Archive for March, 2010

She Speaks…..and I’m listening

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

It’s that time again. The time Proverbs 31 Ministries begin promoting their amazing conference, She Speaks! Every single year, I fantasize that I’ll be a participant. I can’t help but click on all the links and read what so many precious women of God have to say about their own dream of attending She Speaks. Then, I can’t help but pray for them to go too. I’m just a big softie!

If I were loaded……girls, we’d all be going to North Carolina in July! Seriously!

I’ve been dreaming of writing a book for as long as I can remember. It’s something I just can’t get out of my brain. Some would say it’s an obsession…..and I’d have to agree. I want to see my words on more than a mama blog! I just can’t escape the desire. It’s real and until Jesus says…”Stop it!” I’m going to keep trying to make it happen.

Speaking to women is a passion that will not leave me alone either. My heart’s desire is to see women walk in victory and to grow even closer to God through His truths. If that means using me and my flawed life to share…..I’m glad to do it. But when you hear the voice of the Creator of all saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” how great is that joy to be able to say, along with the prophet Isaiah, “Here am I! Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)

My trust is completely in Christ. If God wants me to be at She Speaks…..girlfriend, I’ll be there! He has a perfect plan and I want to be a part of it. So, I’ll get out of the way…..and let Him work!

Thank you Lysa for the scholarship opportunity! Your ministry is such a blessing to me and so many others. God bless you, friend!

Yeehaw…..I’m so excited!

I have a teenage daughter that would be a great candidate for Next Generation. We could make it a fun mother/daughter trip!

Oh healthcare!

Monday, March 22nd, 2010

I’ve been ill today with a killer headache! My sweetboy had to head back to IU for the remainder of the semester and I was trying to help him pack up his things….when the electricity went off! It’s pretty annoying to try to find things when it’s dark and gloomy outside and even darker inside. I felt sure we’d forget some things….I haven’t heard yet if we did.

He’s there….I’m here and stuff can just wait. He’ll be home before ya know it. After the weekend’s healthcare news, I think he’s sorry for dreaming of becoming a doctor. I must admit, it does give one cause to worry. Afterall, that’s a lot of “EDUCATION” to work through only to come out and work at the government’s pleasure. For peanuts!

Two years ago, life as my family knew it….changed! Not only did my pastor hubby walk away from a toxic church situation….we also lost our health insurance. We have been without since then. Scary, huh? Tell me about it. I don’t recommend it…..but what can you do? The company he works for is small and doesn’t provide any benefits other than a weekly salary. The four months without a job…..remind me that what we have is A BLESSING! Insurance or not!

The current situation in my family still doesn’t warrant me to the desperation of what Congress passed Sunday. I will never want government provided healthcare. Not now….not ever! I’d rather work (like I do right now) and pay cash (like I do each time I go to the doctor) than to be told “no” to whatever the government decides they will or will not treat.

I can’t help but think…..we are in trouble as a country! Just wait and see.

I can’t seem to wrap my brain around it. But Lord, nothing escapes your view. Help us, save us from ourselves. Our country is in quite a predicament. Everyday it just seems a bit worse. All I can think is….come quickly Jesus! We need you!

And the celebration ends…

Saturday, March 20th, 2010

Remember, it’s been a birthday week around here. We like to drag out the celebrations as long as we can. Last night, was the finale!

The theme? THE 80’s

Everyone dressed up in their best 80’s outfit and came ready to eat, dance and hot-tub it up at the G-way house! They seemed to have a great time and we (the old parents) did too.

Turning 17 is really cool! Especially when you can have a few friends over to help you ring it in with style! As you will soon see…..

All I can say is…..FLASHBACK!!


Happy 17th Birthday Ally…..we love you so much! πŸ™‚

Happy Birthday Ally

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

I love her!

It’s your special day, Miss Ally! I know how much you love your birthday! I do too. It’s always so much fun watching you come up with ways to celebrate turning another year older. You’re all about a party, girl! That makes me so proud!

You’re just like your mama! πŸ™‚

This year, you’re turning 17! I’m struggling to even accept it! You’re still a baby… me! Not like a “wha wha” baby….just young. I’m so proud of you! I know that growing up is part of life. I’m just trying to let it happen gracefully. You’re very important to us. And we’re so thankful that God put you in our family.

