Archive for January, 2010


Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

Am I the only one……having a day that will go down in trainwreck history? I literally feel like I’m spiraling down into a stress oblivion! Crazy stuff keeps happening! I seriously can’t take another thing!

My girls have been arguing! To the point of physical fighting. YES, I SAID FIGHTING! I cannot tell you how crazy that makes me. Who answers their problems with physical violence? Savages? Yes! Have we reached that point? Obviously!

I’m thinking of running away!

Ally had a student council meeting after school (the teacher said a 30 minute meeting). Around 40 minutes later, she sent me a text that they were still going strong. I decided I would go walk with my friend for exercise and make good use of my waiting time. We get half-way around the school building and I get another text (meet me at the car, I’m finished!). I head back to the car and sit for 15 minutes waiting…..and waiting…….until she finally comes out.

While we were at school, I let Gates catch a ride home with her boyfriend Cj (we have a rule….no one home? no boys inside without supervision!). So for the hour we were at school….Gates and Cj were standing outside waiting on us to arrive. In yucky weather!

We arrive home, after 4:00pm and as soon as I walk in….I see it! DOG BARF!! All over the living room rug. Our dog, Maggie threw up in two huge spots on the floor. I cannot take the horror! Puke is not my thing. Seriously. I turn this job over to hubby…and he was NOWHERE near home! So, needless to say….I was totally freaking out!

I start dinner because I am so dang tired if I don’t…there will be no meal at suppertime. I decide that I should check around for more dog problems and find that Lizzy our little poodle has done a #2 on the rug in the hallway. Grrr! I am ready to do a dog send-off by this point. I even declare……I’m not going to miss these dogs when they’re gone! Mean, I know….but come on! I hate puke and poop on my floors! I clean up the poo and the toilet flushes until it has NO water left. Hmm, that’s weird. Later I go in and “use” the toilet and keep thinking….why am I getting splashed here? Then, stick my hand into a pot of water! The toilet was over full!
Can you hear what I’m saying? My toilet… now full to the VERY TOP! I go for the plunger…..IT’S GONE!

Do you get what I’m saying? Every little thing has seemed compounded! I didn’t even mention the all through dinner arguing by the entire family. It was enough to make reality tv.

At work, one of my co-workers shared with me an article in today’s paper about our future job loss expectation. Yea, it’s not looking like I’ll have a job much longer. I feel the pressure everyday. Many in my school do as well. No one knows……is it me? According to the paper, it could be many. Over 1.5 million in cuts from our school district alone. I need my job!

What is the deal? I need a break! I feel overwhelmed, under-appreciated and aggrevated! I need a Holy intervention, now!

Lord, rain down your love and mercy on me. I need you. I hunger and thirst for you. My heart is overwhelmed and things seem to be swirling out of control. Help me to focus on what is important and let go of what I don’t need to worry about.

Can’t Monday come on another day?

Monday, January 18th, 2010

What is it with me and Monday’s?  I take them so personally!  Like really, now!  It’s a bummer getting up after having the weekend off to enjoy being free.  I’m a baby!  I accept it!  Here’s what I meant to say…..I’m thankful for you Monday morning!  Glad I lived to see you….once again!   🙂

On another positive note, it’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day!  A day many young people just cannot grasp.  It’s a completely different world.  The time he invested working towards civil rights seems unreal.  His heartfelt desire was to see all people treated equal.  It’s almost too much to bear when I see anything that reflects that time.  I have trouble understanding how anyone could mistreat another because of the color of their skin.  It disgusts me and makes me feel embarrassed….even though, I had no part in it.  I feel the shame as if I did!  So again, thank you Lord for the life and legacy left by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  He continues to inspire me today more than 40 years after his death.

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. – John 15:12-13

I’m starting a new approach to my prayer life.  Our small group kicked off 2010 last night with a great lesson on talking to God.  Next week we’ll discuss “listening”!  I can’t wait!  I tend to do most of the talking in the majority of my relationships (something I’m working on…really).  So, I’m looking forward to sharpening my listening tools.

What about you?  Do you have a prayer plan?  If not, here are a few ideas to think on.

ACTS prayers!  I love this.  It really helps my all over the map brain stay on track.

A-Acknowledgement or Adoration (praise Him….adore Him and tell Him)
C-Confess (spill it!  say it!  get rid of it!)

