Posts Tagged ‘Pastor Mat’

Foot Of The Cross

Sunday, October 17th, 2010

Today, we drove over to Bloomington to visit our sweetboy and attend church with him. It was great! He’s involved in a college church plant called Foot Of The Cross. {Thank you Indiana Southern Baptists for such a ministry} He plays in the worship band and helps set up early on Sunday mornings. Pretty cool, huh? I mean, hello? He’s a 20 year old college dude……sleeping in on a Sunday morning sounds more like what he would rather do. But, not him. He really likes his church and the people who lead it. So, 6:30am is his wake-up & get rolling call.

I’m so glad we went. The worship was genuine and the preaching solid. It felt comfortable and challenging at the same time. I loved the way Pastor Mat taught about the power of the Holy Spirit and spoke bravely about living to testify. Great words for an old Christian like me and for the new.

It was a great day! Thank you FOTC folks for making us feel so welcomed and for loving on our boy. As a parent who’s had to let that first chick out of the nest… feels amazing to know there are wonderful followers of Jesus reaching out and ministering to him.

Dear Lord
I lift up this church and its ministry to you. May they continue to grow and bless those you’ve placed in their path. I can see your hand all over what they’re doing. Thank you for the many who love you and share you every week at FOTC. I’m extra thankful for what they’re doing to minister to my son. What a blessing!

Gates & Gavin sipping complimentary Starbucks at Barnes & Nobles