Archive for September, 2010

Simply Thankful

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

Being a parent is tough work. When they’re small, it’s physically tedious and exhausting . As they reach teen years the emotional wear and tear begin to take over. Let’s face it, parenting is not for the weak or faint of heart. One must be prayed up, rested up and willing to be real in front of your kids.

It’s not enough to just tell them what to do or how to behave. Everyday, you and I must model what Christ expects of us as His followers. It’s the only way (the true way) that our kids will know right from wrong. Believe me, if you don’t think your kids are watching….just sit back and observe how they handle everyday situations in their life. They react based on what they know.

Last year, I seemed to be butting heads with a certain teenager in my house. She was modeling an “all about me” attitude just about everyday. The issues were draining me of my joy, my emotions and my mental strength. I pleaded with her to snap out of it! Nothing seemed to be working. I even resorted to punishment for every single offense. Exhausting! It still continued.

The stress of the behavior was beginning to take its toll on the whole family. Isn’t it funny how one unhappy person can wreck everyone’s good time? Or is that just in my family? πŸ™‚ I whined to my husband, I argued with her and then…..I gave up. Not on her, just the battle between us. I wasn’t getting anywhere with my other methods. Until it hit me. Make her focus on what it is she is thankful for.

I recognized the behavior she was modeling too well. I tend to be a bit dramatic about every little detail of my own life every now and then. What usually brings me back to a right perspective is a thankful list. I knew it worked for me…..but would it even crack open a peek into this child’s heart? So, I delivered the order.

I wish I could say that list made the problems stop immediately but it didn’t. It was simply a starting point. She began to recognize that fretting over every little thing is useless and joy robbing. Complaining about this and that started to look depressing (wonder why, huh?). Looking intentionally for the blessings in life was humbling. It wasn’t long before the rotten behavior was replaced with gratitude. Hers and mine.

Like so many other instances in parenting….this lesson wasn’t just for her. It was for me as well. When I get bummed about “stuff” in life and just want to whine about it…..I have this little reminder to claim what I’m grateful for and focus on that. Life isn’t all about me or you. It’s about living for Him and letting His goodness ooze out. If I’m oozing anger or complaints, I’m not oozing Jesus.

So, I’m focusing on simply being thankful!

Try it. Make your own Thankful List today. Write down everything that comes to mind. You’ll be surprised how your attitude changes. It’s better than any pep talk or bowl of icecream….I promise!

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Psalm 107:1

I love weekends!

Friday, September 17th, 2010

Everybody knows how I feel about Friday’s. It’s no secret! I’m a girl in love with everything about Friday. I look at it as a day of hope. I hope for good things to come over the weekend. I hope the weekend doesn’t end too soon. I hope to savour every moment with my family. I just hope for fun and relaxation. And, I usually get it!

And don’t even get me started about how I feel for football season! Yeehaw! I love it!

I’m so excited today because my Sweetboy is coming home. I will be cooking up some yummy foods and hugging on him every chance I get. {Sorry dude! It’s a mom thing!} There’s no telling what we’ll do for fun other than eating and hanging out. On Sunday, Gavin’s going to the Colts game with one of his roommates. Lucky! We’ll be home biting our nails cheering them on from the leather sofa that usually occupies all our bodies. {For the love of Pete….COLTS, please play hard!!!} πŸ™‚ Last weekend was painful! But, we still did our part in football celebrating!

Here’s some photo’s that make me smile.

My girls and I all geared up for some football!

My baby with her daddy!

Our view as we crossed the river into Louisville last weekend!

My girls with their very best friends at the high school cross country invitational.
Gates, Taylor, Brad, Ally & Christian

Whatever you’re up to this weekend….I hope it’s fun and family filled! Be safe!

21 Years

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

Already? My word. How does time fly by so quickly? It doesn’t seem possible. My life has been full of good times and not so good ones. But all along the trip…..he’s been by my side. Today is special to me in many ways (even when you have to go on and act normal all day by working, hauling kids and cooking dinner!). It’s the day that I CHOSE to walk down the aisle to marry the man who would live life with me. It’s the day I said yes. Yes to happiness, joy and even pain. It’s our day!


