I was in a hurry. It had been a long day already and I still had to get home and let the dogs out. She just sat there with her car door opened blocking the parking spot I was trying to pull into. I gave a little toot (really, it was a tiny honk) and she quickly grabbed her door. When I pulled beside her….I smiled and said, "Sorry!". Hoping for an acknowledgement of her mistake.
She didn't see it the same way as me. Her perception (I'm guessing) was that I was being the jerk.
How do we give it? How do we acquire it?
Later, after I finally made it home and started supper…I realized that I had left my hottest curling iron on all day long. Not only was it left on, it was sitting close to some rather flammable items. I instantly thought back to the parking spot moment. The one where I snarled my lip (after I didn't get the grace I thought I deserved) and thought angry thoughts towards the car door gal.
If anybody needed grace today, it was me. And more than that, I needed a lesson to remind me that giving grace is even more important than recieving it sometimes.
I don't have to tell you how thankful I am that my house didn't burn down today. God's grace covers me like a warm blanket. My goal, is to pass that grace along. My question for you…. Are you giving and recieving grace throughout your day? I'm learning, the best way to give grace….is to recognize [just how much of it] you need yourself.