Archive for September, 2010

Don’t give up…

Friday, September 10th, 2010

It’s funny how today’s post on (in)courage is titled Push. After I read it, I thought about how many times my friends or family have asked me the hard questions. The one’s that I avoided facing! Like, “When are you going to go back to school?”. Or, “When are you going to write your book?”. And my favorite one….”When am I going to see you on stage, speaking?”. I love all of these questions.


I’m famous for preaching to other’s about putting God in a box. Yet, I do it all the time myself! {Hypocrite} I believe He can do all things though me. I guess I just don’t think I’m worthy of some of those things. Maybe you do that too?! If you do… message to you (and to me) today is to push forward and chase after whatever it is that you’re dreaming of!

Don’t give up…

If you’re dreaming of writing a book (like me)…..start pecking on your keyboard in your freetime! If you’re dreaming of quitting your high stress job (like me)….start praying and searching out what it is that God would bless you with. If you’re dreaming of going back to school or changing your career path… it! And find a friend that will support you in prayer and encouragement!

I’m claiming today, to stop the fretting over what isn’t in my life and going after what it is that I really want!

Goodluck to you, friends. Don’t live another day unhappy about your circumstances! πŸ™‚


Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

I woke up to that song this morning on Klove. I love it! Have you listened to the lyrics? They’re a good reminder of how fast time flies.

{Like I need to know that… that all my babies are grown!!}

Every word…..expresses where I am these days. I don’t want to look back and wonder….what I’ve done with my life.
How about you?


Tuesday, September 7th, 2010

I’m thrilled to have a short week. I could really get used to 3 day weekends and 4 day work weeks. It sounds like I’m living large, just saying it! It’s not been an easy day back at the old grindstone though. Mrs. Mackey (my partner in crime) came into the classroom to find her computer down! Completely down! It wouldn’t let her log in with her username/password for anything. In case you didn’t know….everything we do, we need our computers to do it!

Class attendance
Input grades
Look up missed assignments
Find students
Work & more!!

All of it….on that little thing called a computer! If it’s not connecting….we’re stuck!

By the end of the day, I found a little irony in the lack of access to the computer system and my relationship with Christ. If I’m not plugged in (actively engaged with the Lord)….I’m pretty much powerless! Just like we’ve been in our classroom all day. I don’t know about you….but I need that Jesus connection!

Thanks for the reminder, Lord! I’m putting my focus on you! πŸ˜‰ I don’t want to be stuck without YOU!!

Mama’s Do Something!!

Thursday, September 2nd, 2010

I love being a mama! It’s truly a privilege. My kids….are my heart. I’m pretty crazy about them. Are they perfect? Heck no! Do I love them anyway? Heck yes! Do I want what’s best for them? Oh yea, you bet. But am I willing to let them run wild and do whatever they wish? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!

Today, I read an article in the newspaper of a young couple being arrested for attempted murder. The case went something like this: Boyfriend talks girlfriend into pouring boiling water on girlfriend’s mother’s face….because she didn’t approve of their relationship! Uhh, hello? Can you say…..HUH? What in the world was she thinking? Who does that? Who gets so angry or frustrated with ANYONE let alone your mother and decides to go along with a boyfriend to KILL HER? I’m still trying to process this!

Crazy days!

So, I’ve been thinking. The news is just filled with junk about young people doing insane things. Have you heard of Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton lately? What is going on? Mama’s, what are you doing? Or is it, what are you NOT DOING? I’m sorry, but God is not pleased with permissive parenting. Consequences are a part of life and for some of these people….they NEVER have to face any. Therefore, the problems…criminal activity…promiscuous behavior…..and drug & alcohol lifestyle only seem to worsen. Oh and let’s not forget…..the world wants to glamourize every step these wild girls take.


I’m far from perfect as a mom. Seriously. I own my fleshly wicked wacky nature. I goof, every single day! But I’m not going to turn my head and NOT PARENT my kids. I take it pretty serious. I want nothing more than to see them live victoriously in Christ! I cannot fathom just letting them free to act anyway they wish. I will continue to love them and hold them accountable (and I even have allowed them to hold me to a high standard as well). If I’m not willing to be REAL with them how can I ever expect them to do the same with me?

Stop handing your kids over to the world! It’s filled with evil! Your children are begging for love and attention that is bathed in God’s word and mercy! Be real to them and teach them to value themselves and other’s! It’s only a matter of time before you reap the benefits of your investment!

Will it be hot boiling water on your face as you sleep?
Or will it be a life lived openly for Christ and His goodness (thanks to you)? πŸ™

I do know that there are young people living fully for Christ and doing good things. It’s just that I’m really sick of the crummy behavior that I do see everyday in my world! Arent’ YOU?