Archive for October, 2013

Inspection Anxiety

Monday, October 21st, 2013

I've been a bundle of nerves all weekend.  Today is "inspection" day at my house.  I don't know why I feel so nervous about it but I do.  Perhaps it's because of how easy every little detail has gone since starting the SELL THIS HOUSE process.

Honestly, I feel a little guilty that we spruced it up (don't get me wrong, this process was long and hard), called a realtor, opened it up to the first showing and SOLD IT within the first 2 weeks FOR OUR ASKING PRICE!

See why I feel like it's time for some trouble?

see faith

I have faith that God is in this whole ordeal, really I do.  I guess I wouldn't feel so anxious if my hubby hadn't uttered the words, "I'm worried about this inspection!".  What else can I do if he's a little concerned besides get worried too?

I'm only human!

dont worry

I realize now after getting wigged out over what all "could" go wrong that I rely pretty heavily on my hubby's solid faith.  If he waivers…..I take that as a cue for me to get tensed up too.  Fail on my part, I know.

The cold hard fact is this is all in God's hands.  My worrying or hubby's stressing isn't going to change one single thing.  Either the inspection will go just fine or there will be issues that need addressing.  It's not like we can't handle repairing or replacing anything else.  That's been our life for the last few months anyway.  Fix it, replace it, build it….make it look amazing for someone else to love and enjoy!

So, here's to letting go and letting God handle it.


I'm forever in need of YOUR HELP.  I'm wishy-washy when I just need to stand strong and trust you.  Forgive me for worrying about things.  I trust this house inspection to you.  Thank you for all the many details you've already orchestrated in the selling of our house.  I'm blown away by your grace.


Fall Dreamin’

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

I love the fall.  I have a list of reasons why too.  One of my favorite being fall clothes.  Right now I'm addicted to long sweaters.  Everywhere I look, someone is wearing a cute sweater.  So, I pinned a few of my fave's!

greyI love the gray.  I love the white.  The faded jeans…all of it.  Screams comfy.

long loveLook at this long lovely darling.  I must have this.  It fills my heart with happy.

sweater layers

The layered look is so pretty to me.  I love the colors too.  My whole wardrobe revolves around browns & creams.

twisty love

Oh the pretty!  I can totally see me in this outfit.  Love the caramel boots and the twisty sweater tops it off.

black n brown

I cannot leave off fall dresses.  Especially when they include brown & black together.  I looooooove that combo.  Don't you?  And the length of this dress….perfect.

Can you see my fashion desires?  I really miss having my girls around to share the fashion love with and the clothes too.

Tell me, what do you love most about fall?

47 Ain’t So Bad

Monday, October 14th, 2013

This morning I read the greatest post over at To Love Honor & Vacuum.   A reader wrote in about having the crazies during peri-menopause.  To which I say, tell me about it lady!  I've been trapped in that stage now for a few years and nothing seems to help.

I've tried diet change, (not enough) exercising and removing certain stress triggers out of the way.  Still, when the hormones are raging….I just have to ride along like a team player.  Nothing can stop the whacky!

Just last week I told you 10 things that I liked about being 46.  I kept away from the whole issue of body change because (hello) it was stuff I LIKED not loathed.  Face it, hormones gone mad are not something to be proud of.  I think the greatest line in the article is –> Peri-menopause is like PMS on steroids.  That ain't no lie.

For any woman that suffers with the ups & downs of peri-menopause…I offer my condolences.  I understand.  I feel your pain.  All I can offer is my prayer that (both you & I) escape soon.  Surely, God will reign down His thunderous mercy on us all and take the crazy away.  I mean, come on….I'm 47 for goodness sakes!  And from what I can tell, it ain't so bad!

Okay, so I'm only 3 days into it….but it's been great so far.






Saturday, October 12th, 2013

I've had a great fall break week.  I went on a little roadtrip with my hubby and this little lady.


She loved vacay! Especially this stop.


Girlfriend loved chasing the waves of Lake Michigan. She tried her best to catch them.


It was perfect fall weather in Michigan. Of course I had the best companion to travel it with.

Before hitting the road…I did a bit of house shopping. I ended up in the city of Zionsville. As soon as I pulled into town I could imagine it as my town.

The houses. The village. The country feel. The quaint atmosphere. The closeness to hubby's office. Ooooh, what can I say? It is perfect!


