Archive for March, 2013

Yet I Live

Sunday, March 10th, 2013

I'm the mom with the speakers booming.  It's true, I've never outgrown jammin' out!  Music moves me.  Sometimes, I have to tone it down a bit (ya know, since I'm not a teenager & all).  I love singing my head off, no matter the genre.  I dig awesome songs & my kids do too.

Apple?  Tree?  Falls close, right?

I heard a sermon this SPRING FORWARD weekend that reminded me of a day driving home from elementary school pick-up line.  As was normal, KLove was blaring through the Suburban speakers and all occupants were singing right along (my little apples & me) with Phillips, Craig & Dean.  For I am crucified with Christ and yet I live at the top of our lungs when my Sweetboy reached over and turned it down.  "Mama, what does it mean that I am crucified with Christ and yet I live?"  I could see the wheels turning.  So, I tried to give him my best explanation of Paul's meaning behind those words.  

"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" Phil. 1:21

It's moments like these that send a mama heart spinning.  Not that I didn't have an answer but because I did and he was looking to me for understanding.  A real God moment that could either satisfy my boy or leave him looking for more.  I told him that living our lives is important but living them for Christ even more important.  

In my best elementary aged teaching… I went on.

Paul understood how special it was to live in a way that brought honor to God.  He had been horrible to Christians.  He realized his foolish ways and turned to God…leaving behind his mocking & murdering of those who loved the Lord. Paul loved God so much that he was willing to do anything to show it to others.  He was put in prison, ran out of town, suffered abuse, nearly killed repeatedly & still he kept on preaching the gospel.  While he was in chains, literally locked up for preaching…he openly rejoiced at his opportunities to share Christ.  He spoke of whether he was dead or alive his ultimate goal was to exalt God.  Paul knew if he remained on earth he was to speak God's truth and teach others to love God too.  If he died, that was the ultimate reward because he was going to spend eternity with GOD.  And there's no greater reward than that.  Paul anticipated heaven!

With his bushy boy eyebrows scrunched up in thinking position, he looked at me and said, "I want to be like that too!".  I smiled back at him and agreed, "So do I, son!".

I've never forgotten that teaching moment.  Oh, there have been others.  But that one still remains pretty special to me.  I realized then that if my 4th grade boy could see how important it was to live for Christ and to long for heaven….then what was holding me back?  Nothing makes you want to kick up your faithwalk more than catching a glimpse of God revealing himself to your kid.  Plus, using you to do it as a bonus.

So, let me bring this back full circle.  Every single day you and I wake up facing a choice.  We can live boldly for Christ using every moment for His glory and kingdom or we can scrimp on by and just enjoy life for our own benefit.  It's a matter of being intentional.  Ask yourself, Do I really believe what the Bible says about life & death?  James 4:14 says "You don't know what will happen tomorrow.  For what is your life?  It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then….vanishes away".

Life is short, eternity is long.  Surely God meant for our time on earth to count for something significant, right?  Are you living like Christ is everything to you?  Do you rejoice at every chance to share God with someone in need?  Is it true for you that to live is Christ and to die is gain?



Christ means everything to me in this life, and when I die I'll have even more.




Iron Sharpens Iron

Friday, March 8th, 2013

I've heard of the iron sharpens iron concept my whole life and I believe it's true.  Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another".  God uses you and me to influence one another.  When I think back over my life I recognize the many ways friends & loved ones have inspired me to be a better me.  Their investment, whether they meant it or not left an impression on me and I hope it benefits the ones God places in my life.

be inspirational

My small group ladies are doing a great job of sharpening me for God's use.  Each Wednesday that we meet, I leave filled with a new energy to love and care for the people in my path.  I feel encouraged and I see life just a little bit clearer thanks to friends who openly share their own struggles & victories.  I'm so thankful for their willingness to be real and for the way they lovingly carry me when I have no strength or courage to do it for myself.  That's some iron sharpening iron right there y'all. 

iron investment


My challenge to you is to be aware of your own influence on others.  Each encounter holds potential to bless.  Are you ready?  Are you willing?  God wants to use you…

How can you sharpen others?

1 — Be real.

2 — Be pure of heart.

3 — Be willing to stretch yourself.

4 — Be ready to listen.

5 — Be like Christ.


I'm willing to be used by you to sharpen others.  Help me be worthy and remove anything in me that doesn't belong.  Thank you for the ones in my life that make me more like you.  I won't let their influence be a waste.




Hack Job

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

I was totally bummed when the call came at 5:30am with news that school was CANCELLED for a snowday.  I really had big hopes for that extra day the school board had tacked onto Spring Break this year.  I mean, seriously?  A Monday off after a glorious week of spring break fun?  Awesome-sauce!

Now, it's a make-up day!  DARN IT!

