Posts Tagged ‘Broken Bow Lake’

Mama Goes Camping

Sunday, June 12th, 2016


When I hang out with these two….I get a double dose of dudemones. They like to do guy stuff: sweat, work, drive fast, chase adventure, throw caution to the wind, pew pew guns, live off the land….manly man things!

hotter than h

And camp. They both love to camp.

I love camping too. However, I have a few requirements and they include things like running water and electricity. This campsite? No to both. πŸ™

Maybe I’m more of a glamper.

mama jeep

Good thing these photos are not scratch and sniff because we stinketh!

jumped in

Lizzy got a little anxious and jumped in the raging river.

We chose a great park right on the Mountain Fork River which is next to Broken Bow Lake – Beavers Bend State Park. I’ve never been to Oklahoma even though it’s merely a few miles away from my hangout in Texas.

Bucket list, check!

beavers bend

10 steps from our picnic table we could step right into this icy little paradise.

fly fish

Throughout our stay the river evolved into many different forms of beautiful. The heat just stayed H O T. We were sweaty and sticky with nowhere to shower off. Like savages! πŸ™‚

river fog

It really was as peaceful as it looks.


Peeking back up at camp from the river. The steady stream rustling through the rocks was the most amazing sound. It almost drowned out the noisy camper neighbors – but not totally. There are rules in most campgrounds about noise, here, not so much. Several guys (who were very friendly guys) stayed up most of the night partying to our right side and on the left a group of ladies honked their Escalade lock button open and closed a million times right beside our tent all night. It was a real bummer. Mixed with the fire hot heat.

Roughing it, y’all. I guess going without wifi is a big deal too. I thought it was cool to leave that behind a while.


Bike riding like champs. A little bit of it uphill. Promised myself to get into shape before I kill myself doing something fun.


There is no camping without a good fire. Hello? S’mores!

river bed

Aren’t the rocks amazing? I had to stop myself from stealing a carload to bring home. I have a thing….about rocks.


I got up bright and early because everyone else in the camperhood was up and packing to go. We had breakfast plans too.

wifi cafe

We should have taken the hint because while we were eating breakfast at the Wifi Cafe the rain started to fall and we had to scramble back to camp and tear everything down. Gavin was in his jeep without a top so he headed home as soon as he could grab a few things.

We stepped into a whole nother level of scummy by this point.

Even the guys were dreaming of a hot shower. Ha!

sacked out

Lizzy did not have any trouble getting comfortable during the night. She slept, sideways on the blowup mattress.

home ag

After she got her bath (yes, she showered too) Lizzy fell asleep and wouldn’t budge.

Gracie too.

gracie out

I think maybe they like GLAMPING too. Hehe!

We had a great time. It was fun new territory and we would love to go back.