Archive for April, 2010

Party Time!

Friday, April 9th, 2010

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Welcome fellow Ultimate Blog Party friends! I’m glad you popped over. Anybody that knows me (personally) will attest…..I’m a PARTY animal! If you’re planning to have some F U N… I want to be there. So, when I heard about the Ultimate Blog Party going down over at 5 Minutes For Mom….. I was psyched! Actually, I said…. “I’m there”! πŸ™‚

A little about me (besides my tendancy to get a little wild!!). I’m old. Well, I am to my kids. They’re all cool teenagers, so that automatically makes me an ancient ruin in their eyes. What they don’t know is that I’m super cool in my circles. People dig me and like hanging out with me.

I love to laugh. It’s easy for me to find humor in most situations. It runs in my family. Funny stuff just happens to me and around me. Call me a fun magnet. I accept!

I’m married. For over 20 years (yes, I could sing that Barry Manilow song….Looks like we’ve made it) I’ve shared my growing up time with a guy who gets me. He understands that I’m not normal and that I sometimes need to be handled with kid gloves. He’s good at dealing with major PMS, rubbing aching legs, digging tons of long hair out of the drain and loving me and my children with his whole heart! He’s a keeper, girls! He’s all mine! I didn’t even mention he was the original poster child of ADHD! So, if you wish to add me us to your prayer list….by all means, go ahead!

I’m a mom! The biggest dream ever. I couldn’t wait to be one. God blessed me with three of the world’s greatest kids. I love being around them and can’t believe I’m nearing the end of my raising them days. My oldest, Gavin is in college and the girls, Ally & Gates are both in high school (where I work). We are a very close family.

My husband is a minister. We’re originally from sunny Florida. All of our family is still there (I mean, why would they leave…right?). We moved to Indiana in 2000 to serve as pastor of a local church. Two years ago, my husband resigned from the church and has been working in the computer IT world (preaching interim positions when needed). Have we LEFT the ministry? We’re not really sure. We don’t believe so. But we’ve needed some healing and time away from it has been good. We want to obey God. So, we may or may not serve in full-time ministry again. God will decide.

I was diagnosed around 13 years ago with Fibromyalgia. I was 29 at the time and didn’t quite know what to do with it. Besides, make it or break it. I was a young mom with a house full of kids. I had no choice but to push on in spite of the pain. Today, I’m fairly healthy. I manage to work full-time and still function pretty well. Some days are harder than other’s but God has really kept me healthy. He knows what we can handle! I’m living proof!

I love blogging. I began my journey into this exciting world in April of 08. I was a frequent reader of Vicki Courtney’s blog and one day happened to notice that OTHER people had blogs too. Yea, DUH! I’m slow as they say in the south. I told my tech savvy hubby and he rolled his eyes. Why would a loving helpmate do that? Because he had been trying to talk me into something like blogging FOR A SWEET FOREVER that’s why! I just wasn’t listening. See? Slow!

I found a great designer and the rest is bloggy history! I love writing about my life, my family and what God is doing in my heart. There isn’t a topic that I avoid really. The one thing that I do not do on my blog is get raunchy! I realize that I have readers of all ages… my kids, my friends, relatives and strangers. I don’t want to mislead anyone into thinking that I’m willing to speak any old way just because I’m sitting at my computer and not right in the room with you. What you read here….is really me.

Here’s 10 things (if you care at this point) about me:

1) I love shopping!
2) My dream is to be at home full-time again.
3) I’m a great cook!
4) I wish I lived on the beach!
5) My favorite car is an Escalade! (heck no, I don’t have one!)
6) I love to sing! (so do all my kids!!)
7) I think my husband is the best preacher!
8) My dogs get on my nerves…but I love them so much!
9) I miss my kids when we’re apart. (Even at school) weird, I know
10) My idea of a great day….is going somewhere fun with my family!

I hope you’ve met some great people while hopping around on the UBP. I’m so glad you stopped by and I can’t wait to snoop around at your place! Come back and see me. There’s always something going on with me.
Oh and those prizes?!! Wow! Go check them out, ya’ll!

I would love to have:(but…I’d take any prize)
Grand Prize Toshiba (duh)
US 18 Mom Basket
US 32 Target giftcard
US 39 Hilton stay (yea baby)
US 40 Holiday Inn (send me somewhere)
US 72 Wii Your Shape

The Great BreakOut!

Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

This Sunday, my family has a portrait sitting downtown. It’s part of a fundraiser for a local church. I bought the sitting to help a student with camp this summer. I’m not that good of a mom that I’d just go out and set up a family portrait. I’m not that organized, actually. So, I took the opportunity to bless and be blessed in this situation.


Both my teen girls and I have had major blemish attacks! Why this week? Huh? It’s crazy! When I say….blemish, I mean big honkin killer pimples!! ON OUR FACES!!! For real! I’m so aggrevated! Who wants to look like a zit-face in their family picture? Not any of us (vain chicks!!). We were focusing on something cute to wear all week… we’re praying for the heavenly zit healer to work magic on our F A C E S !! πŸ™‚

I’ll let you know how it goes. Darn hormones!

Why I like having teenagers…

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

They keep me entertained! Ok, so I’m pretty lame! But check out this impromptu dance routine!
I think they have a chance at an audition for Glee! πŸ™‚

My daughter, Ally and her dance partner Brad….really know how to throw down some serious choreography! I’m secretly learning all these moves for the next wedding I attend. Girlfriend’s gonna busta move!

Basketball & PMS

Monday, April 5th, 2010

I’ve had a stressful day. I can’t really pin it down to anything specific (besides the fact that I’m hormonal!!) it’s just been wacky! Or should I say, I’ve been wacky! I started feeling crummy last night as I was heading to bed. My head was pounding and I had that nervous shaky feeling. I was anxious and that’s not a good thing to be AT BEDTIME!!

Tonight my heart is heavy with stuff. One daughter is happy about her upcoming senior year and being selected to perform again with the Touch of Class while my baby girl struggles through hearing a “no”. Hard stuff, ya’ll! Really. I’m trying hard as a mom to encourage her to gracefully roll with it. Easy for me to say….I’m not in her shoes. Remember my post this past week on hearing no? Yea, me too.

Life is complicated. But God knows best and He really does have a plan that is perfect for each of us. “No” is not to be feared, it is another way of saying….something else! I pray for both my girls as they navigate these waters of life. My biggest wish for them as that they would trust God and His wisdom. He’s got this!

The Butler Bulldogs face Duke tonight and all of Indiana is alive with excitement. Including me! The game is just about to start so I’m hurrying through this post. I know you probably don’t care much about college basketball….but this is INDIANA and Indiana is ALL ABOUT BASKETBALL! πŸ™‚

Maybe a victory will cure my PMS! πŸ™‚

WHAT IS THE DEAL? Last night’s post was messed up (hence the reason there is only a money tree on my last post!!). I had written about my week of money fasting! It was a good one!
Now…something is wrong with this post too.
I can’t get this permalink thingy off of the entire post.
Sorry! I must go watch some basketball! Must be the hormones!

Give up whaaa?

Sunday, April 4th, 2010

He is not here….

Sunday, April 4th, 2010

He has risen….

He has risen indeed!