Archive for October, 2009

Did you know…

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

God would rather forgive us than judge us?

He remains faithful even when we don’t?

He can use anything–even something bad–to accomplish greater good?

So, the way I see it…..God is more than willing to accept my repentance and forgive me when I blunder through life. He picks me up and sets me back on the path of righteousness (no questions asked). Then, He will work in my life…in spite of my foolishness… that all will see HIS glory.


Thank you, God. You see right into my heart. You remind me when it’s not in the condition that is holy and acceptable to you. I’m amazed at the little ways you remind me of just how BIG YOU ARE!!! You are my King!


She’s my all-time favorite….

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

If you’ve never heard of Alison Krauss…..let me intoduce her to you. I’ve been listening to her for…..many years. She’s probably one of the most talented musicians in the world. Her gift is not only having the voice of an angel, this beautiful lady can play multiple instruments….very well. I have yet to hear a single Alison Krauss song that I didn’t love! She’s my favorite!

Back in 2000, hubby bought tickets to see her in Louisville as a gift to me. It was certainly one of the best presents ever. (Thank you babe) My kids love listening to her as much as I do. It warms my heart that my girl (Ally) would want to borrow my AK cd’s to listen to over and over.

You should hear us as we get ready to go in the mornings…..we sound like Alison Krauss’ backup singers. Her voice gets us ready to face our long days. (Thank you AK)! Do you think we could join your band?

I hope to see her in concert again…..she’s more than worth it! Until then, I’ll keep my ipod filled with her sweet music!

My first Vlog, ya’ll!

Monday, October 5th, 2009

Queenie vlogsBOTOX!!!!

PS. Maybe that title should be, “Queenie saying haaaaaaaay!”. Oh beans and cornbread! πŸ™‚

AP Honor’s Scholar

Friday, October 2nd, 2009

I stopped by the Library at school today to read the paper. Imagine my surprise when I opened it up and saw my Sweetboy’s picture?! There he was……being honored for his accomplishment’s during his high school career. While he was a student at JCHS he took several AP classes and tested very well.

It’s quite an honor to be recognized for such hard work. He wasn’t the only student taking these classes. But only one of eight outstanding. That is so cool!

Here’s the article.

A few weeks back, he received the actual award in the mail. I opened it and immediately sent him a picture of it….with celebratory woot, woots! He took it like a normal Galloway boy…..”Cool”! He was proud of all his hard work! And so are we!

Wow Gavin! You deserve to be proud of yourself. It’s not everyday one gets honored in such a prestigious way. God has blessed you with a great mind….and we’re so glad you’re not wasting it!

Take a gander at the award! Yay Gavin!

How crazy is too crazy?

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

Everyday at 5:00pm, I’m glued to my t.v. Now for those of you who know me…personally…know that I am not a big t.v. freak. As a matter of fact, I rarely watch anything….even my favorite shows. I tivo and still forget to watch whatever it was that was precious to my viewing eyes. So…I’m not at all like my peeps! They. Are. Addicted. To. Tv.


But to this….I am hooked like an addict to a crack pipe. The cause? Glenn Beck! Yes, the mormon t.v. personality has me tuning in every single day….and if I miss (like I did yesterday) I get all in a tizzy! I’m totally addicted to his rantings! He is on fi-yah!!! If you cannot make sense of what is going on in this country….and honestly, WHO CAN? I suggest you tune into Fox News at 5:00pm and watch Glenn. He is telling Americans THE TRUTH!

It seems like our world is spinning out of control. If you’re anything like me (and maybe you’re not) then you are standing witness to some of the craziest times ever in our history. Each new day brings some deeper and darker revelation of just how out of control our leaders can be. I am amazed….day after day.

My prayer is that God will protect us….in spite of us. Our choices have put us in dire straights. We can’t do what God has called us to do…if we are not following Him with pure hearts. I pray that those in control of our free country….would lead by the Holy Spirit’s power and not their own. We need to turn back to the one that has truly set us free. Jesus!

Thank you, Glenn Beck. You say what mainstream media folks will not say! I’m praying for you. πŸ™‚