Archive for October, 2009

I can wait

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

It seems like all I do these days is wait. Don’t get me wrong…..I like sitting still. But waiting for something has a whole different feel than sitting idle. What am I waiting for? Here’s a sample…

I wait…

—in the car. Teenagers tend to drag around in the mornings.

—at the doctor. Everybody knows don’t be in a hurry there.

—in line at the store. I always pick the slow line. Hmmm..

—to get in the bathroom. I live with 2 teenage girls with lots of hair.

—for the laundry to be finished. Don’t ya just love laundry? Me too.

—for hubby to get home. He works hard! Then comes home to (needy people).

—for the bell to ring. Can you tell I work at a high school? πŸ™‚

—for payday! I love seeing that automatic deposit, money rocks!

—the weekends Sweetboy comes home. I miss him.

We’re all waiting for things. Ally is patiently waiting for a car. Gavin is waiting on a job. Gates is waiting for her birthday in November. It’s part of life. Being patient while doing it is challenging. I’m learning (yes, at my ripe old age) to just let God work. I need to move out of His way and trust Him to do what He’s promised. What about you? Are you waiting for something?

The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him!” Lam. 3:24
I love knowing that you are all that I need. My brain thinks it knows what is best….but your word tells me otherwise. You are all I need to focus on. Everything else will fall into place. I trust you…..with the things I wait on in life and in the lives of those I love. You have a masterplan….help me to get out of your way!

Parenting Disaster

Monday, October 19th, 2009

Wanna have screwed up kids?

Lie. Lie to them. Lie to other’s in front of them. Teach them to lie.

Wanna live and do as you please?

Put yourself first. Don’t think of your kids when you make any decisions.

Wanna set your own boundaries of what’s right and wrong?

Trick 911 emergency workers, rescuers and all in authority whenever you feel like it. (Then threaten them with accountability)

Wanna be a parenting disaster?

Behave like the Heene parents out in Colorado!

Can you say…..parenting disaster? How sad! Very very sad!

Proverbs 11:23 “The desire of the righteous ends only in good, but the hope of the wicked only in wrath”.

NOTE: I certainly do not want to sound judgemental or hateful. That isn’t the condition of my heart in this case. I’m appalled at the lack of moral direction of parents in our society. Clearly, there are problems within the walls of this family’s home. Problems that need to be addressed…..even if it means criminal punishment. It’s this kind of hoopla that further hardens the hearts of a society that is quickly becoming driven by shock and awe!

We Will Enjoy It

Thursday, October 15th, 2009

Years ago. I mean…..a loooooong time ago. We watched the movie The Coneheads starring Dan Aykroyd and Jane Curtin. The movie was based off of a skit from Saturday Night Live from the 70’s. The characters were odd space alien types with….you guessed it, cone-shaped heads. They spoke weird, acted weird and were just weirdly hilarious. In the movie….when they found something they liked the two (who were a couple) would say…WE WILL ENJOY IT!

We picked up that line for ourselves. It’s been said a time or twenty around my house. Anytime we are anticipating something exciting…..”We will enjoy it!” seems to pop out. It’s really funny (to us anyway)! We still crack up thinking back to how funny they were in the movie. Good times!

Tonight…is my favorite night to watch tv. The Office, 30 Rock (it’s back) and other great shows will keep us up way too late laughing our heads off. So in the words of the coneheads.

We will enjoy it!

WARNING: Very corny humor! Must watch with complete coolness abandoned. Seriously!

Even Parents Make F’s!

Wednesday, October 14th, 2009

It’s no big secret…..I’m not perfect! Especially in the role of parenting. I mess up, fall short, forget, drop the ball, overreact…..yell when I should listen and hurt feelings without thinking. I hate it and I always regret it. Parenting is a tough job! One I couldn’t do without God’s grace. Thank you Lord!

