I’m one of those people….you know the ones, the dramatic ones. I get something in my head and I just can’t shake it. (I know this gift must drive my level-headed hubby crazy). But it’s part of my genetic make-up. My mother does the same thing. Obsessive. That’s us.
Last October, my hubby got the Barnes & Noble Nook reader for his birthday. He told me after about a week….that it was probably one of the best things he’s EVER GOTTEN! He was in love. I thought, woohoo….yea yea! Whatev! I just didn’t feel warm & fuzzy towards an e-reader machine contraption. I’m a book kinda lady. I love them. I love stacking them up and looking at all the pretty covers. I love READING them and carrying them around. I love having them in every single room of my house. I just love everything about books.
Now I feel this sick twisted obsession to have my own Nook! Why? I have no idea. I’m trying to be logical (do I even need one? NO). Can I afford to purchase one? NO! How often would I use it? Who knows!? What’s my reasoning? I can’t point to anything. I’m just feeling like it’s something I would love too.
CRAZY! See, I’m just a weird kook about things.
My mission? Is to win one! I figure…if I win one (it can be a Kindle) then it is meant to be that I have one. So, as I boogie around in blogland I’ve been keeping my eyeballs peeled for any giveaway’s involving the Kindle or Nook! I love the challenge and I’m serious….it’s one I’m willing to seek and wait out.
NOTE TO MY HUSBAND: If you sneak out and purchase me a NOOK you will be in huge trouble! I don’t want you to do that. GOT IT? I really love the fun of trying to win one! {You know how I am?}
I’ll keep you posted on my endeavor. I’m so excited! 🙂
Bookalicio.us is giving away a Nook color in celebration of her awesome 2 year anniversary! Yay to you, new friend!
John Hartness is giving away your choice of a Kindle, Nook or Amazon $200 giftcard. Awesome, eh?