Archive for January, 2012

Remember When

Friday, January 13th, 2012

On my drive to school this morning, a memory popped into my head. A song came on the radio and I flashed back to a day when I was riding in the car with my daughter, Ally. She has the funniest sense of humor and can always make me laugh (SHE IS ALMOST A CLONE OF HER DAD)! She made up her own hand signals to a Katy Perry song (don’t hate) and as we were driving along….she acted out the entire thing.


Here’s a portion of the lyrics that she used her sweet moves for—–>

“Cause you’re hot then you’re cold
You’re yes then you’re no
You’re in then you’re out
You’re up then you’re down

You’re wrong when it’s right
It’s black and it’s white
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up”

If you can just imagine her dancing in her seat as we rolled on down the road (yes, other cars could see us) with me laughing so hard I can barely see the road. Great memory!

It’s funny how things come back to us when we least expect it. What’s even funnier is what turns into a good memory that doesn’t seem so significant at the time. The lesson? Is to cling to special moments, all of them.

You never know when it’s going to show back up!

Don’t forget to have fun with your kids. They grow up so fast!

Happy long weekend, friends! It’s the first time in years I’ve gotten MLK day off. We’ve usually had several snow days by now. So, yeehaw!

My Fitness Pal

Thursday, January 12th, 2012

I downloaded this cool app on my iPhone last night and I’m already riddled with guilt! The app? My Fitness Pal. Google it, I linked to it but it popped up under my name and you don’t want to go there. It’s pretty amazing!


Once I registered all my information, it gave me a goal amount of calories for the day. [1200] Then, I started to record all that I had eaten that day….and I’m not an overeater (SERIOUSLY). By the time I was finished with dinner, I had a negative 241 calories to account for.


So, I’ve got some serious changes to make. I’m just hoping this guilt induced app will help me do it!

I don’t want to be a hundred-blah blah blah anymore!

PS- If you join MFP, my username is queenieslk! We can do it together. πŸ˜‰

Here’s a link: My Fitness Pal

A Real Mom

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012

Mom’s do it all. They manage the family, pay the bills, buy the groceries and hold everyone together. For me, I’ve often wondered how “some mom’s” get out of doing any of those jobs. Who are you people? My family would revolt! They’d starve, sit in the dark and cry themselves to sleep. (Yea, right!) No, they’d just go get fast-food, leave their trash everywhere and stay up all night playing on Twitter.


I’ve been low on groceries and you know what that means right? I have weird amounts of stuff that won’t quite make a real meal. The last two nights have been a hit or miss thing in the dinner department. I’ve whipped up some pretty good meals in spite of having little to work with. Which reminds me, isn’t God amazing how He provides? I’ve been too pooped to party grocery shop and still was able to feed my hungry people anyway.

After dinner last night (which I made lasagna roll ups) I couldn’t help but laugh–real mom’s know how to take care of stuff. We just do it! There isn’t time to fall out and grovel over what’s unavailable. We’re called to action! People are counting on us.

I wonder though…will my own chicks be able to do this someday?

Real Moms Know How To–

-Stretch a dollar
-Make a delicious meal out of 8 lasagna noodles, 1/2 a bag of meatballs & 1/2 a jar of sauce
-Wear the same few clothes so someone else can get new shoes
-Clean the house, wash the dog & do the laundry (all in the same day)
-Make their family think she spent hours on a meal just by the taste of it
-Love their families with her whole heart

And make it all look easy!

Broken Fellowship

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

Who hasn’t had an argument with their spouse? It’s impossible to live together and not disagree about something. If you’re human (and I know you are) you have experienced a frustrating moment in your marriage. Right?

This past weekend was a wingdinger for me. I’m ashamed to admit it but in order to live with myself, I feel it’s only fair for me to tell you–I’m human. Maybe something I say will help you in a situation that God wants you to resolve in your own life. If not, then you can just talk about me and pat yourself on the back for your own personal marriage victory! Either way, I’m spilling. πŸ™‚

A peek into the flesh:

It started on Saturday. My husband and son were heading out to chop wood. Before they could start they needed to run to the store for a new ax-handle. I walked outside as they were leaving and noticed a speck of sunshine on the side of my house. Since I live in a wooded shady neighborhood, I decided to drag out 2 poinsettias that I’ve been babying since before Christmas. I mentioned to my son (Who is 21, by the way) that I was going to let them get a little sun while it was warm.

Fast forward to later in the day.

I had cooked up a hearty late-lunch for the guys and thought I’d let them know it was ready. I stepped out and said, “Hey it’s time to eat!” and then turned around to get my flowers. Except, there were no flowers. They were gone. I asked them — “Hey, where’s my flowers?”. With a funny smile on his face, my son says, “Dad had me throw them over the hill into the creek!”. I’m thinking, is he joking? Only, he wasn’t.

They threw my beautiful flowers over the hill to their death!

I say, “WHAT?” — “You threw my flowers away?” — “WHY?”

I can only hear mumbling from my hubby (he was cleaning inside his car) and my son is still standing there with a startled look on his face. I think to myself, “Have they lost their minds?”. Who throws away 2 beautiful plants that were freshly watered and set out for sun?

