Archive for March, 2013

Linky Lovin’

Thursday, March 21st, 2013

I'm 1 day away from freedom!  I've made it!  In the life of any educator Spring Break comes with a welcome relief.  I literally feel like I've conquered some sort of amazing goal.  School life is fun but everyone deserves a break now & then.  Right?

I found this post this morning over at We Are That Family.  It's profound!  If you are the mother of a daughter or two like me….these words will pierce your heart.  Girls are bombarded with garbage, every single day!  It's up to us to train them in the best way to navigate the world and honor God with their lives.  Their very precious lives!

Go read what Kristen says.  The girl speaks truth!

You're welcome!

Raising Daughters in a World That Devalues Them


Thank you for my own beautiful girls.  Thank you for preserving them and their lives thus far.  Help me to continue to pour into them your love and your ways.  Give them a future that's bright and full of pure love.



Wide Shoulders Man

Monday, March 18th, 2013

Tonight, I overheard my hubby on the phone with our son.  He was speaking truth into him and whether the young buck was listening I can't say.  What I can tell you is that hearing my man give sound advice to this wreckless young dude that I love beyond words was a lesson in respect.

I fool myself into thinking I have tough decisions to make.  Really, I don't.  I'm pretty much responsible for loving people (which is one of my favorites by the way) and running a household of sorts.  It's not really up to me to make BIG THINGS happen for my family.  Don't get me wrong.  I do plenty of fretting.  I haggle over this & that but honestly, I don't have to face any of it alone or make any final decisions that could make or break us.

However, my hubby does.

His shoulders are wide and from one side to the other they're filled with responsibility.  He makes it look light though.  His kicked-back personality and willingness to bend when needed must be his secret weapons.  While I know he struggles to be strong at times….he never gives up.  Especially when it comes to our family.

In the history of our marriage we've made a ton of financial errors. Some of those were out of necessity and others just foolish decisions.  Now it's time to watch as our kids navigate the world of money & the choices that come with it.  How much input we as parents offer is the million dollar question.  It's not fair for us to railroad over them on decisions that they must make for themselves.  But….when we can clearly see a GIANT NO-NO ahead, I praise the Lord for a hubby that lovingly speaks up.

After the phone call I asked hubby how it went.  He told me that he explained some of the reasons why it was the wrong decision to buy the item I refuse to name on my blog because I can't say the word!  One reason, using a friend to co-sign a loan is not truly being a friend.  If you want something bad enough, save & buy it.  Don't drag a friend into a deal that isn't a responsible choice in the first place.  Second, making payments on a "toy" that could possibly be damaged or destroyed for the next however many years is just bad planning.  Totally depressing too!  Lastly, he told me (as he told him) that he doesn't want to be 47 and unable to take his wife on a cruise or vacation for spring break because he chose to blow his money while he was young!  On foolish things!

Wow!  Way to be honest with your son!

Are you willing to speak truth to your kids?  They're going to make some wild decisions.  Is it worth it to you to fess up to your own mistakes and allow them a glimpse into your good intentions gone wrong?  It's not easy to admit some dumb choices.  As long as you're a parent, God still expects you to offer direction.  Not boss, direct.  Got it?

I'm still learning that one…

20 Years Ago

Sunday, March 17th, 2013

I’ve had to remind myself all weekend that turning 20 is just a thing. Everyone has to do it in order to grow up beyond childhood, right?


Twenty years ago I couldn’t imagine who this pudgy perfect baby girl would grow up to be. Today I’m grateful that God just let me experience each day like the mama He wanted me to be.

A real one with messed up hair and several pajama outfits to wear while lounging with my crazy kids.

My hubby asked if this pile of bags that he cleaned out of Ally’s room was her monument to capitalism. She answered with a bit of worry not for the capitalism comment but for the fear he was tossing out her bags that SHE MIGHT NEED someday! Eek!

Ice cream cake seems to be the permanent choice of birthday party dessert. Even at 20!


Happy birthday Ally! I love you!

Babies grow up…so quickly!

