Archive for May, 2011

Mama’s in a bad way

Friday, May 20th, 2011

For over a week now… dear companion computer has been dead! It all started with a few flashes from dark screen to lit screen. If I moved my cable a little bit, it would brighten up or faze out. So, as you can probably guess….I gently used it at all times. I prayed that it was “just the cable” or something simple for my IT dude hubby to fix.

Then, the big senior trip. I was so psyched about having freedom “from real life” and the wi-fi on the bus and in the hotel until I tried to actually USE MY LAPTOP! Dead! Nada! Nothing happening! Hubby came over to my hotel room and tried to revive it, but no dice. It was out of commission and he had no idea what it could be.

[It is not a good thing when the IT dude says he can’t figure it out!]

I felt bummed of course but I was pretty busy on the trip….so I put it out of my mind. Until I made it back home. Again we tried to make it work. Still NOTHING! It’s just a Netbook. But it’s all I have. It’s what I’ve been typing all my mad-love-crazy posts with for the last few years. I’ve loved it, even when everyone around me cut my little pink friend down. I fought for her and challenged them to find me something better. Cough, cough….ON MY BUDGET!! πŸ˜‰

Monday rolls around and I really am coming to terms with the fact that my computer is dead. I take it to work because I do not have a computer at my desk (umm, we’re not going to go there….so let’s just leave that statement alone, k?). I use it when I need to check my school email and at lunch while I eat at my desk. It keeps me from going totally insane.

But, not this week.

I’ve been miserable! Literally, I’ve even resorted to reading crummy magazines that I DO NOT LIKE!! I’m bored. But more than all that I miss MY COMPUTER!! I knew it wouldn’t last forever. I, like many of you have everything important on that stinkin computer. It’s full of pictures and stuff that I love. It wouldn’t be so darn bad if I could replace it with something a little snazzier or even of equal value. That’s out of the question. I have one kid turning 21 next week and another graduating high school.

Grow up, mama!

Oh and let me throw in one more hoopla of awesomeness for ya. My email, the one I’ve had for the last 16 years? It was hacked/stolen/highjacked/attacked by terrorists whatever you want to call it and was sending out millions of horrible killer messages all over the world. My server (whoever people) were going to SHUT ME DOWN!!! Can you blame them? Until hubby found out and went in to save the day. The cost for me….was losing my email account and address. Uhhm, it has been a pretty awful week for me and technology.

I’m “borrowing” an old laptop of my husband’s….affectionately called BIG-RIG. I’ll give you a hint, it’s gone through the gigantification factory and couldn’t possibly be something you can throw in a bag and take somewhere. This sucker is huge! Isn’t technology awesome?

I’m wondering….is it wrong for me to dream of something like this?
I said, “I was dreaming!”

Stop Whining!

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

If you can’t tell…..I’m a little aggravated! Last night was the “scholarship awards” night. The one that I blogged about the other day? The one that, again….I wouldn’t be attending with one of my kids. Yea, that one.

Sounds bitter, huh?

I don’t want to go into all the crummy details…. It’s stupid and even more than that it’s painful. But I just want to get off my chest this one thing.


Seriously, SHUT UP!!

First, it makes you look rather ungrateful! Second, it reveals a great deal about your worthiness to win anything.


Another thing. Don’t text your closest friends that were vying for some of the very same scholarships that you were and complain that you didn’t win AND EVERYBODY KNEW YOU AND ANOTHER STUDENT WERE MOST DESERVING of it. Boo, to you dear friend. That is hurtful and tasteless!

I will say this one last time…..MANY deserving students do not win financial scholarships. It happens! But for those who do win them, be thankful.


Moving forward. I was just told by a fellow staff that Ally was voted 3rd Best Dressed of her senior class. Yay, for you my beautiful girl! You are best in so many ways. One of my favorite? You aren’t interested in advancing yourself over anyone else. Competition to be #1 isn’t even on your radar. I like that about you and so does God.

Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. – (1 Corinthians 10.24)

10 DaYs

Monday, May 16th, 2011

Yes, you read that right! In ten school days, sisterfriend will be sleeping in (surely til 8am) and hanging out in pj’s whenever I feel like it! SCHOOL WILL BE OUT! Yeehaw, I can’t wait! Except… girl. She’s graduating HS and leaving me there (with her little sister). Both of us are mentally trying to ignore that whole scene of starting back to school in the fall…minus her!

