I love all things Lilly Pulitzer! Recently, I purchased the new 17 month pocket agenda in Luscious from Lifeguard Press! Only it won’t fit in MY pocket….cause it’s huge! So, don’t be fooled by the word “pocket”!
What do you think? Pretty, huh? I love it. I couldn’t wait to scribble my words all over inside it. I’ve been keeping an agenda/datebook/list thingy since I was a kid. Seriously! I have datebooks filled with my life from all the way back to high school. Gee, that sounds weird. I LIKE TO WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN, YA’LL!!
Anywho. I started going through it page by page as soon as it arrived. It’s full of sweet stickers and pages of monthly calenders as well as daily planner pages. Honestly, if you need to record it or write it down….there is a special page just for it. This book rocks!
I flipped every single page….ooooh-ing & aaahhh-ing and then I found a flaw. 🙁 Seriously, a flipped page IN MY NEW LILLY AGENDA!!! What in tarnation? I guess somehow in the binding process this one page was turned wrong and December/January is now inside out. Boo!
I zipped the company I ordered it from an email explaining the flaw and put it to the side. I wasn’t sure what I would need to do (possibly send it back or be stuck with it) until I heard back from Lifeguard Press. Since they’re closed over the weekend, I waited patiently.
I’m so happy to report that on Monday morning I received this message.
Hi Wanda,
I hope you are doing well! I’m so sorry to hear that your agenda had some pages upside down and backwards. This has not been a common defect with our agendas and it seems maybe there must have been an error when the pages were binding together at our manufacturer. I will not be asking you to send back the defective agenda, rather just keep it as a spare or discard of it if you would like, I have entered a new order for a replacement agenda to be shipped to you at no cost, it should ship out the first half of this week sometime. If there is anything else I can help you with please let me know. Have a great day!
Best wishes
I love that! I mean, really. If you’ve done business with anyone lately surely you’ve come across some flub in customer service along the way. I was blown away by the quick response and the willingness to “handle” the problem. None of that, send it back to us and we’ll send you another one stuff! They simply just took care of it! Yea, Lifeguard Press! You guys are seriously on top of things! Being helpful and nice about it really says a lot about your company. Thank you from the bottom of my Lilly-loving heart!
Oh and how can you not love this company…..their motto reveals a little peek into how they roll!
Do what you love and love what you do!