Sparkly Green Earrings

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

bigmama book

I'm a huge fan of Melanie over at Big Mama's Blog.  This past weekend I finished reading her book, Sparkly Green Earrings.  Friends, it is amazing!  Like, The Help…amazing!  I loved it that much is what I'm trying to say here.  She is a fantastic writer, which I knew by the fact that I DO NOT MISS A DAY of reading her blog.  Her book?  Let's just say it doesn't disappoint!  I'd go so far as to admit it's my favorite book so far this year.

Melanie writes about her life as a mom.  The stories are tender and mixed with her witty humor (which is crackpot crazy).  She'll have you laughing outloud and tearing up all in the same chapter.  I related with her on so many levels even though my punks are way older than her Caroline.  Being a mama is the greatest gift God has ever given me and Melanie makes it clear….she feels the same way.

Sparkly Green Earrings is just the beginning for this lady.  Right now as I type this post, Melanie is somewhere tied up ball & chain style to her laptop tip-tapping away on her next book (at least that's how I imagine her facing that April 1st deadline).  This time she's writing about marriage!  Woohoo!  I can't wait for this Texas girl to spill the beans on all that is awesome & wonderful about being married.  It will surely be a blessing!

Just like Sparkly Green Earrings!

If you haven't read it and are interested, Amazon has it on sale right now at $5 for your Kindle!  Talk about a bargain!  I promise, this book will touch your heart and make you sad when you realize you're at the end.

In the meantime, go read Melanie's blog!  Big Mama


Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

I'm staying focused on the future!  In seven more school days, I'll be enjoying some much needed free time with my dogs & family AT HOME!!  Spring break for my family is always the same.  We stay home!  Going away is so over-rated, right?

I don't mind.  I mean, a trip to the beach would be amazing or a week spent somewhere else besides Indiana might be fun.  But I'm cool with staying home and relaxing too.  If you want to call painting a bedroom and cleaning out all its messy contents relaxing….then okay, relaxing!  

Either way, I'm not complaining!  I love home time and spring break is a great way to recharge and get my act together to finish out the school year!  Speaking of….my baby will graduate in a little over 3 months!


Oh me!  I better focus on this weekend before I get all kooky over graduation.  MY MIDDLE BABY TURNS 20!!!

Come on, you guys!   Stop it!

Gates and Ally 2011

Happy hump day, friends!


Not Guilty

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

I think it's safe to say that women are exceptionally good at carrying around guilt.  I blame it on all the life juggling we do.  Hustle here, race there…. hurry hurry hurry!  Some days zing right on by and leave us wondering, what day is this?  Or maybe it's just me.

But I tend to feel guilty when …

I've had a long day and my body doesn't want to cooperate with me to have a delicious dinner cooked for my family.  Being too tired (to cook) is a real bummer!  Even if no one complains, my brain says, "Geez you lazy loser!".

I've let the laundry pile up because I either have to choose to provide meals with my limited energy or wash underwear.  I hear, "You suck!" if one of my kids (innocently) asks if I've seen a certain shirt or pair of jeans.

I complain about my job or the frustrating moments that threaten to do me in to my hubby or kids who have their own crosses to bear at work.  Realizing, everyone struggles with job stress!  I feel guilty for "unloading"!

Or if I forget something important: a bill to be paid, a deadline for a project, an item on my grocery list, quiet time…whatever.  I pour guilt over my head like a bucket of ashes!

Even this post is making me feel guilty.  Maybe it's just the nature of my personality.  It's not like I'm just skipping through life not paying attention.  I am.  Every day, I'm paying attention to what booms the loudest.  What beckons my attention for the most part….I'd like to believe, is what God deems is most important.

So, why am I feeling guilty?

Because I've trained myself to and I've bought into the lies that if I don't do this or that then I'm not worthy.  A zinger sent straight from satan.  Logically, I know I'm not a lazy mom or a loser but if I don't measure up in my own head…then I cling to what's most familiar to me, guilt.

From this moment on…I plan to take off my cloak of guilt.  It's not really mine to wear anyway.  It belongs to satan and he can keep it right along with bitterness, jealousy and strife.  My life is great!  I don't have to live it feeling guilty over stupid issues that really mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.  My family loves me and sees that for the most part, I'm trying my best.  I have great intentions and even if dinner isn't a smorgasborg or someone has to choose a different outfit…..I don't have to feel guilty!

And neither do you!

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  Romans 8:1