Archive for January, 2012

You’re Just Right

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

Being a girl is hard. Raising a few, even harder. I’ve been a mom long enough to know that what I do and say to my girls affects them forever. Now, I’ll be the first to admit…I’ve messed up a time or two and hurt my kids but it’s not because I wanted to. I can only blame my flesh and foolishness for the mistakes I’ve made. Thankfully, I have a Redeemer that’s willing to pick me back up (stretch me into His likeness) and set me on track again.

Isn’t forgiveness one of the greatest gifts?

I do a lot of reading on parenting and relationships. I like to see how other people feel about the stuff I’m going through in my own life. I’ve been influenced by many great author’s (Dr. Dobson, Dannah Gresh, Vicki Courtney, Beth Moore, Kay Arthur etc) when it comes to parenting. I trust them and their proven advice. I know they have sought God first and then written from their heart for you and me.

Recently, I read an article about how we talk to little girls. It took me right back to my own “little girl” days with my girls. They were so cute and everywhere I went someone would comment on their physical beauty. At the time I didn’t really think about the lasting affects of it. But, I realize now that were programmed to be beautiful. It’s what the world is screaming, along with being smart or popular.

Is that the message I want for my girls? Or yours?

I’ve got a better idea. Let’s teach our girls they are worthy. Not because of their appearance or their performance but because Christ made them that way. They aren’t to be loved based on the way they look or act–they are loved because they are JUST RIGHT IN THE EYES OF GOD!

As I look at photograph’s of my girls and I think of them separately each as a person. I see beautiful & unique young women. Each of them shaped a little differently inside and out. Both of them, FEARFULLY & WONDERFULLY MADE by a loving God who knew just what He was doing when he made them. How can I as their mother embolden them to live knowing they are HIS and not the world’s? That what they do or how they look isn’t what defines them?

By telling them the truth.

β€œGod loves YOU. There is nothing YOU can ever do to make Him love YOU more than He already does. There is nothing YOU can ever do to make Him love YOU less than He already does. He loves YOU perfectly. He loves YOU so much he wants to spend eternity with YOU. Who YOU are in Jesus is the only thing that matters; God loves YOU, He forgives YOU and has a wonderful plan for YOUR life, a plan to give YOU hope and a future. God loves YOU!”

Baby It’s Cold Inside

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

For the second morning this week (I’ve only had to get out of bed that many times) I’ve woke up freezing! Not just any kind of freezing, like….outside on the back porch kind of freezing! Only, it’s INSIDE!!

What in tar nation? By the way, did you know tarnation was a two-word word? Yea, me neither until I tried to type it on my iPhone yesterday and it would only recognize it as two words. Educational fact, I suppose. Or, stupid smartphone!

If you think I’m being dramatic…. Tell me, what is wrong with this picture?

This thermometer is inside my house. The temperature on the left is the weather inside and the one on the right outside. No wonder it feels like a winter blizzard when I get out of bed.


Note to self: Adjust the heat to come on earlier! The End.

How cold is it where you are? Unless you’re someplace tropical, keep it to yourself. I don’t have time for any seasonal depression right now. πŸ˜‰

Won’t You Be My Neighbor

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012

I’ve decided, I don’t deserve neighbors. I mean it. I’m too high-strung and anal!

I hate noises!

Leaf blowers, lawn mowers, motorcycles, SCREAMY kids (not playing kids, I like that! It’s the “bloody-murder-somebody-just-got-injured screams” I hate), 2+ hour talkers that come up to my porch if I go out to read, CHAINSAWS and my newest hated noise? Grumbling redneck jeeps that the owner cranks up about 45 minutes before he ever leaves! Uhh, goodbye gasoline!

It roars, rumbles and shakes my whole house.

See, I’m horrible and crotchety! Or just an old grouch maybe?

Either way, I’ve made up my mind. WHEN I win that dang Dream Home from HGTV, I’m outtie! I’m moving to a secluded spot in the middle of nothing where no one can rattle my cage.

