I get so fed up with the garbage I see all around me. Just today, I watched a video of a BRAVE teenager speaking out against an article published on Teen Vogue about gift ideas for the friend whose had an abortion.
What the?
Seriously! World, stoooooooooooop!
Look, when a teenager has more human decency than an adult writer blabbing about disgusting gift ideas to help cheer on the brave person who killed her baby – we catch a glimpse of a world that STILL HAS HOPE!
The world needs more Autumn’s in it. God give us more young men & women who see wrong for what it is, wrong!
I can’t get all in a tizzy! The world is just acting like the world and the people who walk and talk and write garbage such as that don’t know and love the God that I do. The God who created this world and all the people in it doesn’t accept abortion as an answer. However, He will repeatedly wrap His loving and forgiving arms around the person who chooses it, every time they come to Him for mercy.
My biggest issue with understanding how people justify their choices, lifestyles and lack of beliefs links directly to their faith or lack thereof.
See, a lot of people say they believe in God. A lot of people claim to be “Christian” and yet live like hell. Or better than that, live exactly however the heck they want to live. You know, as if there are NO CONSEQUENCES for their choices.
Here’s the dirty low-down. Not everyone who says they love God genuinely loves God. They love the idea of God. Otherwise, they’d live their lives completely different. It’s just a fact. Choosing to follow Christ with your whole heart and life is a huge decision. It’s a costly one too. Choosing to obey God and His rules (His Word) for your life will cause people to walk away. It will end relationships.
Being a Christian in today’s world is to risk being called every foul name in the book. Have you turned on the tv lately or scrolled through your Facebook or Twitter feed? Even your “friends” are making fun of believers and lovers of Jesus. Publicly admitting that you are a Christian can get you practically beat up these days.
So, why do your friends and mine act so vehemently ugly over yours/my faith? Because they haven’t experienced the Saul to Paul encounter with Him that’s changed their heart. For them, faith is a weak & unnecessary crutch that holds back real progress. They believe more in the world and it’s ever-changing hot topic agendas than a God who saves and will return someday for the faithful of this earth.
They’re just acting like humans. God isn’t their God, they’re the only God they need.
Link to the video of Autumn the brave young teen who has the courage to call abortion wrong. Go HERE!