Posts Tagged ‘shoes’

Weird Shoes

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Can we be honest? Sorry if I step on some toes. Ha! Pun intended.

Weird shoes are just grody!

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If you search “weird shoes” on Pinterest, look out. The crazy style trends will blow your dang mind. Not in a good way either.

Unless, stuff like that is your thing.

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Which brings me to the WHY? Why are people wearing shoes like this?

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I have no words.

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Here’s where I lay it out there, I loathe the skanky look of platform hooker heels. Who thought this was a classy design? Sorry, girls who love these clowny looking dudes. Ladies, you don’t look sexy. You look awkward and even slutty. There, I said it.

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Does anyone else remember those strange Bratz dolls? They had the wacky GIGANTIC shoes? That’s what I’m reminded of when I see women/girls clomping around (always standing with normal shoe wearing people) in these odd “high heels”.

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Freak show. No one is taking this seriously, are they? The look?

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And…while we’re talking hot fads, please say NO to gladiator sandals. No one is pulling off the lace up the leg look. Unless you are named Gisele. Gisele can do it. Not you, not me and not your friend.

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Honestly, how can these feel comfy? Blech! It’s like, trying to be sexy and direct the eye of every onlooker right at your legs. Unless you have FANTASTIC legs and those are hard to come by, obviously. You’re not going to want everyone oogling your odd or out of shape legs.

Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not lumping the whole world into a one size fits all category. I get it, some people can wear certain things. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean…they SHOULD wear them.

Many factors go into dressing our bodies every single day. Weird shoes, not cool. I’m all for something cute and sassy, I’m not a total fuddy-dud! Age appropriate, classiness and even comfort all play a giant role in the look each of us should consider.

Don’t fall into a fad. Stick to what’s classic. Trust me, I know stuff. Weird shoes are a fashion No-no!

Oh my word! I have to tell you what I just watched on the news as I was about to click publish. A warning to people wearing SKINNY JEANS!!!

The segment focused on people who wear skinny jeans for long periods of time. A woman was hospitalized due to the effects of numb feet and other “injuries” caused by the tight jeans. Haha. Oh wow! So, there’s that. You’re welcome fashionista’s!!

It’s All About the Shoes

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

It’s fun having girls.  I love sharing clothes and shoes (not everything, don’t panic)!  I really love spending the day shopping with them and watching them make creative choices on a shoestring budget.  They are good, ya’ll!  Definitely a gene shared with mama!

Ally had to work today (TJ Maxx) running the dressing rooms.  Not always the most fun since you’re sort of stuck off by your lonesome in boresville!  But the Lord had a little entertainment planned for her while she suffered through.  A young mom was shopping with her toddler and baby.  The toddler wobbled over to the shoe section and with all her strength pulled down a pair of high heels.  From the looks of it (to Ally) she hadn’t been walking all that long.  She proudly tells her mama to “Look shoes!”.  Mama keeps shopping and answers, “Oh yea!”.  What happens next just blows Ally’s mind.  She takes off her shoes, lines up the high heels side-by-side and slips her tiny little socked footsies right in.  Ally got such a giggle out of it and just couldn’t believe a baby would be so fascinated at such a young age with girly shoes.

To that I say…..DUH, GIRL!  hehe!

Actually, I smiled at her and flashed back to all the times she and her sister slipped their little fat feet into my heels.  There’s just something about those things.  A girl sees everything in a pair of shoes.  From her outfit to where she’ll wear them…to who she’ll see and how they’ll SEE HER!  I knew from the get-go my girls were full-blooded prissy pants.  It just came natural.  Just like it did for little miss toddler girl today.  Girls love shoes.  And who cares if they hurt?  If they look good, they’re worth it!

When it came time to go, the mommy said, “Put the shoes back” and she picked both up with all her muscles and stretched to place them back on the rack.  What that mommy doesn’t know is that very soon she’ll have a bit more trouble getting her to part with them.  Right, moms?

The grow up so fast…