Archive for July, 2011

All You

Thursday, July 21st, 2011

Do you read this magazine? If you’ve never tried it, buy it now! It is chock full of awesomeness. I love the recipes, beauty advice and wow…tons of coupons and methods for saving money! Who doesn’t need that? Well, some don’t but maybe you’re like me and you do. If that’s the case, you will find something to love in this magazine!

I have been reading it for a while now and everytime I see a new issue….I get so happy! See how easy it is to please me? The people at All You seem to love bloggers too. Many times I’ve been reading on someone’s blog and find them referring to AY or even giving it away as prizes! Love that. Matter of fact, I originally won a year’s subscription through a sweet blog way back when.

Another thing to love about All You is the giveaways. Each month they offer some of the coolest prizes. What’s hot this month? High-tech gadgets! Go, check them out! Click here—-> ALL YOU

And the coolest part of all, is you can get each magazine for as low as $1.66!

I have to run, my newest issue has arrived and it’s calling my name.

[I have not been compensated by All You in any way. I simply love sharing my favorite things and this is one of them! You’re welcome]

Shaved Legs Won’t Make Me Spiritual

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

I’m not the only one who cringes everytime I pull into the gas pump. It’s been a source of stress for many families. Whether you drive a Toyota or a big SUV like me. It hurts in your pocketbook!

Families are pushed to the limit with their budgets. Groceries have shot up to crazy amounts, electricity & water are higher than we ever imagined paying and razors…..have you bought razors lately? Aye-yi-yi! What in tarnation?

Now I’m not a hairy gorrilla type of person….but geez, I have to shave. My whole family does. Which in my case equals five adults since my kids are pretty much grown in size and physical maturity. We need razors!

Back in the day (yea, here we go!) I’m talking 80’s/90’s folks. I could purchase an 8+ package of Daisy brand pink razors for less than $5 and shave to my little heart’s desire. TMI? Sorry. But seriously, what has the world come to that it costs more for razors than it does to feed a family of 5 at a fast food restaraunt?

The quality is sketchy too. You can’t just pick up the cheapest disposables anymore. You’ll end up with injuries! It’s almost as if the razors that work the best have an addictive ingredient in them. I know, I sound crazy. But this is serious, ya’ll! Shaving = comfort which = sanity! Don’t you agree?

Last week I was over on Angie Smith’s blog (Bring The Rain) and she was “sharing” some of her pet peeves. Girlfriend (love her) was spot-on with many of her quirks (I began to wonder if the two of us had been seperated at birth)! She mentioned trying to sleep without having shaved legs. Impossible! Unlike her, I can force myself to do it–BUT I DON’T WANT TO!!! Gack!

You’re probably asking what is the spiritual connection to shaving? None, really. I just think I’m at my best “personally” when I’m in the best shape hygiene-wise. I feel confident and ready to take on the world. It makes me want to do stuff that I’m hesitant to do other times. Crazy, I know!

So what’s my razor of choice? I’m pretty sweet on Gillette’s Venus Spa Breeze. Once you try them, consider yourself hooked! No going back to the fakes. You’ll find yourself scouring the Sunday ads looking for coupons and sales on the little dudes. It might even make you crank up your prayer life. Kidding! I tease!

Who’s praying for good razors? Duh! Not me! πŸ˜‰


Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

I can’t remember the last time I’ve worn a swimsuit. I don’t have a pool! πŸ™ I don’t have a friend with a pool. I have no life, remember? So swimming and sunning are out. Which totally bums me out. Both of those things make me happy!

I grew up in Florida. I’m a cracker. That’s what people FROM Florida are called. My roots run very deep there. I never imagined living in Indiana. Which takes me back to the pool idea. I have lived without one for the last nine years. Not happily, I should add.

See these trees? And this weird slanted yard?

Yea, no pool here folks!

Today it’s ridiculously hot. People are being warned to stay hydrated and in cool locations. Indiana is included on the dangerous heat index map. I’m sweating right now and I’m inside. Blek! My girls were invited to swim at a friend’s house. They split! I’m home in the a/c. What’s new?

I’d rather be here.

Or here.

Doing this.

Oh and check this place out—-> STILTSVILLE
Looks so awesome!

How are you staying cool today?
(I <3 Pinterest!) Dear Lord Thank you for my home. Because of you I am blessed to live with a/c and many other amenities that other's do not. Complaining about what's missing steals away from the gratitude that I truly feel. I'm sorry. Amen.