I pray that today you feel the love from the people that matter most to you! And I hope you like your dinner & gifts! You’re worth more than rubies!

I love you.

Cause I am good at random…

Monday, March 15th, 2010

This week is full! Everyday, packed! It’s Ally’s birthday week. I say week….because it’s on Wednesday (17th) and she wants to celebrate with us, her cherished family unit that night. Then, really party on Friday night with the cool people in her life known as teenager friends! At our house!

Lame! πŸ™‚

I have to work all week. My house is disgustingly dirty. Stuff needs to be done. I’ve been sick forever. A good party requires lots of planning and cooking. Which was no big deal when I stayed home for a living. But now….it’s tricky! I need some energy & stamina! And a maid!

Also, she has some things on her wish list that just crack me up. These make her preppy daddy so happy and she wants them. He’s been a fan of these since high school (the 80’s).

The other dream item has become my ebay watchdog job! Vera Bradley sure knows how to snag a girl’s heart. This backpack is adorable! The bids are getting tight so we’ll see if we win or not. Oh the excitement of it all!

On another note….cause I like to bounce around on all topics. Two weekends ago was the Ladies Retreat at Zenas Baptist Church. It fell on the day we lost our Mamaw (so it was quite a zinger of a day). I haven’t had a chance to blog about it or post any pictures but I wanted to say it was fantastic! Those ladies know how to retreat! I felt so welcomed as their guest speaker. They were fun, warm and full of love.

God really blessed me…..and I was there for them. The Fruit of the Spirit was a great topic too. Thank you sweet friends of Zenas. I hope you plan to retreat every year!

Don’t forget

Sunday, March 14th, 2010

Yesterday, a little reminder came in the mail. We received our monthly Reader’s Digest. For the entire 20 years of our marriage, we’ve never purchased one issue. Mamaw made it her gift to us. We all love reading it and over the years have shared stories from the pages that touched us or made us laugh. It’s a family favorite!

What would we do when she was gone? We’d have to make a decision. Order our own subscription or stop reading it? When I pulled it out of the mailbox yesterday….I had a sudden reminder that she was gone. But something she had done for us (out of love) was still blessing us.

{Thank you, Mamaw}

A similar thing happened to me when I lost my own grandmother over 20 years ago. Her death was a complete shock to us all. My grandfather was very ill and in the hospital. She was home doing little things to occupy her time until my aunt would arrive to take her to see him. She paid some bills, wrote out a birthday card for me and put the laundry in the dryer. Then, she went to her chair in front of the window to wait. Moments later my Aunt Marilyn arrived to take her to the hospital. But, she was already gone. I still think about how hard that must have been for my aunt. She could hear the dryer running in the other room. It was clear….she hadn’t been gone long.

It was one of the hardest season’s of my life. My grandmother was wonderful to me. I like to believe…..I was her favorite! If I wasn’t…..she hid it pretty well. She took great care of me and always told me how much she loved me. I know that she was so proud of me (just for being me). I loved everything about her. She was a simple gal! But she made you feel so special.

After I returned home from the funeral…I found her birthday card in the mail. It nearly knocked me down. I was reeling from grief….but this simple, last act of love for me was a treasure. I know that I was one of the last things on her mind. That gave me such hope!

(I miss you, Granny)

I believe that everything happens for a reason. I’m not quite ready to know all those reasons. God strategically arranges things with that in mind. Someday, I’ll be reunited with those I’ve loved and lost. Until then, I’ll keep working on my own legacy.

Legacy by Nichole Nordeman

I don’t mind if you’ve got something nice to say about me
And I enjoy an accolade like the rest
You could take my picture and hang it in a gallery
Of all who’s who and so-n-so’s that used to be the best
At such’n’such … it wouldn’t matter much

I won’t lie, it feels alright to see your name in lights
We all need an ‘Atta boy’ or ‘Atta girl’
But in the end I’d like to hang my hat on more besides
The temporary trappings of this world

I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough
To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who
blessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy

I don’t have to look too far or too long awhile
To make a lengthly list of all that I enjoy
It’s an accumulating trinket and a treasure pile
Where moth and rust, thieves and such will soon enough destroy

Not well traveled, not well read, not well-to-do or well bred
Just want to hear instead, “Well Done” good and faithful one…