Archive for December, 2013

Snow How’s It Going?

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013



I journeyed out into this yesterday and the roads were atrocious!  However, I was only a passenger so I didn't have to do the driving.  Only the criticizing of the driver.  I suppose it could be classified as criticizing.  When a person passes another vehicle on snowy slick roads in a car that doesn't have a lot of "get up and go"…..I think that's an okay time to get a little critical!  Don't you?

We survived!  Barely.

We were in a hurry to get to this kid.





We had some shopping to do.

This is just a little taste of how much my family loves Clinique. We snap pics with displays.

And slurping down our Starbucks.

It was a long day but lots of fun. Being a mom of girls is special. I missed Gates and loved getting a phone call from Gavin while we were out and about. He was calling to tell me what he wants for Christmas….

A suit!

I love being a mom!

Pack Sit Pack Eat

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

Life has been a lot of this…

Snow. Ice. Freezing weather.

Brrr, right?


Lizzy has had enough.


She checks often to see if it’s gone. Drats!  Still here.

So a lot of this has bern happening during snowblow-a-geddon.

I pack. I sit.

I walk around surveying my work and think I’m making a dent but…

The truth is I’m probably going to be packing junk in January.

I can’t contain my excitement when I pull in next to this at the end of my driveway.

Pinch me.

Oh yea. Still doing this and this…

Oh and of course some of this. ..

Why yes, my car is stuck….in my driveway. Not sure I’ll miss that issue at my new house.


I’m not complaining. ..2 snowdays tacked onto a weekend have been a gift from heaven.  It’s really made my pack, sit, pack, eat system the greatest pace yourself program ever.


What Does Grace Look Like?

Thursday, December 5th, 2013

grace giving


I'd like to think I'm growing stronger everyday as a follower of Christ.  But the honest truth is that I'm a constant "work in progress".  I've had a little dose of my own medicine over the last few days.  Remember my word for the year?  Grace?  Yea, it seems I'm really good at doling it out where I feel its most worthy.  Which in reality is not really showing grace at all but me being a hoarder with my grace and that is wrong on every level!

Clearly, I'm in too deep to turn back now.

Maybe you understand my thinking —  Someone makes a big mistake because of their own stupid choices and everyone feels pity for them, but you (or me, in my case).  Grace denied?  I think so.

So, how do we get over the fact that someone hurts a whole community of people by their foolishness and offer them/their family/friends/loved ones the grace God offers us?

By dying to self!  That's the only way.  It's not my job to police what people do with their lives or the lives of their loved ones.  I can only do my part and love them in spite of their choices.  Boy, that's hard isn't it?  Especially for a self-righteous personality like mine.  I have just enough stubborness inside of me that I have programmed myself to fight off temptation to give in to "certain" sinful ways.  Therefore, I find it easy to judge someone else who does that kind of sin.

Are you getting me?

I'm a Miss Goody Two Shoes when it comes to doing the right thing and walking the line…even though, I sin sin sin in a myriad of other ways.

Justification.  I am a master!

The point is this….I am convicted about my inability to feel sorry for a group of people dealing with a genuine tragedy in my community and I realize it's a heart issue within myself and not anyone else.  I'm mad that this person was doing what they were doing with NO REGARD for herself, her child or any of the people in her life who loved her.  She was so wrapped up in her wild lifestyle and foolishness that her actions cost her – her life!

I'm wrong to hold back my grace and I'm sorry.

give more

I don't like how I'm feeling and I don't like admitting it to the world either.  I'm ashamed of myself.  But I'm grateful that God allowed me a peak into my own heart to remind me that giving grace isn't as easy as it seems (for us who dwell in flesh).  God makes it look easy, huh?

The year is quickly coming to a close.  As I think back over all that's happened I pretty much rode the grace bus all throughout the year.  His grace got me through and taught me that giving grace isn't about letting someone get away with something it's about letting my heart love without boundaries.

Who needs your grace today?