T-Thanksgiving (thank Him for what He’s done for  you and going to do)

S-Supplication (ask Him for things….meet a need, health issues, friends/family)


Create a file system.  You’ll need 8 index cards or a folded piece of paper (folded in half and then again….8 boxes).  Name them.

Daily. Sunday. Monday. Tuesday……etc.  Then fill in your prayer plans for each of those days.  Stick to them.  A daily prayer need would be one that you need to focus time on each day.  The rest are your own to tackle as they come.  I like this one too.  I need structure.  Both of these prayer plans do that for me.  Give me a set direction to focus on.

But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.  Matt. 6:6

Killin time!

Saturday, January 16th, 2010

I’ve been busy!  Busy doing stuff!  It’s finally Saturday!  Which means at 8:15pm the Colts kickoff the BIG game! All day long, I’ve been running around trying to do things that kept my mind occupied. Crazy, I know!

On the to do list?

1) Wash Dogs (yea….both the stinkers)
2) Wash the cars (uh-huh both, yuck!)
3) Clean the gacky floors in my house
4) Wash the bathroom rugs
5) Laundry (my favorite Colts shirt was dirty)
6) Prep game foods
7) Change the tail-light on the Suburban
8) Flat-iron Ally’s long hair
9) Boss a couple teenagers around
10) Take a shower and get in my game attire!

Ok, I’m ready! Now….let’s get down to business, Colts! GO FIGHT WIN!!!

Praying for Haiti

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

The news cannot convey the devastation!  We must pray for this area.  Many are suffering.  It’s heartbreaking to see such pain!  I feel like many that just want to go…..and help!

But for now…..I can pray!


Help these people!  They need YOU!  Show us….the way!


What’s the message?

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

I have this thing about my kids….I’m a lot like a Mama bear! I feel compelled to protect them (it’s in my blood!). My own mama was much the same…maybe even worse! She butted in when she shouldn’t have most of my life. It’s ok, I didn’t turn out that bad! Still, she could’ve looked the other way on some things….but she just couldn’t!

I’ve tried to be a lot more removed from my kids issues. Some things they just have to work out and go through. It’s how God works and I don’t want to interfere with Him. Many times I’ve cried and prayed over something going on that I couldn’t stand to see in my kids lives. Always, God handles….what I know I can’t!

That’s all I can do. If one of my kids needs me to handle something (specifically) I will do it. It’s my job to try anyway. I’m just thankful that I have the relationship with all three of them that allows us to communicate and work through whatever comes up. I have a responsibility to lead and guide them… every way.

Even when they are gone to college!

Gavin left to go back to college life on Saturday. It was hard after having him around for over 2 weeks. I couldn’t help but get a bit weepy as he left. 🙁 I miss him. He’s very special and important to me. That’s what mama’s do! They love their children FOREVER! And always long to see them again!

So, getting this message today as he was heading to his first class of his second semester was…..well, I’ll let you tell me how you’d feel!

“I don’t know what He is saying, but I feel like God is screaming something at me right now as I ready myself for my first class this semester. Prayers please.”

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the reminder that you don’t just have to speak to me to get to my children.  I get it!  They are able to hear you even if I’m not around.  I know this….yet I hold on thinking it’s my job!  I pray for Gavin as he listens to you that he would get a clear answer to what it is you have for him.  Open his eyes…..and ears and speak!  He’s sure you have something very important for him and he doesn’t want to miss it!  Lord, neither do I.


Linky Must Reads

Sunday, January 10th, 2010

Oh my goodness! There are some funny people out here in blogville! I just thought I’d share some linky lovin! If you need something good to move you beyond where you currently are…..then click away my friends!
Just click away!

Stuff Christians Like (Oh my goodness this is cute!)

Living Proof Ministries (ya’ll Beth Moore is so danged funny!)

The SITS girls! (Wow….lots of giveaways going on!)

Sweet Jeanette (These notes to God….are priceless!)

The More The Messier (Scroll down to How to Annoy Teenagers….you’ll be so glad you did)

My Charming Kids–MckMama (I love this…..I needed to see it)

A Holy Experience–Ann your words……move me! (Want to hear from Him? Me too)

Sharing is a good thing….right? I hope you find something that makes you smile or laugh…..but most of all, I hope your heart feels a little of something mine does when I read the words of a fellow believer.