Posts Tagged ‘books’

A Book Run

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

We are book people. If it has words that equal a good story we are like a moth to the flame. We must read it. Unfortunately, we tend to collect more books than our 2400 square foot house can hold. It’s sinful, period! Pray for us!

Not only do we like to collect book books. Somehow, my “guys” end up with tons of college books. My garage is so full of hubby’s seminary books we could start our own Baptist library. These (I’m told) are invaluable resources and can’t just be “gotten rid of”. He could need one of them and then what? So, they stay in their many boxes piled up high to the top of our garage. When the doors open up…the world can see who we really are, packrats! 😉

Since my sweetboy has moved home (a pile of stuff at a time) finding a place to put all of his things has been tricky. We’ve weeded out closets, drawers and once again resorted to stacking stuff up. It’s so annoying. I hate the clutter like I hate peeling potatoes (and baby, I hate peeling potatoes!!). So if you can imagine the mixture of items packed all willy-nilly–think about trying to find something important. It’s impossible!

So the big kahuna of MUST FINDS this week has been two very important books. Not just any old books either…..oh no, we don’t work that way. We like to live right on the edge of hysteria and madness.

These dudes—–>

Only one of them could be found. Not good. The owner, a very important AP Physics teacher next door to me (at school) needed them ASAP!! I was at work feeling a little stressed that the missing one would never be seen again. So, I did what any frazzled mama would do….I prayed. Then I sent him a final message that said, “Find it, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE!!”.

Minutes later, he sends me the news that he has located the very lost and important book. It’s in Bloomington!

Good thing he’s a college dude and has nothing but time and money, huh? 🙂
A lesson for him. A blessing for us both.

Thank you Lord. You care about things that we goof up and I’m forever grateful!

It is my mission

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011

I’m one of those people….you know the ones, the dramatic ones.  I get something in my head and I just can’t shake it.  (I know this gift must drive my level-headed hubby crazy).  But it’s part of my genetic make-up.  My mother does the same thing.  Obsessive.  That’s us.

Last October, my hubby got the Barnes & Noble Nook reader for his birthday.  He told me after about a week….that it was probably one of the best things he’s EVER GOTTEN!  He was in love.  I thought, woohoo….yea yea!  Whatev!  I just didn’t feel warm & fuzzy towards an e-reader machine contraption.  I’m a book kinda lady.  I love them.  I love stacking them up and looking at all the pretty covers.  I love READING them and carrying them around.  I love having them in every single room of my house.  I just love everything about books.


Now I feel this sick twisted obsession to have my own Nook!  Why?  I have no idea.  I’m trying to be logical (do I even need one?  NO).  Can I afford to purchase one?  NO!  How often would I use it?  Who knows!?  What’s my reasoning?  I can’t point to anything.  I’m just feeling like it’s something I would love too.

CRAZY!  See, I’m just a weird kook about things. 

My mission?  Is to win one!  I figure…if I win one (it can be a Kindle) then it is meant to be that I have one.  So, as I boogie around in blogland I’ve been keeping my eyeballs peeled for any giveaway’s involving the Kindle or Nook!  I love the challenge and I’m serious….it’s one I’m willing to seek and wait out. 

NOTE TO MY HUSBAND:  If you sneak out and purchase me a NOOK you will be in huge trouble!  I don’t want you to do that.  GOT IT?  I really love the fun of trying to win one!  {You know how I am?}

I’ll keep you posted on my endeavor.  I’m so excited!  🙂

CONTESTS TO KNOW ABOUT— is giving away a Nook color in celebration of her awesome 2 year anniversary! Yay to you, new friend!
John Hartness is giving away your choice of a Kindle, Nook or Amazon $200 giftcard. Awesome, eh?