessimistic person only sees doom & gloom. 

So what can you and I do to keep our thoughts positive?

1– Put negative thoughts IN JAIL!  You read that right.  Beth Moore says in her book Breaking Free, "Take captive any thoughts that go against God's word" and she even shows a drawing depicting the thoughts behind bars.  I love that!  Never allow rotten thoughts the freedom to just roam around in your head.  Put them in their place.

2 — Pursue God!  Instead of dwelling on other things, seek Him.  I feel strong when I have God's word around me.  Sometimes, I write scriptures on cards and tape them in places that I spend time so that I will be reminded of Him and His love for me.  Beautiful framed scripture art is great too.  I know when I am meditating on His word…there isn't much space left for the negative stuff.

3 — Power up!  The only way you and I can be strong in our pursuit of positive thinking is to practice doing it, everyday.  Looking for some easy ways to power up?  Use "I can" statements.  Speak encouragement to others.  Write down positive self-compliments.  Smile, a lot.  And pray.

You see, the enemy wants nothing more than to keep us in a perpetual state of unhappiness.  If our thoughts are gloomy then our attitude will match.  Don't allow it.  Decide today that no one has control over your mind but you (and Jesus).  It won't take long and that old negative way of thinking will be a thing of the past.

I can still remember the hot flushed feeling on my face when I realized the sneaky behavior my mom was exhibiting….was all connected to a surprise bike for me!  I was pretty angry with her (in my mind) because she left me for a special outing that didn't include me.  I thought for sure she was going out for fun.  The shame I felt afterwards nearly stole every bit of joy for that sparkly silver banana-seated bike.  The lesson for my 9 year old self that day stuck with me….don't think the worst, it could be a blessing in disguise!

31 Days To A Positive Attitude (Day 1)

Monday, October 1st, 2012



Positive Words


Every word spoken has power.  What you and I say to ourselves and other's carries weight.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, the mind is a battlefield.  The words we use come directly from our brain.  If I'm hashing & rehashing negative garb over in my mind…clearly, that's what's likely to come out.

So, how…how do we keep our words positive?  

1 — Stop complaining!  Often our first response to life's disappointments is to whine and complain.  Don't!  It's a destructive way of thinking and behaving.  Complaining affects everything, especially our prayer lives.  If you and I can't even pray without griping there is no way the everyday conversations we're having are positive.  Say no to complaining!

2 —  Know your weaknesses!  If you're a person that is affected negatively by something in your life, get rid of it.  Stay away from the basement people & things that threaten to pull you down.  Bad habits, angry relationships, jealousies, stressful situations…all of it, avoid participating.  You'll be surprised just how much energy these things suck from you and turn your attitude sour.

3 — Tame your tongue!  Psalm 34:13 says, "Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit".  In the book of James, the writer tells how the tongue is a little member but it boasts great things.  It's like a fire and it defiles the whole body.  Everything we say that is mean or unkind, wounds & destroys. It takes practice and the best way to do that is BITE YOUR TONGUE when you start to speak out of line.  Not kidding!

I knew I'd be facing difficulty as soon as I hit publish on my 31 days topic.  Throughout my writing this post, I was surrounded by excited girls watching the season opener of the tv show, Revenge.  But, I pressed on.  Afterall, I didn't want to miss the show either.  At the same time, my youngest daughter was baking chocolate chip scones as a treat.  The timer kept going off and the show put on pause…over & over.  By the time the show was over, half of the scones were a lot little browned.  When I saw them laying there on the pan my eyes and mouth spoke at the same time—>they're burnt!

Later, as I was in the bathroom…I could hear my baking girl talking with her dad in the kitchen.  He saw her scones on the pan too.  He said, "Those look good!".  Immediately, she responded with, Mom says they're burnt!  Ouch!  While I didn't mean to hurt her with my words, I did.  Oh how I wished I could've bit my tongue on that one.  My one little line of words hit like a ton of bricks on my sweet girls heart.  Day 1 lesson for me?  Zip it, Queenie and apologize to the cook…asap!

Looking for some great resources to help curb your negative vocabulary?  Try this.

Change Your Words, Change Your Life by Joyce Meyer.

 Positive words build us up.

31 Days Links

31 Days To A Positive Attitude

Sunday, September 30th, 2012

Have you ever thought about improving yourself? Oh, I bet you've probably wanted to lose a little weight or tried a new hair-do…but what about your attitude?  Have you ever really thought about investing in some personality self-improvement?  If you're anything like me, then you've probably experienced some disappointment that directly resulted from your attitude.  It can make a person feel miserable (at least me, anyways) and if we're being honest here, it can really make the people around us feel miserable.

As much as I hate saying it, I will — I don't want to be that girl, the one with the rotten attitude.  But sometimes, I am!

Did you know that having a positive attitude can actually improve your health, emotions, relationships  career & even finances?  It's true, it can!  Over the next 31 days, I'm challenging you (AND ME) with tips, helps and downright must do ideas to have a POSITIVE ATTITUDE!  I'm probably the last person on earth who should be handing out attitude advice…but when the Lord says, "Do it!"  I'm doing it!

So, buckle up bloggy friends and pray for me as I move forward this whole month of October writing solely about attitudes.  You can bet your sweet biffy, there will be challenges along the way.  The devil will be seeking me out, specifically firing his negative darts right towards me and my own attitude.

My prayer is that someone (anyone) will make the change in attitude that's stopping them from living a life that is full of joy & peace.  I'm planning on being honest with you because that's all I've got and hiding behind a blog will not help either of us.  So some of my posts may be a window into attitude weaknesses that I'm not so proud of.  What I'm saying is…I'm dying to self here.  A positive attitude at the end of 31 days will be totally worth it!


What is 31 days?  Go HERE and find out.  I'll be joining The Nester and a ton of other cool bloggers by linking up everyday and spilling out my attitude mojo goodness.  You're sure to find something there to challenge you and teach you something new.