I’m praying for a struggling girl this morning. She’s alot like me. Not a math whiz! She’s also like me in that we’re passionate about loving other’s and having fun. I like those qualities. They will bless you throughout life. But right now….she needs a Geometry miracle! Today marks the end of 1st 9 weeks grading. This is not good! She’s only taken one test and two quizzes….all of which she scored poorly on. πŸ™

Discouragement can overwhelm you. No one really wants to fail at anything. Being a good student is important. As a mom, I can see the errors that have caused her to be in this situation. It’s hard…but the consequences stink. She knows. How much more can I punish her? Earning an F is the ultimate in shame.

I’m learning everyday to stay on top of things. All it takes is one slip up and I’m in a boat of struggle myself. One forgotten payment….can cause something to be terminated. Sleeping too late….causes issues with a boss. Being neglectful of health…..results in sickness. It’s up to me to stick to it. Otherwise, I fail too.

So you see….it’s not just high school that a person can earn an F. Even parents can do it. Don’t be discouraged! Forgive yourself. Be energized…..refreshed and begin again with a renewed spirit. Learn from your mistakes and move on. That’s really all any of us can do. And know…..that no matter what…..Dad and I will always love you!

Love, Mama

Happy Birthday…ME!!

Monday, October 12th, 2009


If I ponder on the number too long…..I get a bit squirmy! I know I should embrace growing older….but come on! 43!!!??!! That seems, up there! As in, oooooooold! Don’t tell me…”You’re only as old as you feel!” cause that’s really depressing! Somedays….I feel awful! πŸ™‚

I’m thankful to be here and to share another year of my life with the family God gave me. I look forward to eternity with my Lord someday. But until then….this life He’s so lavishly given me…….is a treasure! Thank you God!

I am blessed.

Since 43 is such a big number. Writing 43 things about me would probably make you want to pull your eyelashes out. So, I think instead I’ll write 4 things about me….and 3 things that I love! I’m nice like that, huh?

About me

1) I’m extremely anal. Sad but true. Some call it “high strung” other’s obnoxious. I have some issues, ok?
2) I have a wacky personality. Ok, this could go many directions. I tend to be a little crazy. I like to have FUN, don’t you?
3) I’m a dreamer. I’ve always been one. I can make anything come true if I think on it long enough.
4) I’m soft-hearted and tough at the same time. I want to help anyone hurting and I’m strong enough to try.

I love

1) Being a Mom! I always knew I wanted to be one and God blessed me with the best kids ever.
2) Touching someone’s life! I’ve loved being used by God to bless. It feels amazing! I’ve been blessed by so many people…why not pass it on?
3) Knowing that I will spend eternity in heaven with Jesus! Everyday reminds me that I’m one step closer to seeing His face. I stand amazed that He loved me that much….that He would die for me.

Oh….look at my present from hubby! I love them! Thank you, honey! Can’t wait to wear them!

Welcome…Sweet Friends

Friday, October 9th, 2009


Ummm! Huh? What? I’m Lynnette’s feature blog today? Are you serious? I was so totally unprepared! Lesson learned, ya’ll! Don’t sit on the couch after a long day of school and choir shows watching tv (something I rarely ever do!). The one night I’m not tapping around on my computer….something cool happens to me. πŸ™‚

Well, I am completely thrilled to be the featured blog today! It is my honor to welcome the sweet readers who love Lynnette and her blog like I do. She has inspired me…..encouraged me…..and helped me put my troubles into perspective just by being herself. Thanks, Lynnette!

I hope you find something of interest on my little piece of the blogosphere. I’m just a simple lady. I love Jesus, my family and my life. I blog because I’m a pretend author. I have big dreams of “really” writing stuff down……as in books, someday. I have a passion for women and teens. I love teaching, singing, shopping, cooking and spending quality time with my family. That’s the stuff that keeps me going!

Come back and see me. I love having visitor’s! You guys understand when I say….blogging is incredibly fun! I love reading other blogs and meeting such amazing people. God has blessed me through complete strangers. Isn’t that just awesome? I hope you’re blessed by something you find here.

Have a super weekend, ya’ll!

Oh and Lynnette…..thank you precious lady! I do love your blog and your wise words. I also love Lisa Leonard’s goodies! Great prize! πŸ™‚