PS-if you are a neighbor to me, I apologize for my harshness. It’s really NOT YOU –> IT’S ME!! πŸ™‚ I actually do love my neighborhood and its residents! Really, I do.

Welcome back to the real world, friends. It’s back to work and busy schedules again. I hope you’ve enjoyed your holiday time with friends and family. I’ve been blessed and I’m betting you have to. God is good, huh? Even to grumpy neighbor ladies!

Big Dream

Monday, January 2nd, 2012

It’s officially kick off time for HGTV’s Dream Home. I love playing along every year. It’s fun to wish and dream with thousands of other participants through the months of January & February. How difficult is it to go online and ENTER TO WIN?

It’s really just a matter of remembering.

They get a little more advanced and forward thinking every year. It’s amazing the new products available to make “home” more savvy and cost-effective. If you haven’t watched or gone online to check out this year’s beauty, GO! It’s located in Utah and sure to have something that wow’s ya!

You’re welcome.

Now, I’ve got to run. It’s my last day of Christmas break and I’m decked out in my sweats to relax, read and goof off all day. πŸ˜‰

Don’t hate!

2 0 1 2

Sunday, January 1st, 2012

I’m ringing in the NEW YEAR today by eating great food and watching some good football by the fire! Saying goodbye to 2011 isn’t so hard. I’m actually looking forward to what the upcoming year has in store for me.

Aren’t you?

I’ve been blessed this last year and I’m not ashamed to say it. πŸ˜‰ My family has grown and changed in many ways. It’s been a blessing to hang on just a little longer to two of my babies while they commute to college nearby. Both of them will move on this year in the fall and I’ll be on a whole new level of “empty nest” crazy. It’s part of life, right?

Hubby and I spent NYE with our friends from small group. We went out for dinner at Olive Garden and then went back to their house for some fun. Just before we kissed 2011 goodbye, we played a little reflection game. Each of us picked a question out of a basket and had to share about moments/accomplishments/letdowns of the last year. It was a great THINKING game that forced each of us to really ponder how we lived our year.

Why do we waste precious time?

This next year, I hope to make some great improvements in who I am as a Child of God, a wife/mother and friend. I want to live more purposefully and I want to make each moment count for something good. I want to touch the people God puts in my path for the better. I want to please Christ with my words, my actions and my heart.

I’ve come up with some questions for myself and for you to manage the upcoming year. While I answer each very generally…I want you to know that I’m taking each one very seriously. I hope to be the best me this year.

–Have I made peace with my past?
This is important to me because as I’ve learned in a big way this year….life is fleeting and gone in an instant.

–Am I living my life to the best of my potential?
I want to stop dreaming of trying big things and just do them! I’m not happy spinning my wheels, are you?

–Am I doing things I love?
It’s a real bummer to be stuck in the same old routine. I’m planning to do fun stuff while I still can. I’m not getting any younger.

–Am I spending time with those that are most important to me?Who wants to regret moments missed? Not me. I hope to invest more carefully in time with those I love.

–Am I content with my job/finances/family dynamic/potential?I know the answer to this already. Yes and no! I want to kick it up a notch in each aspect.

–Am I satisfied with my current health?
Nope! I’m committed to better habits; foods, exercise and rest!

–Am I giving enough?
There’s real truth in “It’s better to give than to recieve”! I’m thankful to have the means to be generous and I’m proud to have giving children. Even when they get skipped….they never complain, they still want to bless other’s.

–How am I going to hold myself accountable?
I want to stick with my plan to succeed and I know if I don’t share it with someone else, I might get weak and give up. I plan to tell my family & friends to remind me when I fall apart.

–What is my mission?
I hope to share the gospel with someone new each month this year. How better to impact the world than to introduce someone to Jesus? I’m so thankful someone did that for me (so long ago).

–How will I point other’s to Him?
God has given me so many opportunities to love on people. The best thing I can do is keep doing it. I pray for my words & actions to help not hurt those God places in my path.

This is a good starting point. Each of us have obligations and dreams for the new year. With God’s help both can be the best they’ve ever been.

Are you ready?