Archive for December, 2008


Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

Yes, I know…..I’ve posted and posted about these amazing children I have. But you see, it’s Christmas and this is the season that calls for parents to drop everything they are rushing around doing and go see them perform, again! So, in all honesty…if you are not a blood relative….as in, say a grandparent or an aunt or uncle. Consider yourself excused from sitting through more of my kid’s concert mania. Really.
Oh….we don’t mind….really. Nana & Poppy….Uncle Dean & Aunt Kyla….ENJOY! πŸ™‚

One more thing. In the video of Gavin and the Jazz Band….he is sitting between the two trombone’s. Most of the video he is covered up by a black music stand. You will have to watch carefully for his dark hair. Sad, huh? I know, sorry! I did my best. I do love my Flip video though. It is so awesome!

Gavin Jazz Band Christmas Concert 08 from Wanda Galloway on Vimeo.

Ally Christmas Recital 08 from Wanda Galloway on Vimeo.

Gates JCMS Christmas Concert 08 from Wanda Galloway on Vimeo.

I’m so proud of you guys. You really know how to spread around the Merry Christmas!


Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

I have been the sickest I’ve been in a long time (last night and today). I ran out to Walmart yesterday after school for a few items that we needed and noticed a little stomach gurgle. Earlier in the day I had to pick up Ms. Gates due to a stomach ache and Ally had been complaining all weekend from stomach pains. At first, I just thought it was the slice of pizza that I had eaten for lunch. By the time I arrived back home…..I realized that I was in for some serious issues.

I quick like a bunny ran to the shower, thinking surely I would feel much better after that. NOPE! I really started feeling sick then. I did what any self-respecting lady would do……I fell into bed, praying to God that I was just needing a Rolaid! Tried that, by the way….and NO…that wasn’t it either. Before I could force my eyes to sleep…..I was making regular runs to the restroom. Sorry for the step by step. But you get the picture? I was up all night doing this. (remember, I didn’t eat anything but a slice of pizza all day) My entire body hurts. I’ve got permanent damage to my throat and nose from the you know what? I’m not a good thrower-upper! The only help that would come to my rescue? My baby, Gates! What an awesome nurse (and she felt so sick herself). She came home again today early and it’s a good thing. She kept me alive. I’m totally going to have to pull out a special Christmas gift for this little angel. God loves her and so do I. Thank you my precious girl!

When I could finally get out of my bed and not have to run straight down the hall to RR101, I came to see what was happening on the blog world. Oh the strength it takes to sit at the computer! I’m only here for a sec. I just wanted to share that some sweet bloggy gal chose me to give an award to. Isn’t that awesome? I am so honored. I feel so rotten and excited at the same time. God is so creative in how he blesses, isn’t he? Thank you to Ms. Bethany……I am a grateful recipient of your award. P.S. It’s my first one, too! Woohoo!

Now if you’ll pardon me…..I must go back to the wailing and nashing of teeth flu! Pray for me…..I have to get well soon. Oh and check out this cute award.

Just Say It!

Sunday, December 14th, 2008

I’ve had a full and happy weekend. Today, Miss Ally had her Christmas piano recital. She played Silent Night and Good King Wenceslas. Very well done, my little piano girl. We’re so proud of what you’ve learned in a few short months. Keep practicing! I will post my video of her performance soon.

Tonight, I want to spread the word. If you love someone, GO TELL THEM! Right now! Stop reading this blog….and go say it to someone who most likely loves to hear it. πŸ™‚ I am heading to my room..I’ve already told my sweet kids. Now, I’m heading to the man that makes my world go round. He loves to hear those words and I’m going to just say it!

I love you, Honey!

Christmas Party

Saturday, December 13th, 2008

Last night was hubby’s work Christmas party. Hosted of course by Bill & Dawn (his boss and his wife). They are quite the party people! We met for dinner in Columbus and ate at a fabulous place called Smith’s Row. It was delicious and the atmosphere just right. We could talk and relax while enjoying the top notch service. After dinner it was off to the Black’s house for dessert and Dirty Santa.

When we arrived everyone was sitting ready to go on the gift games. We joined right in and picked a number out of a hat. Don drew #1 and received the first present (a gift from the boss)…..I’m so excited to say… was a Flip video camera! Woohoo! I love it! I was so excited and I’m sure I embarrassed myself by my behavior. Sorry party friends if I acted a little silly! It’s just such a cool gift. I have been playing with it all day. It is a breeze to use and upload onto the computer. Perfect for blogging!

After jumping up and down over that little gem we played Dirty Santa. I was #4 in this game and picked a cute reindeer which danced and chocolate covered cherries (yes, they were stolen and I never got them back!). I’m not sad though….because I ended up doing much better. I actually got a present that is perfect for me, a yummy cinnamon candle! YES! I love it……smells heavenly! Last year, at another Dirty Santa party…I came home with some cheapo tool set. So disappointed! I’m clicking my heels this year. Yeehaw! Oh and Don, he won a vibrating back massager (see, I’m rolling in the prizes).

