I’m one of those people who bites off more than she can chew. In everyway. Especially when it comes to books. I see one that interests me and I grab it. Before you know it, I’m stacked up with stuff to read and no time free to actually do the reading. Typical, right? Tell me..you do it too?
I’m stuck in the middle of Heaven Is For Real by Todd Burpo right now. I started it about two weeks ago and just haven’t had time to sit around and read. It’s a fairly quick read, so I hope to finish it up in the next day or so. I’m loving Todd’s story of his little boy and what happens in a time of grave illness. If you haven’t read it, get it. I wouldn’t call myself a sceptic of death to life experiences but I would say I’m cautious. The story is really heartwarming and reminds me God works in His own way.
Back in July, hubby bought me Laura Ingraham’s book, Of Thee I Zing. I’d been scanning the internet hoping to find a giveaway of it (cause I’m super cheap like that). But the book was HOT and no one was hosting any giveaway’s yet. I’ve been plucking along with it, in little bite-sized portions. I love this lady’s humor. She is so funny and has a keen eye for the tacky that surrounds us. It’s a gift. I think she and I have way too much in common. We both tend to come off as a bit HARSH! π
If you haven’t heard, Angie Smith has a new book. I pre-ordered it in hopes of diving right in when it was released from the presses. Well, it’s been a few weeks now and I haven’t even opened it yet. Yesterday, I found out that it was chosen for the newest BLOOM BOOK CLUB read over at (in)courage. I’m not a good candidate for the bookclub follow along gang. I’m definitely inspired to start reading What Women Fear. Also, if you’re looking to join the group or get the book at a great price please click over. (in)courage makes it easy to afford the book through a discounted price and offers scholarships. You can help with that too! Or buy it HERE on sale.
I have no excuse. Reading time is as important as I allow it to be. I hereby promise (to me & now to you) to get serious and finish these three books that I’ve talked about. It’s just a matter of doing it. Right?
What about you? Do you have stacks of books to read that you tell yourself you’re going to soon? If so, what’s on your list?