Weirdness At It’s Best

Wednesday, December 4th, 2013

I'm weird!  Nothing about me is normal.  I say all the time — THAT I WANT TO BE NORMAL.  People just look at me and shrug.

I do things that surprise even me…..all the time.

Once, okay…more than once I've ordered fitness magazines with the intention of getting into shape only to leave them laying around to collect dust and eventually get tossed out.  I bring this up because I just came across an offer for a runner's magazine on sale over on another blog and I TOTALLY GOT EXCITED to order it until I remembered how pathetic I am about following through with actual fitness stuff!  I clicked away!

On my drive to school this morning (I was running late of course) I noticed that I forgot to put on my wedding ring before I left the house.  Immediately, I felt naked and thought of all the negative feelings I'd feel all day without my beautiful ring on my finger.  I love to borrow trouble!

I was running late because I spent way too long searching for a blue scarf to go with my outfit for school.  In my head, I planned out what I'd wear all based on this one scarf!  Not a good idea to do that when you're a little disorganized and crunched for time.  I left home frustrated and feeling insecure about what I looked like without the scarf to finish the outfit.  I think about crazy stuff, I know.

I don't have time for coffee in the mornings (at home) so I grab a cup when I get to school and get settled in for class.  The only way I'll even drink coffee is with a honking serving of sweet creamer.  If the box of Vanilla creamer is empty…I put my cup back on the shelf and move along.  Most days it's all there but every once in a while I get no coffee.  This morning….since I was late all the coffee was gone and I had to make a fresh pot.  The craziest part about all this coffee stuff is that I only drink a half of a cup!  No kidding around.  I fill my cup barely 1/2 full and then I only drink part of that.  Why bother right?

Weird.  I can't escape it.

The deeper I get into this life of mine the more I see how weird being a Christian is to the world.  It seems if you lean hard on Christ that you are missing out on all the fun to be had by living free willy.  I couldn't disagree more.  The way I see it…..if following Jesus is weird then I am going full-on weird and DOING IT LIKE A BOSS!  After this past week's many car accidents and deaths in my community…I can't see any other way of coping and handling the tragedies without God's help.  Call me weird, I don't care.

I'm hoping to be the weirdest of weirds for JESUS!

What's weird about you?

Baby Bites

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013

giant burger


You know those restaurants that are famous for their BIG something or another that challenges their customers to "eat it all" at one sitting?  Well, that's how I'm feeling about my house packing.  I took a little nibble last night and began packing the main upstairs bathroom.  I wasn't prepared for the linen closet.  It was packed full of 12 years worth of stuff.   I started pulling out sheets for beds I don't even own anymore and then I found endless cosmetic bottles 3/4 full.  After only working about an hour….I had to walk away!

I was teetering on the edge of a panic attack!

I have a friend who literally shuts down when her family has to move.  Over the years they have experienced some not so pleasant situations involving moving.  I can't even count how many times they've loaded up and unloaded.  So, I certainly understand her stress.  She would completely sympathize with me right now especially with my move being at Christmas time.

Moving is hard!

After I took a break…I went back in and really got busy packing.  I sorted through piles of garbage, created tons of bags for Goodwill and boxed up the treasured items I knew I would need in my new house.  The mess was just a taste of what kind of work awaits me.  I realized pretty quickly that if I'm going to survive this move…I am going to have to pace myself.

Every day, pack something!  Right?

Baby bites….

pack it up



Friendship Interrupted

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

Copy of DSCF1419

Thanksgiving morning was very sad this year.  As I snuggled with my girls before the turkey went in the oven news came from another friend that a classmate had been killed in a car accident.  Disbelief and shock filled our world and our hearts were broken.  Both of my girls spent countless hours with Michael in shows and in class.  He was fun, loving and a genuine friend.  He also wasn't afraid to march to his own drum.

Today I'll say goodbye (along with my girls) to a friend that knew how to make us smile.  We will never find another fashion savvy friend like him. 

~~ Goodbye Michael!  We know you are dressed for success today and we will never forget you!