I found this one. Only the sticker price sent me on my way. No other houses were priced this crazy even though they were all jacked up pretty high. This little updated gem? $774, 000!


I snuck in a little test drive too. I'm finally serious about replacing my car. Really. I'm going to do it. Just not with this gas hog.  Says the lady who has driven a Suburban for 15 years.


We chowed down in the town of South Haven, Michigan. Good food and a little shopping filled my love tank.

Check out these onion rings.  Sorry the pics are so dark.  It was the ambiance of the restaurant.

When we came back to town (my new town Zionsville) we met up with a realtor who's famous for buying & selling everything in Zionsville. Whether it's for sale or not.

People line up to do business with him because he makes it happen. He showed us several options and even a beautiful lot. Big mistake.

I've been building a house there (in my obsessive mind) ever since.

He even took us to a rental option too. You know, so we have shelter for when our house is being built!!

Talk about odd.

I've never been a fan of the modern look and Frank Lloyd Wright isn't quite my style but this place is incredible. The property is bonkers amazing and the house solid with real wood all throughout.

The woodshed garage excited my dude.  Plus it's even closer to Hubby's office.  The location was fantastic!

Back home (the place where all our crap is) we mulled over our options and cast our dreams to heaven. Then got busy doing real life again….cleaning out the garage and laundry.  But not until I opened the special box that was on hold FOR ME at the post office.


After all it is my birthday!! I've only wanted Frye boots for 2 years.  WHY DID I EVER WAIT?

Can you tell?

Happy birthday to me!

I love them and they would be perfect for walking around town. As in ZIONSVILLE Indiana, right babe?

Moving soon. Woohoo…

Pinch Me

Monday, October 7th, 2013

It's FALL BREAK!  I slept until 8:30 this morning and when I slumbered out of my room for a cup of coffee….I felt the most amazing sensation as I walked by the den (where the window was open)! Cool air!  It felt amazing blowing through my house.  After having to use air-conditioning almost everyday for the last few weeks, I went straight to the glass doors and threw those dudes opened.


Now, it's shivery cold inside my fall decorated house.  Which is alright by me but the real exciting news here is I also woke up to an offer on my house!!!  A real offer from a real buyer who obviously is seriously ready to move into my house!  I'm over the moon with giddyness!  I knew it would be loved (if someone came in to see it) but I didn't know it would be on the market less than 2 weeks before someone would want it.  Wow!  Go God!

The offer came with some negotiations and so we are currently doing just that.  Counter offers are normal and so we're throwing the ball back in their court to see if both teams will end up winners.  I guess instead of spending my evenings surfing the internet for sweet boots I should get serious about house hunting in Indy, eh?

Since it's never a good idea to count your chickens before they hatch and all….I'm still behaving as if THIS IS MY HOUSE and I'm not going anywhere….yet.  Anything can happen in the real estate world.  So, we'll just leave this bit of info as WE'VE HAD AN OFFER!  If it sells, you'll be the first to know!

While I wait…..I'll just enjoy this awesome cold snap by wearing something fuzzy and warm.


10 Reasons I Love Being 46

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

I'm having a birthday soon.  October 12th is fast approaching and I'm not even flipping out like I probably should be.  I'm cool with living another year of this life.  It's been good to me and as long as God wants to keep me here with the ones that I love….I'm happy to oblige!

I've thought a little about being 46 and I realize that much of what I enjoy about life stems directly from the fact that I'm here at this age and not a young chick anymore.

I love being 46 because…

1 –  I don't have to prove anything to anyone anymore.

2 –  I've gotten way better with age.

3 –  I like myself so much more now than I did when I was young (and even skinny)

4 –  I have more fun and worry much less.

5 –  I've figured out how to slow down and take it easy.  And I like it.

6 –  My hubby thinks I'm totally a 10!  And I believe him.

7 –  My kids rise up and call me blessed.

8 –  I can afford to enjoy life more now.

9 –  Being attractive to other's has a whole new meaning.  It's not about being perfect either.

10 –  I'm able to make mature decisions because I've lived through some wing-dingers and survived to tell about it.

Growing older isn't all bad.  Matter of fact, I like the trip God has set me on.  It's been full of lessons, love and try again's.  I'm putting all that to good use too.  Instead of letting it beat me up and make me miserable….I'm using it to find what really makes me happy and doing it ON PURPOSE!

So, what do you like about being ______?