What’s in store……who knows, right? With us, it could be a doozy! πŸ™‚

Dear God,

Thank you for the privilege of being a wife. Forgive me for the many ways I’ve fallen short at that gift. My heart’s desire is not just to learn to love YOU more….but to love my husband more, everyday! Help me to be the wife YOU want me to be. Bless my husband through me and the love that only I can give him.



I remember sitting in my car right after meeting you for the first time praying that God would allow me to have you as my wife! People thought I was crazy when I told them I was going to marry you the day after I met you but I just knew you were the one for me!

God has used you to be a blessing to my life in so many ways. Just knowing that you love me- of your own free choosing- still makes my heart race! (or is that just my walking up the stairs??? πŸ™‚ I wish I could go back and start over– ONLY because I want an extra 21 years with you. Well, maybe there are some things I would do differently. . . Boy, if I had just learned the first time not to argue with PMS, the things I could have done with all that extra time!!

I feel extra special because a woman like you chose me.


I thank You for the blessing my wife has been to me. Thank You for giving my children a mother who cares for them and wants them to be a blessing to You. Thank You for 21 years with a woman who has walked beside me as a partner, a woman who has pushed me when I needed a push, a woman who has comforted me when I needed comfort, and most especially a woman who has loved You with her whole heart! Her stunning beauty is certainly an added bonus! Keep us close to You so that we may grow closer to each other.

In Jesus’ Name

Your Loving Husband,

Those crazy dreams

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

I have this wild overactive mind! At night, it keeps on going. I have some of the craziest dreams. I’m serious! When I wake up, even I shake my head and say, “Did I just dream that?”. If I share it with my friends or family, they always make a crack at me and confirm…”You are crazy!”. πŸ™‚

I’ll give you a few examples of what a night in my head can look like. Be warned, I’m a little weird (if you hadn’t picked up on that already!).

Dream #1
Hubby and I are living in a Victorian Bed-n-Breakfast. It’s also a favorite “nice” restaurant. We slept in too late and IN OUR BEDROOM is the largest dining table of the place. I’m in my nightgown and the hostess lets in a large party of people to this table IN MY ROOM and I’m standing there (as their server) IN MY NIGHTGOWN!!! I spend the next few minutes trying to convince someone else to go take their drink orders so as to not have to do it in my nightgown beside my UNMADE bed!
Can you say nightmare?
I woke up totally stressed out, ya’ll! Plus, I’ve never waitressed a day in my life! Yikes!!

Dream #2
I’m riding in the front seat of a car. I’m turned around talking to two women whom I highly love and respect. Both of them are openly startled by my bad breath! So much so that they both throw their hands over their own faces to block my poisonous fumes!
Talk about freaked out? I went straight to the toothbrush when my eyes opened from that pillow horror! And I worried all day…that it would come true!

Dream #3
That I was sent to be a contestant on Wipeout!
Oh I kid! This would never be a dream for me….possibly a sick twisted nightmare!!

But for real…..I have to be the wackiest dreamweaver known to mankind. I don’t eat weird stuff before bed and I don’t drink alcohol. So, what is it about me and these crazy dreams? If you know….do share! Now, pardon me….I have to go switch the channel. Wipeout is on and my husband is laughing his head off at every busted head scene! Ewww, heebee-jeebees!

Just say no

Monday, September 13th, 2010

I’m not a breakfast kind of person. Maybe it’s because I’m not a morning person either. Either way, I don’t usually eat anything until a little later most days. This morning, Ally had to be at a meeting by 7:30am. I usually just go on to my classroom and get ready for the day……but today, I thought a McDonald’s run would be a great idea!


It was not! I have been paying the price ever since with a killer stomach ache! What is in that food? {No, don’t tell me!} I ordered a Chicken Biscuit and a Mocha Frappe. It’s destroyed all that was good and holy within my being. Talk about gack?! I couldn’t even eat lunch when it was time. Now, I’m starving!

I’m crusading a new motto to morning fast food stops!


I miss you gallbladder! When you were with me, high fat foods didn’t make me nearly this sick.
RIP, old friend.

I’m not in any way trying to trash talk McDonald’s! The golden arches and it’s delicious food will forever be a part of my family’s menu. I can’t just walk away that easy… πŸ˜‰

This Day….

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

…. I will never forget!