Archive for November, 2009

A Walk on Broadway

Monday, November 16th, 2009




You know how sometimes words just seem so futile? Well, that’s how I feel trying to come up with something adequate to describe this weekend’s show. It was amazing! It made me smile and laugh….and beam with pride! I loved it!

There’s something very special about seeing your kids perform. Especially when they work so hard and invest so much of themselves into it. A Touch of Class is a top notch group of students. Each of them bring something unique and special to the stage. I have a hard time picking favorites. Well, except for my own…..of course! 🙂

We had tickets for Saturday night’s show. I read the many brags and accolades on Facebook after Friday’s show and my excitement was about to get the best of me. Ally, you really shine when you are on stage. I loved every song and dance. Your “quick” solo two lines……was the best show opener I’ve seen in a long time!

Can’t wait to see you do your thing the rest of the school year! Your hard work sure did pay off! The show ROCKED!

My Kids! Ally, Gavin & Gates!


(Remember….click on video link twice to open it up)

Sadie Marie Morgan 11-13-10

Friday, November 13th, 2009

It’s times like these that make living so far away from family tough. Today marks a special birthday for hubby’s grandmother. 99!! Mamaw has been around to see a lot of life. She’s lived it well, too. We like to tease her that she eats whatever she wants (that’s why she’s lived so long)…..and she does eat whatever she wants. Everything must accompany some jelly or buttermilk! Now that’s impressive!

Mamaw hasn’t wasted any time here on earth. She’s used her time very intentionally. She is an amazing Bible student. Her “lessons” have gone out all over this world. For years, Mamaw has written her own commentary to go along with her Sunday School lesson. If you were a relative or a friend… received it in the mail. Thank you Mamaw! Those are treasured resources that we will have forever.

I’m thankful for you, Mamaw! You have been a blessing in my life and in my family’s life. Thank you for raising such a wonderful daughter (my MIL) and for the investment you’ve made in my husband (your grandson). I’m a blessed lady because of the three generations that are a part of my life. I love you!

I hope today is a wonderful day…..spent with Krispy Kremes or cake or jelly. All of which I’m betting you will have. I just wish I was there to share the fun!


First Love

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

Some think being a Christian is all about following a bunch of rules. If we ponder on it… a way, there are rules to follow. Just that’s not all there is to being a follower of Christ.

I can see sinful behavior a mile away. Maybe you can too. It seems as if we train ourselves to “be good”! I like to call it legalistic. We put up boundaries that we refuse to step over. Thinking in our heads that we are so good (since we refrain from what we think is over the edge living).

In Revelation 2….the Ephesians are commended for being good. The angel points out that they have followed sound teaching, perservered in opposition, resisted immoral behavior and worked hard to be genuine followers of God. But….one thing that they’d overlooked?

First love.

They had become so good at fighting off bad behavior….but so bad at loving one another (and truly loving God). Isn’t that how we are? We tend to focus on doing every little detail of our Christian walk by the Book. Yet, we find fault in our brother/sister in Christ. And that is probably higher on the “to do” list than anything else God wants from us.

I am reminded.

Lord Jesus,
Help me to love other’s like you do. Show me that I cannot follow any rules or laws that do not include this act of obedience first. I want to return to my first love.

Revelation 2:4 “Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love”.


Monday, November 9th, 2009


November 9th, 1994 was an exciting day in our lives! We hadn’t planned on a third baby…..but God did. I can testify, He knows best! We are so very thankful that He chose our family……to share Gates. Fifteen years ago, I had no idea what an impact this little person would have on my heart.

You have the biggest most sensitive heart. Everyday I spend with you in my life…..I want to be a better me. You’re a blessing that I never want to live without. You used to tell me when you were little that when you grew up… were going live right next door to me. That way, we’d never have to be apart. I hope you do! You are precious to me!
I love you….soooooooo much!

You know that person in families that willingly takes care of aged parents?
Yea….that’s Gates!


Aren’t ya glad?

Saturday, November 7th, 2009

Aren’t ya glad….
to know a smidgen of how much God loves you?
to have a family that loves you….in spite of really knowing you?
to have a home that’s warm and most likely filled with fun things, food, and comfort?
to be a friend?
to have friends?
to work?
to be able to go to God with anything?
that He trusts you with His kingdom work?
that He gave you the life that He did?
someone shared Christ with you?
that you’re going to heaven?

Yea… too! I was just wondering if anyone else was glad!    🙂


I’m happy to have all my chicks in the nest today. Gavin came in last night and surprised us with a visit (little did he know that today was LEAF WORK DAY!!!). Only 2 more days until my baby turns 15!!! Geez, Gates….come on girl! You’re just a baby!  I luv U!


Ouch, that hurts!

Friday, November 6th, 2009


Sweetboy has been complaining of a toothache. First he spoke with hubby about it and the conclusion was that he had a cracked molar. Huh? That’s not good! So after a week of sleepless nights filled with pain and misery….we scrambled to find a dentist to see him over in Bloomington. NOTE: Never are your mom power’s put to the test more than when you’re kid is away at college and has a medical need!!!   🙁

It was tricky! He located a doctor that accepted our insurance and made his own appointment. Hmm, my boy’s grown up!? The new dilemma? Do we go to B-town and assist? Or do we let him “handle” it? We were a mess over the decision. We decided to let him go and wait patiently freak out for his call afterwards.

He needs a root canal! The x-rays revealed an ugly cavity that went way wrong. How do you have a cavity that bad and not know it? I don’t know! Poor kid! He was hurting!  And we were hours away and working!

The next problem was finding a specialist that accepted our insurance. After 2 days of chasing the one closest to us (over an hour in an opposite direction) around between offices….I was able to set up an appointment for next Tuesday. Praise-a-luia! Then…..the lady began asking me all sorts of questions! Huh? What? I don’t know! I felt horrible! What kind of mom was I? How could he be in this situation and me not know any particulars? Grrrr.

I’m learning. I’m not a bad mom because my kid is at college with a rotten tooth! Shoot, I’m normal…….right?  Come on…..I’m needing a mom boost here!  This could happen to anyone, right?