Archive for May, 2010

He’s coming home

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

My sweetboy took his last final today.  His first year away at college went fairly well (for both of us).  Last year at this time, I was beginning to feel pretty anxious for what was ahead.  The unknown!  I couldn’t imagine him not being in my house and under my constant care.  He had always been with me…

I was having a conversation with my 17 year old daughter today.  She pointed out how I treat her differently than her brother (he’s older).  In her opinion, I don’t hold him to the same fire as her (it always looks like that to teens).  It feels like he gets away with murder (uhh yea right…ask him).

It’s hard being a mom!   🙂

I wanted to defend myself.  It seems that’s all I do in this current stage of my life.  But then I realized, that’s how she sees things.  She’s not a mom.  She doesn’t have pieces of her heart growing up and moving out of her nest yet.  Someday, she’ll understand so much of what she sees as unfairness now.  I’ve been in her shoes.

It’s hard being a teenager!   🙂

I’m feeling pretty happy right now.  By the time I get home from school….my grown up son will be home!  He’ll drag in tons of junk (we moved most of his stuff home at the beginning of the week).  Then, I’ll spend the weekend trying to put away and wash his smelly stuff.  Yes, I’ll make him help!  But what I’ll be feeling….is ahhhh, he’s back!

I’ll sleep peacefully, once again!  Thank you, Lord.

Me + all my chicks in the nest = YAY!!


Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

I really want to blog! Seriously! I want to be able to SIT DOWN and write out some deep thoughts. I have so much to say and I even had my courage up tonight to really say some stuff that I’ve been holding back on.

I was feeling frisky! Or is it free? Either way, I was planning on letting it spill out on my blog post! But, then I had a kid that needed help with an essay for English. Yea, total buzz kill! For sure! Instead of sharing my heart of heart feelings…..I helped come up with biblical comparisons for the novel Lord of the Flies.

{Um, hello…..creepy sad story!!}

So, it’s settled. I go to bed and sleep with the angels. I can’t be up any later pounding on the keys of my pink pal. The Holy Spirit has interrupted and sidetracked me to other things. Things that I clearly needed to do more. Thank you, Lord!

Maybe soon I’ll get my courage up and write what’s going on in my wild heart! It may take some time…..I’m still grappling with how to just say it!
Until then, I’ll rest in knowing God has a plan and a time for everything! Including blog posts!

An Enchanted Evening

Sunday, May 2nd, 2010

The theme for prom….was not coincidental! The evening really was a night of enchantment! Everyone buzzing with excitement and dressed in their most beautiful attire. It proved to be an event to remember!

For our community, we were under rainy weather watch. Believe it or not, the entire day went by minus the predicted storms. As we were driving home at 2:30am (from after prom) rain drops finally began to fall! {thank you, Lord}

Here’s the evening in pictures. Remember to see the whole photo, just click on it! 🙂

It appears….everyone had fun! Even the prom slaves! 🙂
What a great way to end junior/freshman year, right girls? 21 more days!!! Woohoo!