Archive for December, 2009


Wednesday, December 16th, 2009


Elsie… won!  Help me out though….I can’t find an email for you!  Send me an email please with an address and I’ll mail this out to you asap!


I’m so excited to do a Christmas giveaway! It’s such a special time of year to me. I love Christmas….I love the spirit that hangs in the air. It’s good family time and take a break time. Always a good thing for me! Here in Indiana….the weather pretty much rocks too! I love the snow and cold. Growing up in sunny Florida has a way of making you a little crazy about a “real” winter!

What’s up for grabs? A sweet Christmas story. One that is an easy quick read and good to share with the family. If you’re interested in winning The Paper Bag Christmas by Kevin Alan Milne……please leave a comment on this post by Sunday, December 20th at 1:00pm.

Answer this question for your entry. What makes Christmas time special to you?

Good luck! I’ll pick a winner on Sunday afternoon and contact them that night. Be sure you leave me an email (if you’re not a blogger). I want to mail this out to be enjoyed for Christmas!  That’s what works for me!


Christmas Party

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

This year’s party slipped up on me. How, you ask? I didn’t find out about it until the night before! Thanks, honey! For some reason, he forgot about telling me. I needed time to ponder it….to think about what I’d wear….and to do whatever it is you do when waiting on a special date to arrive. 🙂 Not this time! I just had to be ready by 6:15 on Friday night! Dang!

The party meal was at a great place we used to eat at when we lived in Salem, Indiana. The restaurant is called Jeeves and if you passed by it you would think it was “just” a restaurant! But it’s not! It’s really cool! Very ecclectic and chic with amazingly delicious food. The food is always fantastic! So, great choice….Bill & Dawn! You make terrific party hosts. I like your choices! Can I be your daughter?

It was a nice evening out. We don’t go out normally, so this was extra special. It’s also fun to spend time with the people that hubby works with. We don’t see much of one another usually. So a night like this is a great way to connect. It gives you a chance to let your hair down and laugh about the crazy stuff that happens in life. Thanks Bill and Dawn….you are very blessed and I am so thankful that you share in so many ways with us. We are blessed because of you.

A Christmas Carol

Monday, December 14th, 2009

You know the story. You’ve read the book (most likely). You may have even watched one of the many movies made about the book. But now, A Christmas Carol is out by Disney and it’s awesome! Very well made but oh so scary! I wouldn’t take my little kids to see it. The message is still a good one.

Be nice. Love people. Share. Put other’s before yourself. Think positively. Have compassion. Give when you can. Live life to the fullest.

I try to live like that everyday. Sure, I fall short at times. But really….I want to bless other’s with my life. This story is always a good reminder to be genuine and to love people with your whole heart. What kind of legacy will you leave behind? Will it be like Scrooge or his partner? Or will it be of someone who blessed others?

Last week, I was privileged to watch with my very own eyes as a friend and her faith grew! She had been hurting financially and the stress was just about to overtake her. She was down to eating eggs and on her last tank of gas (she commutes to school about an hour).

Back on my birthday (Oct)…I won a $10 giftcard to Kroger. Somehow the blogger transposed the numbers on my zipcode and it never came. I contacted her just to make sure that I hadn’t received it and tossed it out. She apologized and said she was resending it and that she was adding another $5 to it. I thought, “Wow, cool!”. It came and I set to the side forgetting it everytime I went to the store. Then my friend tells me…..about the eggs. I knew immediately that I could help and I did. Long story short…..I shared with 2 other friends (confidentially) and both were able to do even more for my very needy friend.

Try it…’ll see!

A man in the kitchen….

Friday, December 11th, 2009

We like eating in my family! It’s one of our favorite things to do. Food just makes us happy! Maybe you like it too. When I find something new to make….I can’t think of anything else until I do it! That was the case yesterday. I had been mulling over a snack mix recipe and a little emergency run to the bank put me in a position to grab the ingredients.

Oh did I just mention… emergency run to the bank? Yea, I did….didn’t I? All I can say is that I’m so glad the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. It’s heartwarming to know that of all the things we’ve passed along to our children…..”learning everything the hard way!!” is at the top of the list!

Long story short! Gavin’s car was towed at IU! Cost? $110! If I hadn’t gone RIGHT THEN? It would have been an additional $50! Yea, Merry Christmas! 🙂

Back to a man in the kitchen! Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. Tyler Mote (my daughter’s TLF) came to town and when I couldn’t get anybody else to help….he volunteered to make the yummy snack mix! I love that boy! Not only was it EASY….but oh my goodness it was delicious! Scrumptious!

You must make it! Go…now….do it!

Vanilla Party Mix

10oz bag of litte pretzels
1 bag chocolate M & M’s
1 bag vanilla chips
5 C. Rice Chex cereal
3 T. oil

Mix together in a large bowl….pretzels, M & M’s, Rice chex. In microwave safe bowl….melt the vanilla chips with oil. Once melted, pour over goodies in the large bowl and mix. Pour onto a large pan covered with wax paper and let cool. Break apart and enjoy!


Tiger….not always a winner!

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009


I have listened to the news….and seen his famous face plastered all over tv. His dirty laundry (and I’d say it’s pretty nasty) aired and shared for all the world to see. It’s heartbreaking! It’s devastating! Why would he do it? That is the question most of the world is asking. He seems to have it all, right?

Or does he?

For those of us who love and follow Jesus…..we see this lack of moral compass with hearts that hurt when someone falls short. It happens. People fail. They mess up! But for anyone in a committed marriage relationship…this can destroy! The Bible is clear regarding keeping the marriage bed pure! This one act can change the dynamics of a happy home in an instant.

It sickens me anytime I hear of it. Infidelity ruins lives. Satan pounces on every opportunity he can to wreck intact families. Tiger’s no exception. If he’s not a Christ follower…..he’s also not properly prepared for the battle. We all know that we must be fully armed for whatever attack comes our way. And they will come our way!

My prayer for Tiger Woods and his wife….is that someone will minister to them. Being wealthy beyond imagination cannot save a marriage and neither can fame. But meeting a Savior…..and finding the forgiveness that true repentance can bring can do more than just save a marriage. It can change eternity!

Tiger doesn’t need more judgement or scrutiny….he needs Jesus! He may win golf tournaments that pay him by the billions…..but his future is bleak if it doesn’t include God!

Great things come out of the most shameful and painful of circumstances. Let this be one of those times. Open the heart of Tiger and his wife…..surround them with your Holy Spirit and make the changes that they need. Pruning can be very painful….but you’re the master gardener! Snip away what doesn’t fit and make it just right.

I owe ya!

Monday, December 7th, 2009

“Let no debt remain outstanding except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law”. Romans 13:8


Am I loving those around me the way God expects me to?  After the week I’ve just had…the answer is NO!  I’ve been extra sensitive and super stressed.  Two emotions that can wreck a loving spirit.  I’m working on it though.  With God’s help and gentle reminders….I will get back on track.

Your love for me never changes. Thank you that I can rely on that.  Even when my feelings are all over the map….you still cherish and adore me.  Help me to love those in my path just like you do.  I don’t want to be in debt when it comes to sharing my love or yours!