They never throw ANYTHING away and to prove my point??? The very next morning I came downstairs to watch tv and the living room looked like a FRAT PARTY had gone down the night before. There were several empty cream-soda bottles, coke cans, dirty plates and used napkins. Surely, someone felt compelled to “THROW IT AWAY” right?


Back to the discovery of my lost flowers. My son comes upstairs and starts to apologize for the mistake and I say, “Not yet, I’m really aggravated and do not want to discuss this now”. Next thing I hear is my husband’s angry voice and stomping up the stairs…then the mail flies by and the war was set into motion.

We have this fruitless 5 minute fussfest that ends with me in my room crying and him hiding out in his bathroom reading! I spend the next 24 + hours so mad that I can hardly speak to either of them. I mean, I’m stinking ticked!

Then, Monday rolls around and I have to go to school. But my heart…it’s still feeling all beat up and angry. I share with my friend Betsy all my woes and it hits me why I’m not over it. It wasn’t that the flowers were that important (even though they were pretty special) it was that I didn’t feel validated. I realized it was just a mistake (the throwing them away) and they’re guys, guys do dumb things. Often.

It was how he responded to my hurt feelings that did me in. I felt like I had no right to be upset (AND I DID). His outburst and frustration set me back even further. Instead of healing the wound it pushed the knife in even deeper. So, I harbored a grudge.

The rest of the weekend.

At school, I still felt the anger except the Holy Spirit stepped in to remind me that what was done–was done. No matter where I turned, I had a strange encounter with someone needing my forgiveness. A student, a fellow co-worker and even my daughter. It was the weirdest day ever. Finally, by the last block….I realized GOD WAS DEALING WITH ME and I better listen up.

What is it about words that cut right to the heart with just a single swipe? James 3:6 says, “And the tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity; the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell.” Oh, how often I’ve used my tongue to burn!

The good news is that I’m over it. I forgive my husband (& son) for the harsh words and the lost flowers. No strings attached.

FYI– When and if you make a mistake against someone? Don’t dismiss it or blow up defending yourself. It could possibly give the offended the wrong message. Fall on your sword, say you’re sorry and beg to make it right. If they hold a grudge….trash the living room like you had a FRAT PARTY! That’ll show em! πŸ˜‰

Good Parenting Pays Off

Monday, January 9th, 2012

What is it with people and Tim Tebow? Why is it that no matter where you turn someone is criticizing this kid? It’s even reached the point of fellow Christians being mean-spirited about the guy. Seriously? What is the deal?

What has he ever done TO ANYONE to deserve all the ridicule and cruelty?

I’m so tired of the world glamorizing the “sins” of popular celebs and athletes. How much money is spent on reality stars (like the Kardashians, Real Housewives, Basketball Wives, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, Jersey Shore etc) to bring their wild dysfunction and filthy moral habits into our living rooms?

I’ll tell ya, A BUNCH!

Yet, we blast and make fun of a GOD HONORING young man — Tim Tebow. I crack up every single time I hear the football announcers go on and on about his “abilities” or lack thereof. Really? Then I watch his games and he plays with all his heart and physical ability and many times wins!

I think I know what the problem is, he reminds us of what we are not. It’s easier for most of us to retaliate and smart off when someone challenges us or cuts us down. Tim Tebow was raised to be forgiving. He grew up on the mission field, really serving the least of our world. He knows what a privilege every single blessing he has in his life REALLY IS. Do you or I?

Bob & Pam Tebow have worked and still do today in the very trenches that many Americans wouldn’t dare walk. All in the name of sharing Jesus Christ with those who need Him. They aren’t serving Christ for show or for large monetary bonuses. For some, this sounds unbelievable. Who thinks of other’s more than themselves? Not too many of us.

I’m thankful for people like the Tebow’s. They’ve done an outstanding job of raising a great family (Tim’s just the baby, there are 5 Tebow children) and preparing them for the world. It’s an honor to see the fruit of their labor. As a parent, we wonder if our kids “get it” when we’re training them up. Seeing what the Tebows have done should give us all hope.

I don’t care if my kids grow up to be famous or athletic, rich or poor–what really matters the most to me is that THEY HONOR GOD with their lives and that they live OUTLOUD FOR CHRIST.

Kind of like, Tim Tebow does everyday.

Thanks, Dude!


Friday, January 6th, 2012

I love Friday (as I’ve said repeatedly). It’s as if we receive a reprieve from all the busyness of our week. A reward for simply making it through.

Think: Making the cheer leading team!

Today came just in the nick of time. I had reached a point of wipeout! I noticed each morning when I woke up that I had a puffy face–that stuck with me ALL DAY. Not a good look when you work with YOUNG adults everyday. Darn those aging hormones!

Mine…. Not theirs!

Here’s a shot of my life today. I love English 11 and we’ve just started a Stephen Crane short story. It’s always fun to share in a students glimpse into a new world. Great authors are a wonderful way to experience life that’s not like your own.

So, what does your Friday look like?
