Posts Tagged ‘out of shape’

Death by Turbo Fire

Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

May I begin this post by confessing….. I make no claim to be a super star health nut.  I haven't worked out in a very long time.  Like, I can't remember doing any "aerobic" type movements other than walking in many months.

I AM OUT OF SHAPE!  shame shame shame

So, to show you just how desperate I am….I joined some other gals today and played like I could "do it to" and worked out to a tape of TURBO FIRE!  Also now known in my heart as TURBO KILLER!  There are no words to describe how awkward I felt trying to jab and double time and to-the-right all while not looking like a complete grandma.

Which I totes did.  Just call me Myrtle.  I am old.

The video had no warm up.  Who's not stretching?  Geez, is that out these days?  I feel like I'm lost in the world of hot workouts.  I should have been keeping up with that, huh?  Anyway, by the first fire alarm (which gets super intense at that point) I was huffing & puffing!  Begging for mercy!

By the time I escaped got out of there, I was sweating and my heart was pounding.  Which says to me….that Turbo Fire is either going to kill me or make me stronger!

Come on body….you can do it!