Archive for October, 2010

Anybody Can Be A Bully

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

Even big people. Grown-up adults. Our country is bombarded with the results of bullying every single day. It’s a crying shame! In the news lately? The many suicides by teenagers over homosexuality and bullying. Each one linked back to some form of peer bullying. But, I can’t help but think of the many other types of bullying that go on day in and day out! Just about every person you meet can share a bully story of some sort. It’s not just connected to sexual orientation. It never has been. People will pick on you for anything.

Wearing a hat, not wearing a hat. Driving a clunker, or a new car. Having out of date clothes, having new clothes. Being dumb, being smart. Not being popular, being popular. Having parents, not having parents. Sitting with certain people. Being gay, or straight. Being rich, poor.


There is no prejudice for bullying. Other than someone is prejudice against you for whatever they deem worthy of teasing you about. Nice huh? Yea, that’s how the world is and always has been. It’s just becoming more of a hot-spot these days now that the media is broadcasting the recent suicides.

Bullying stinks!

Now that I’m an adult…..I see bullying can come from even adults. We tend to think of it as a kid-only behavior. Not so. It seems that anyone with a little bit of power can be mean and tease. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot you can do about it. People are just like that.

What is it that makes us unkind? Why is bullying so prevalant? I wish I knew the answer. I think mean adults make mean kids and the cycle continues. But….why? Who in the world thinks meanness is good? {Darn you SIN!!} 🙁

I wonder. What do you tell your kids when they face an adult that giggles or laughs at something meant as an insult to them? I’m trying to teach my kids the difference between something meant as hurtful and something meant in fun. But honestly…..this world is making it really hard to decipher the difference!

Dear God
Help me to show your lovingkindness to everyone. Even those NOT like me. Especially to them. Give me your eyes to see people the way you do. I can’t love in my own power….but I can in YOURS. Forgive me when I fail to love like you do.

Foot Of The Cross

Sunday, October 17th, 2010

Today, we drove over to Bloomington to visit our sweetboy and attend church with him. It was great! He’s involved in a college church plant called Foot Of The Cross. {Thank you Indiana Southern Baptists for such a ministry} He plays in the worship band and helps set up early on Sunday mornings. Pretty cool, huh? I mean, hello? He’s a 20 year old college dude……sleeping in on a Sunday morning sounds more like what he would rather do. But, not him. He really likes his church and the people who lead it. So, 6:30am is his wake-up & get rolling call.

I’m so glad we went. The worship was genuine and the preaching solid. It felt comfortable and challenging at the same time. I loved the way Pastor Mat taught about the power of the Holy Spirit and spoke bravely about living to testify. Great words for an old Christian like me and for the new.

It was a great day! Thank you FOTC folks for making us feel so welcomed and for loving on our boy. As a parent who’s had to let that first chick out of the nest… feels amazing to know there are wonderful followers of Jesus reaching out and ministering to him.

Dear Lord
I lift up this church and its ministry to you. May they continue to grow and bless those you’ve placed in their path. I can see your hand all over what they’re doing. Thank you for the many who love you and share you every week at FOTC. I’m extra thankful for what they’re doing to minister to my son. What a blessing!

Gates & Gavin sipping complimentary Starbucks at Barnes & Nobles

Linky Love

Saturday, October 16th, 2010

I love it when I find something great out in blogland. Just thought I’d share. Enjoy!

Button Up Scarflette (I’m in love with this)

Awesome post about parenting teenagers! (Love every word)

Pumpkin Cream Pies by Pioneer Woman (gosh I love fall)

A good reminder to love every moment that you have with your kids! (thank you Lynnette)

Do you have “Adam’s Disease”? Great post by sweet Rachel!

These two articles written by Dr. Al Mohler blew me away!

The Subtle Body–Should Christians practice yoga?
and the follow up article…

Yahoo, Yoga & Yours truly

Hope you enjoy this beautiful fall weekend. Fall break is next week and I’m totally excited! Yay!

Lisa Leonard Giveaway

Friday, October 15th, 2010

I’m a huge fan of Lisa Leonard’s jewelry! I scan over the pages of goodies and dream….almost daily! Now my daughter Ally does the same thing. She and I also click on her blog to see WHAT SHE’S WEARING on Wednesday’s. Yea, we’re weird like that. But, honestly…Lisa is ADORABLE!!

Right now, she has a sweet contest going on over at her blog. She’s giving away 5 of her gorgeous Brave Love Necklaces! Woohoo! Score! All you have to do is leave a comment answering this question.

Who is the bravest person you know?
Enter to win HERE!

Isn’t it purty?


Thursday, October 14th, 2010

For the last few days….I’ve caught little tidbits of news coverage of the Chile miners rescue mission. I know that it’s been broadcasted almost constantly on most news channels but I’ve not had the free time to just sit and watch tv. So, my viewing has been limited. However, the footage that I have caught has nearly done me in. My heart gets this heavy feeling that I can’t describe. Even though the outcome is victorious…..I still can’t help but think about the what-if’s?!!

See the crazy I deal with?

Each time I’ve witnessed the basket open and one of these men stepping out…..tears fill my eyes and my chest tightens. I think of the guys in my life (my hubby & son) and imagine myself standing vigil outside that mine shaft. I even played my reaction through my head to them being one of the rescued. I couldn’t think of anything except falling to the ground in worship. I would be so thankful that I would literally do that……then hug my loved one until I smooshed them.

Be still my heart!

I’ve heard some of them are doing a bit of life rearranging. It only seems right. I can’t imagine going through that sort of trauma/event and not wanting to change the stuff that’s not right. God bless them. Life as they “knew” it is gone. God has given them a whole new start to a life that many never get. I pray for them as they face this new journey. Many of them will possibly have permanent medical conditions due to the two months spent underground. Thank God, again for the medical folks that helped them sustain this ordeal.

It is simply a MIRACLE!

What about you. Are you trapped? Maybe not in a mine shaft but in a bad habit or in some sort of sin? Life has a way of entangling us. It can hold us hostage. But God, he is the ultimate rescuer.

Fall Choir Concert

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

It’s showtime again. Last night we enjoyed watching Ally (our senior) perform in the fall choir concert. They sang and danced three songs to close out the night. I’ll post a few pictures and try to add the video if I can get it to cooperate!

Hope you enjoy!

Now that this show is over….it’s crunch time! In less than a month, the Touch of Class showcases their seniors with a big weekend show. Each senior sings a solo that they’ve selected from an animated movie. Ally’s still working on SELECTING HERS!!! Eeek!
Great job, sister! You’re a great performer!