My Wii competitors (Marilyn & Randy) will be glad to know…..I played a mean game or two of bowling. Yes, I won! Ahhh victory! Tis so sweet! I’m just all into this Christmas spirit, ya’ll. πŸ™‚ We certainly had a great time. Bill and Dawn are so very kind and generous. They are great people and know how to make you feel cared for and special. Hats off to both of them. We had a wonderful time with the rest of the staff as well. It was a special night. Oops! I forgot to mention the staff received an awesome laptop case loaded with goodies. Such a great idea.

Look out for video’s coming your way….my dear bloggy readers. Thanks to my new Flip camera, I am a woman on the loose.

Friendship Clues for the Clueless

Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

I’ve been mulling over some things lately. Like friendships! Me being the social butterfly type….I really like having friends. My kids are the same way. Hubby…well….he’s cool with or without! He’s content hanging on his own with just us as his bud’s. The rest of us…not so much. I mean, we like hangin just us…but we like having lots of friends. It’s just fun that way!

But friends let you down. They can disappoint or hurt you. They can also move or leave forever. It’s all a risk that friendship thing. One we should all be passionate about taking. Friends can help mold us into the people we need to be (if they are healthy and holy). They can also bring us down…..and cause us to sin or stumble. Have you ever thought about what kind of friend you are? I have. Believe me, there have been many times I’ve had to say I’m sorry or forgive me. I feel it’s necessary to get serious and sling out some “clues” regarding being a good friend. I hope you like them….and if you know of something I didn’t mention….well….comment and let me know. I really want to be a kickin awesome friend!

1–Be a real friend. This sounds hokey, but it’s true. Remember your mom saying, “if you want to have a friend you have to be a friend?” Well, she was right. Be kind, loving and accepting. You really never know who will be your next BFF. Treat people as if.
2–Be trustworthy. No one likes getting stabbed in the back. I wish I could say this only exists in younger ages (like elementary/teen years) but it is alive and happening into adulthood. Don’t blab what a friend says to you in confidence to anyone. It will ruin your friendship and forever mark you as untrusworthy.
3–Be forgiving. I have to say a real friend will accept and grant true forgiveness. Are you a friend like that? I hope so. Cause people make mistakes. I’m so glad God forgives me over and over.
4–Be Christ-like. Life can be so tough. If you’re in a relationship with someone that is mean-spirited or jealous…..and professes Christ….something might be off kilter. Christian friends honor God with their words and actions. Godly friends will want to do what’s right in God’s eyes….no matter what!
5–Be a balcony friend. What’s a balcony friend? I’m glad you asked. It’s a friend that pulls you up. It can suck the life right out of you to have a friend that drags you down into the basement. Speak words that encourage and lift each other up. Smile, laugh and find the good in every situation.
6–Be available. In this hectic day and age it’s important to make time for friends. Everybody needs a little fun outside the normal mundane things. So get together and do stuff you like to do. You’d be surprised at how much your perspective changes on everything. Think of it as a love tank filler upper.
7–Be thankful. Speak words of gratitude to your friends. Let them know how you feel about them and how you love and appreciate them. I have some of the world’s most wonderful friends and I love to tell them that…..and I love hearing it back. They are the sweetest ladies in the world for loving me. I am blessed and I want them to know it.
8–Be you. Yep, just you. It’s so easy to think we aren’t good enough or we don’t measure up. But real friends….want you to be the best you. No one else on this earth can be you. So just do it….be you. You’re awesome, remember? God don’t make no junk!

Now….for some verses. Get ready. πŸ™‚

Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”
Matt. 12:34 “For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.”
Proverbs 28:26 “He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe.”
Matt. 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.”
Eph. 4:2 “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”
1 Thes. 5:11 “Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
Rom. 12:10 “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.”
Eph. 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
Prov. 17:17 “A friend loveth at all times.”
John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”

I want to be a friend like you. I want to love and not judge. I want to take away any pain or sadness my friends may have. Help me to love and forgive like you. Show me when I fail and need to make a change. Pierce my heart when I sin against my friends and set me on a new path. Thank you for the grace of friendships. I feel like the most blessed friend in the world.


Monday, December 8th, 2008

This song is so beautiful. What a sweet reminder that God is there. Even when it’s chaotic and a mess. He’s carrying us! We have all the hope we need in Him. His love sets us free. The group is Addison Road. Love them!

Lately, I’ve been running in circles. I have felt tired and overwhelmed. Too much happening and not resting properly have worn me down. When this happens, my spirit dwindles. I need a break! I need to reconnect with my real life. My God-life. I’m feeling too busy and I don’t like that….I neglect what I need most. Rest and Him.

I’m taking off Wednesday. I need the rest. I don’t usually do that. But, I can’t keep going the way I am. That is also the day of John Romine’s funeral. I will attend and support my sweet sister in Christ, Carol and her family. Remember them and pray. Reality is hitting hard. Tuesday and Wednesday will be so very painful.