Posts Tagged ‘Barnes & Noble’

Oh So Pretty

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011

I have this hankerin right now for a cover for my nook. The problem? I’ve searched high and low trying to find one that will not only protect my precious nook but that I will love too! Everything I’ve found looks cheap or mass produced. I don’t like any of them. But, I think I’ve found the one for me….finally. The only problem is that it’s way out of my spending range (I was thinking around $20-25) and this is $49 from Barnes & Noble.

Look how purty it is…. I want what I want but I don’t want to spend more than I have to. I’m cheap cheap! 😉

I’ve also been wishing for some rain boots. I’ve searched ebay, Amazon and all the many online shoe hotspots but I haven’t found a pair that A) I love and B) that I’m willing to pay that much for. But I think……I’m almost sure that I want some like these.

Looky looky….I got a Nooky!

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

I didn’t want him to buy me one! Really! I wanted to WIN ONE! But he’s ADHD and being impulsive is high on his weakness list.

Today, as I pulled into my garage….I saw a box at my front door! By the time I made it inside to get it, it didn’t exist. When I asked around (to the two very smiley teenagers) no one knew what in the world I was talking about. Uhh, ok!

While I was slaving cooking dinner, I ran into my room for my cellphone and found it laying on a pink “thing”. I was in a hurry so I just grabbed the phone and ran back to the kitchen. I thought for a nano-second about whatever that was….mmm, pink book? Hmm!

After dinner, we were sitting around talking and I mentioned the secret box and everyone giggled except hubby. He said, “If you only paid attention to what your cellphone was sitting on top of…” I jumped up and ran for the bedroom because I KNEW EXACTLY WHAT THAT WAS!


He promises that he had already purchased it before I blogged the DON’T BUY IT warning! Yea, ok. Whatev!

Thank you Honey! I love it! Can’t wait to drive you crazy trying to learn how to use it. And it’s so pink and pretty! 🙂

It is my mission

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011

I’m one of those people….you know the ones, the dramatic ones.  I get something in my head and I just can’t shake it.  (I know this gift must drive my level-headed hubby crazy).  But it’s part of my genetic make-up.  My mother does the same thing.  Obsessive.  That’s us.

Last October, my hubby got the Barnes & Noble Nook reader for his birthday.  He told me after about a week….that it was probably one of the best things he’s EVER GOTTEN!  He was in love.  I thought, woohoo….yea yea!  Whatev!  I just didn’t feel warm & fuzzy towards an e-reader machine contraption.  I’m a book kinda lady.  I love them.  I love stacking them up and looking at all the pretty covers.  I love READING them and carrying them around.  I love having them in every single room of my house.  I just love everything about books.


Now I feel this sick twisted obsession to have my own Nook!  Why?  I have no idea.  I’m trying to be logical (do I even need one?  NO).  Can I afford to purchase one?  NO!  How often would I use it?  Who knows!?  What’s my reasoning?  I can’t point to anything.  I’m just feeling like it’s something I would love too.

CRAZY!  See, I’m just a weird kook about things. 

My mission?  Is to win one!  I figure…if I win one (it can be a Kindle) then it is meant to be that I have one.  So, as I boogie around in blogland I’ve been keeping my eyeballs peeled for any giveaway’s involving the Kindle or Nook!  I love the challenge and I’m serious….it’s one I’m willing to seek and wait out. 

NOTE TO MY HUSBAND:  If you sneak out and purchase me a NOOK you will be in huge trouble!  I don’t want you to do that.  GOT IT?  I really love the fun of trying to win one!  {You know how I am?}

I’ll keep you posted on my endeavor.  I’m so excited!  🙂

CONTESTS TO KNOW ABOUT— is giving away a Nook color in celebration of her awesome 2 year anniversary! Yay to you, new friend!
John Hartness is giving away your choice of a Kindle, Nook or Amazon $200 giftcard. Awesome, eh?


Thursday, January 20th, 2011

I think our homecoming week has hit a roadblock! At this very minute, the weather people are shouting loud and clear…..LOTS OF SNOW coming at midnight and lasting through Friday. 🙁

As in, HOMECOMING DAY Friday! Boo!

So, I’m here blogging on my bed surrounded by my teen girls, the dog and daddy trying to sinc new cellphones with old ones. All three of us living as if there will be a NO SCHOOL call in the morning. {It’s 11pm for goodness sakes!}

We’re going to pay bigtime if we have school! 😉

Oh, and since I’m up late throwing caution to the wind….I found a fun little contest over at Barnes & Noble. I don’t want to purchase one of these but if I won it…..oh yea! I’d squeal like a girl! Go check it out for yourself. Signing up is easy! While you’re Nook looking, The Pioneer Woman has her new book available for a free download (an excerpt only) Nook or Kindle. Love her and her cool story!

So, the question is……SNOWDAY or HOMECOMING?