Posts Tagged ‘page’

Miss G goes to Indy

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Olivia & Ally after lunch at the mall

If there ever was a kid that loved the world of politics more….I haven’t met them!  Miss Ally is probably the only high school girl I know that leaves Foxnews on… her choice of tv viewing.  I can’t judge her, I’m addicted to it myself.  But she’s a teenager for goodness sake!  One of her dreams is to go to law school someday and then enter the world of politics.  Why?  I don’t know.  But she loves it!

Yesterday, she and a classmate (Olivia) were honored by serving as pages at the Indiana State House under Representative Dave Cheatham.  She was so excited!  It wouldn’t be her first trip to the Statehouse.  She’s been there before with the JCYL leadership group.  This is her kind of thing.  This girl, could run that place if she were hired to work there.  She’s got what it takes to jump in and do whatever is needed.  I like that about her!     🙂

After a great day of “serving” they were pooped! We did a little shopping after walking through the underground tunnel to the mall. So, who can complain about working downtown? By the mall? Umm, certainly no one from my family! While in Circle Center mall, she was determined to go to the Colts store (ok, so was I) and look for a jersey to wear on Friday to Colts day at school. JACKPOT! She found a Dallas Clark 44 in her size! Except….it had something on it! Bummer! We couldn’t quite tell what it was….so the manager said, “20% off?” and we said “YES, thankyouverymuch!”.

It was a great day! She hopes to make many more trips like this in her future. She’s a go-getter kind of gal….so I bet there will be more to come. Thank you to Rep. Cheatham (who once was a beloved co-worker of mine at JCHS) for hosting my girl and giving her a superior experience of the business of our Indiana government! Wow! It was really cool!

Busy Indy city street beneath them