Posts Tagged ‘Jessica McCann’

I’m Not Your Slave

Thursday, March 8th, 2012

I've been engrossed with a book for a few weeks.  I snagged it from Amazon for free thinking I'd read it when I had nothing else to occupy my life.  In other words, I thought it was just some mediocre fluff book that I would start and then ditch because of its lameness.

Oh no, I was once again reminded….never judge a book by its cover.

Jessica McCann has captured my heart with this story.  It is so well written.  I can't tell you how many dud books I've found lately.  Who is writing all that junk?  The biggest culprit of yuck writing has come from the chick lit genre.  Seriously, ladies?  I guess I'm holding you gals up to a standard that's too high.  I can't read garbage and I'll never understand why anyone else does either.  It feels so cheesey and pathetic.

In All Different Kinds of Free, the writer uses her brain and tells a sad story about slavery and the darkness it places on the human life.  I'm touched by her truthfulness and angered by it as well.  No one should ever be treated so horribly.  Every person is valuable….to other's and to God!  

I'm not finished reading the book yet…I have a little bit left to go.  I catch myself thinking about the characters (that's another sign of good writing) when I'm going about my daily life.  This pulls me back to the story….

Do you have a good book that has touched your heart forever?


Thank you Jessica McCann for writing with such class and honor.  Your book has opened my eyes & stopped my heart for the slaves who suffered at the hands of ignorance.

GoodReads Review