Posts Tagged ‘crowds’

Friday the 13th? Is That You?

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

I'm not superstitious….at all!  But our trip to Indy on Friday the 13th was a true test of my belief system (not my faith in Christ) just the fact that crazy stuff goes on at weird times. 

It was a wild ride, to say the least.

I've mentioned a time or two that I HAVEN'T LEFT MY HOUSE all summer.  The trip to Tennessee in June (weekend wedding) has been the extent of my traveling journeys.  I was super psyched about going to Indy for the night with my hubby and our girls.  It was a last minute plan.  Our girls had concert tickets for a show on Friday night right downtown…so I thought tagging along and staying at a great hotel in the area would make for a fun weekend.

The girls have been working hard all summer and this was a chance to get-away with them and enjoy ourselves. 

The morning should've been a sign that there was trouble on the horizon.  I learn slow….so no to that idea, mm'k?

–Hubby backed into son's car.  No damage, just a charged up beating heart that got me kick-started into stressin' a little early.

–Drove 35 minutes in the HOTTEST car I've ever ridden in and that was just the first few miles of our trip.  Who knew such a hot ride awaited us?  Hubby spent an hour working on his car in a Walmart parking lot (and if I know him…he was pleading with God to make that sucker work) while the hot afternoon sun beat down on him.  We sat in a Subway restaurant wondering where in the world he was.  Good news–he got it working and off we went!  Whew!

–Interstate crazies!  I kid you not…the traffic was like a scene out of a wild movie.  People were hogging up the left lane, driving slowly and the "lead foot driver's" were weaving in and out of traffic…coming in on you from the right (because everybody knows…they are the only cars on the road that have somewhere to go, right?) nearly causing several accidents.  It was  T E N S E !!

–Missed the turn to head downtown Indy.  Rerouted back through the industrial area.  Then drove around trying to show the girls the way to their concert from our hotel.  It was a bust.  But we tried anyway. I'm learning, some things just have to be experienced on your own. I worry way too much!

–Arrived at our nice expensive hotel and it seemed like total chaos. The valet guys were running around and cars were parked all willy-nilly. This isn't the sort of place where you unload yourself and trudge into the hotel. But that's sort of what we had to do. I don't know why…but this really got under my skin and stressed me out. But, I had no idea what I would face once inside that lobby.

–While hubby is checking us in at the desk, I wait over near the doors. All of the sudden, it was like someone had opened the floodgates of a NFL football game arena. Tall, sweaty boys (young men)…HUNDREDS OF THEM! I am not exaggerating when I say hundreds…came walking across the lobby in droves. All heading to the elevators. Which is where we were heading too. Except they overpowered us and walked all over us. They pushed past us as if we were furniture to get their turn on the elevator. Me nerves? Were frazzled! It took us 20 minutes just to get to our room.

–The plan to enjoy the pool/hot tub while the girls were gone to their concert? Yea, right….did you read that last paragraph? Hundreds of football boys beat us to the punch! frown

The whole day was a challenge. I told my family that I was feeling uber stressed and that I was sorry. I had these big hopes for fun and escape but the craziness of the day seemed to push all that in a corner. Dang my high-strung personality!!

All was not lost.  After the girls left, hubby and I hit the streets.  We shopped around town a little bit and then decided to look for some place to eat dinner.  I knew I needed something a little different than usual and that's when some guy steps out of a bar & grill type place and says, "Hey, we're selling our appetizers for 1/2 price and they feed two people…wanna come in?"

Best decision, all day!  We had a great dinner and were all alone until we finished and started to leave.  The food was great, the service fantastic and the environment soothing!  It was just what I needed to "chill the heck" out!  We walked back to the Marriott our hotel and relaxed for the rest of the night.

We slept in, had Starbucks for breakfast and hit the mall for some shopping!  Oh I almost forgot. Not only was there a NFL football camp for high school boys going on….we were also bombarded with a Cheerleading competition going on closeby.  There must have been a gazillion of the little painted-up-faced girlies with every member of their family running around Indy.  Everywhere we went, cheer girls & their entourage.  We shopped on.

I didn't say we were quitters! 

We ended our day with PF Changs because that's what we love to do when were downtown. Eat lettuce wraps! Worth the wait, cause that's what we had to do. I thought I'd be nice and ask for a booth instead of a table. We waited, we waited and then kept waiting. The hostess tells us WE'RE NEXT and then comes back to say that the manager gave our table away. What are the chances?

Is it me?  hehe!

Ally & Gates riding the luggage rack back downstairs.  We take all opportunities to party.


A pose before they head out to see Vampire Weekend ( a band ).  Which they loved.  Both had a great time and were glad they came.  Me too!


These benches were so cool.  We decided that everyone should decorate their house with cool ottomans and lounge chairs.  It's chic!



What I came home with–It's important NOT to get too worked up over little things.  If you let every little troubling detail invade your mind/heart/feelings eventually you'll be left with disappointment.  Our flesh is mushy and we can't always fight off the garb that comes our way.  God knows this and reminds us in scripture, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart…LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING…in all your ways, acknowledge HIM and HE WILL MAKE YOUR PATH STRAIGHT" Proverbs 3:5-6.

So next time you plan something exciting…don't set yourself up for stress.  Go with it, trust the Lord to handle the little stuff and HAVE FUN!  Even when some Dukes of Hazzard driver cuts you off.  Smile and wave!  You're going to get where you're going eventually!