Fast forward to 10:30am my cellphone rang with a strange number AND I ALMOST DIDN'T ANSWER IT!!!!  Thank you God for the nudge to answer that call.  The caller was informing me that my purchase was being declined because my account was overdrawn. WHAT?  Again, thank you thank you thank you God!  I sprung into action because had I been at school, I certainly wouldn't have answered the phone. There is no telling how much more damage the criminal jerk turdhead creep stealer badguy would've gotten away with.  You do know these people are rarely caught?  The banks or whoever answers the phone when you call for help pretty much tell you….they don't chase this stuff down to prosecute!  Really?  Then I'm quitting my job and beginning my own hacking biz!  Geez!  My first order?  FRYE BOOTS!!!

Hackers/thieves are maddening and this is a violation that robs a person in more ways than one!  I'm angry.  The hoopla to get this stopped is not just a hassle it's scary.  All because these jerks shop until the card is dry while the cardowner sleeps like a baby during the middle of the night.  Luckily, our bills were just scheduled and paid otherwise these slimeballs would've had lots more money to blow.  Perks to being poor, huh?

I heard on The Today Show this morning that Taylor Swift spoke out about Tina Fey & Amy Pohler cracking jokes about her a few weeks back at the Golden Globes.  Taylor responded with "there's a special place in hell for women who don't help other women!".  I understand her feelings.  That's how I feel about people who steal from bank accounts that aren't theirs.  Hackers are evil!  And we all know where evil belongs…

Ahem, but pointing my own heart back in the right direction now is what I must do and pray blessings over the ones who decieved me by using my bankcard.  I'm not doing it because I want to, trust me.  It just came to me that I'm missing out if I choose to be angry and wish bad vibes on whoever did this.

Have you ever been a victim of this sort of crime?  It stinks!  Mama's, teach your children NOT TO STEAL!


I know that I can trust you.  From the smallest need to the biggest.  Forgive me when I try to run ahead of you and fix the problems I face.  Your ways are not mine….but I sure want them to be.



Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

Ahh, Beignets… I'm such a sucker for the puffy little darlin's!  I often think of New Orleans with it's sticky sweaty streets & it's happily packed to overflowing Cafe Du Monde and my heart goes pitter-patter.  The French Quarter is a place that every American should walk through at least once in their life.

So, imagine my happy dance when I found Joy the Baker posted a recipe for beignets.  I nearly squealed!  I made sure that very day that I had all the ingredients to get down to business on Saturday and BLOW MY FAMILY'S MINDS!!!

I really had no idea if I had it in me or not.  Yeast sort of freaks me out.  The many plans I had for my KitchenAid mixer have gone kapoot simply because of my fear of cooking with yeast.  Yes, I'm a wimp!  It's funny though, every single recipe I've tried involving yeast has turned out great so far!

Note to me:  Get over it!


I admit, when I made it to this point…..I clicked on the Keurig and started yelling for hubby to GET READY!


People are going to love me.  (Thank you Joy the Baker)


Ohhh baby, they turned out amazing and they were so easy to make too.  I worried it would be an all-day affair….but, nope.  It was fairly quick.  All worth it!  I promise.


Kudos to you Joy the Baker.  You might be my new BFF!

When Life Blows Your Mind

Tuesday, March 5th, 2013

I've been reluctant to share here a deeply painful issue going on in my family.  I suppose every family has difficulties.  Surely, I'm not the only one to hurt for a loved one.  Right now, I feel as though my heart is breaking in half.  I don't want to go into details because the story is so long and complicated.  Also, it's not my story to tell.  It's unfair for me to blab about an issue that doesn't completely belong to me.  My job is to love & support the one in need.

My brother.

For the last few years my family has been in turmoil on his behalf.  Yesterday the problem came back with a vengeance!  I can't even imagine the hurt my mother is feeling.  I'm just a sister, not his mother.  I keep thinking of my own kids and how much I love them and want God's very best for them and their lives.  It's times like these that crush me and smother me with the reality of an imperfect world.

I physically & emotionally feel drained.

Will you please pray?  The details aren't important.  God knows each one anyway.  Just lift my brother to our MERCIFUL GOD!  He needs a miracle!

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Matt:11:28


History Channel’s The Bible

Monday, March 4th, 2013


Did you watch?  I had hubby set the DVR to record it.  Then my Facebook feed started blowing up with posts about the new series.  From my view, it looked as if everyone was tuned in to see Roma Downey's exciting new docudrama.  So, I did the right thing and clicked it on to see for myself.

I'm glad I did.  The first episode was pretty exciting and I can't wait to watch the rest of the 10-hourlong series.  The scenery was fantastic and each story re-enacted gave me goosebumps.  I especially felt emotional during the "sacrifice" of Isaac scene (one of the most amazing stories in scripture).  Wow, God…even knowing the story, it still got me.

Help me Lord….to always obey!

The History Channel link to check out The Bible.  See for yourself.  The link provides repeat times that each episode will be available.  It's certainly worth watching.  I'm impressed with the depiction of each story in scripture even if the accents are a little strange (a little British some Irish).  It's still really good.

Tell me, did you watch?  Did you enjoy it?  It's better than a morally bankrupt reality show….don't you think?  While I'm certain there are errors in the series, I still find it interesting.  It gives the viewer plenty to ponder and reminds us all to …