This morning we pulled the car out of the garage and waited a bit for her to run out carrying all her stuff. But she didn’t come out and I had to do hall duty, so I left. {Don’t flip Rick…she had another way to school} As we pulled away, I thought of how that would be our new plan in the coming year. Sad thought for a mama bear.

We’re tight! At least I thought so until she walked on past me in the hall at school and tried not to speak to me. Huh? I had to yell her name to make her turn back to me. I tried to explain she wasn’t in trouble and that I wasn’t mad she was running behind. I just had to go and knew she could drive Poppy’s car. She smiled and went on. I love to see her smiling in my hallway, going about her business with her friends. I really will miss her.

We’ve just returned from a wild senior trip weekend. It was so much fun! Hubby and I chaperoned the class of 2011 to Gatlinburg, TN. We partied it up at Dollywood on Friday, stayed at the most amazing hotel/lodge (Westgate Smoky Mountain Resort) and spent Saturday white-water rafting! Every mile of the trip was a blast. Even the coooooold river water in the face! Weeeeeee!

Now it’s down to business. Tomorrow morning at 8:30am she takes her first step down the aisle towards her goal. Graduation practice #1! I’ll be in my room (Oops! No, I won’t…I have a senior English class that period)…I’ll be there to watch her take her place among her peers and do what it is these punks do. Graduate. πŸ™‚

For the next 10 days……I’ll be feeling up & down as I weather the storm of my girl moving on.

Goodluck, Allyanne!

The List

Thursday, May 12th, 2011

It’s that time again…..Scholarship announcements. Two years ago I felt pretty sorry for myself my son when his name wasn’t on the list. It stung worse than I can describe. He worked hard all through HS and yet here was this list full of names…..but not his! I’ll be honest, I was TICKED!!!

It took a while for me to move on. Don’t get me wrong, I was proud of all who won college money. But, it appeared that the same few students won everything. Come on, share the love. The part that made me feel so frustrated was that he was #21 out of 460+ kids! Uhhm, really? The message he and many like him received is work hard all through HS and do your best but don’t hope for any recognition for it.

He was just like everyone else who walked the halls even though he took all AP classes and College Bound Honors. Very sad.

Today the 2011 scholarship list has been placed in the window for the whole school to see. Once again, disappointment! Just like with Gavin, I felt that sting of sadness. But, she’s not the only one left off the list. I noticed several of her very deserving friends weren’t listed as well. Still, it’s hard to swallow.

As I came back to my classroom with my head hung low….I thought about how God had taken care of Gavin and his college needs. He’s wasn’t caught off guard by this news. He’s known all along that Ally wouldn’t get any local scholarship funds. It’s just shocking to me and will be to her. πŸ™

I opened my desk drawer and noticed a sticky note pushed way back. God pretty much hand delivered it to me. {Thank you Lord}

Amen to that!

God has a plan. I don’t want anything that He doesn’t deem mine (or theirs). Do you?

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011


I’m new to Flip Flops & Pearls blog. But I pretty much LOVE it!! I wish we lived closer….cause I know we’d be fast friends Daphne! Today I’m playing along with her Wordless Wednesday link-up.

I know this is supposed to just be a photo. But, I have to share about it. I made this for Ally’s 18th birthday in March. It’s full of her favorite things. Candy and giftcards to shop at all her fave stores! After I put it together, I took a few pictures of it to remember it by. The day before her birthday, she was playing with my camera and found the pictures of her surprise! She was crushed and needless to say, so was I.

It was meant to be a surprise! Darn digital cameras! πŸ˜‰

Second Best

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

One of these days……

I’m going to figure out how to be content and leave well enough alone. I think I’ve mentioned a time or twenty about the 2nd dress we ordered for prom. Just like we laughingly joked, it arrived yesterday…..the Monday after the prom! Oh the irony!

It was a complete letdown. I regret even chasing the dream that it could be more beautiful than what Ally wore on Saturday. The real prom dress looked amazing and was of very high quality. All you had to do was look at it and you could see….it was expensive and classy! Dress #2, cheap and shabby….sort of like a costume. Blek!

The lesson for me is to stop dreaming of better. Find what you like and be satisfied. Oh and of course make GOOD decisions in the first place. I’m not just talking about buying fancy dresses either. I’m thinking about many life decisions. Stop searching for the best and trust God to do His work.

He knows what he’s doing. Me, I’m just winging it most days…

I saw this on another blog yesterday and had to share it. It brings a bit of perspective to my life and I bet it will yours too.