Nutella French Toast

Monday, July 18th, 2011

I spent the night tossing and turning. By 2:30am I had reached the point of delirium and was thinking every crazy thought and idea known to man. Why do I do that? It’s not good for my body (cause it’s ooooold) since I wake up the next day feeling beat up. Too bad my mental state is even more fragile.

I don’t think clearly.

Example–I woke up early (before 8am) because Ally had an early shift at work and needed to get rolling. I like to be around to offer any help she might need to get out the door and make it there safely. I don’t want her stressed and rushing, if you know what I mean? I decided this would also be a good time for me to pay my electric bill over the phone.

I dial up and start the process of push #1, enter your account number, stand on one foot….turn and sing, push #2 blah blah blah! Just when I finally reached the payment code I realized my debit card was in one of my kid’s hands/purses/backpocket. I jumped up and raced around waking up the baby (the one with my card) only to lose all the work I had just done on the phone. Loser! Back to the beginning.

I start the whole process all over again. This time when I went to enter my card number I messed it up and yes, you guessed it….had to start again.

By the time (the 4th try) I made it to the payment button I hastily pushed the wrong button and OVERPAID by a large amount on my electric bill! Uhhh, no….YOU CAN’T GET THAT MONEY BACK!!!! I wanted to cry and sort of did. I ran down to beg my hubby for help/forgiveness/mercy/ideas and wanted to kick myself for my error. This wouldn’t be such a big deal except that I just paid the mortgage, water and a few other bills on Friday and needed to be extra frugal the rest of the week. {A week that my hubby has a work trip out to California & will need a little emergency money} Only me, ya’ll!

Long story…..but hubby did manage to work it out and we won’t have to sell all our worldly possessions this week for gas and food. However, I immediately went back to my racing mind & prayers from the middle of the night. I was running late for church yesterday and didn’t grab a check for my tithe (I decided no biggie–that I’d pay it at the evening service. Guess who forgot a check last night?). I had prayed to God and mentioned my blunder in hopes of “keeping my error” in check.

Now I’m not saying my error was a punishment. I believe that consequences have a way of getting your attention. Sometimes when you least expect it. I thanked God for helping clean up my mistake and here I will say that only HE deserves the glory for my recovery.

Somedays….you just have to make Nutella Stuffed French Toast to get through the crazy.

Nutella French Toast

2 eggs
1/4 c. whipping cream
2 T. powdered sugar
dash cinnamon
4 slices bread

Mix eggs, cream, sugar & cinnamon. Spread Nutella onto bread as if making a sandwich. Put 2 slices together and dip into egg mixture. Fry up until golden brown and knock yourself out with the goodness.
Thank me later. πŸ˜‰

Wild Beasts

Saturday, July 16th, 2011

I’ve spent most everyday at home since school let out in June. I don’t have a tight schedule. I pretty much do whatever I want. As long as it involves staying in comfy clothes and no makeup. I spend time in my kitchen on my computer while enjoying the view outside my glass sliding doors. From there, I can watch my dog play and chase the squirrels, birds and chipmunks. I can see when my kitty brings up her latest kill. But one of my favorite things to watch for is the deer.

They wander up close to my back door as they graze on the goodies growing in our woods. On Tuesday, a friend was over visiting and as I sat listening to her I could see a deer walking around munching away. I really wanted to get up and take some pictures but I stayed put. My friend really had a need and I wanted to bless her. I believe that God knows how I feel about the visiting animals… He let me catch a sweet glimpse of the deer in the first place.


Yesterday I was busy typing away on my computer when my little dog started to quietly growl and get fidgety. I peeked up to see what was her nemesis and spotted this—->

I had to giggle. I mean, really? What is this turtle doing on my back porch? Where in the world is he heading? How did my back porch end up on his route? I think it’s really funny because the cat never even bothered to look at him. She was actually sleeping in the exact spot he’s in– not 15 minutes earlier. Weird.

{This is the second turtle we’ve found in our yard in the last 2 weeks}

I like having these visitors. A few weeks back I saw the biggest raccoon out by our barn. I was suspicious it was a mama and that she had babies under the barn. I tried to peek under and listen for noises but didn’t find anyone or thing. They just like hanging around, I suppose. We feed our cat out back and many critters come up and munch on what’s left. We’ve been surprised a time or two by opossum’s, coons & mean cats!

Today as I sat swinging out front….I heard a noise and turned to see the most adorable chipmunk chowing down as he sat perched on a limb right beside me. He kept looking at me and I stared right back wishing I had a great camera to shoot his picture with. I am living in the middle of the animal kingdom here and I need to be photographing all my little and big friends. Pioneer Woman has some rockin photography and I bet if I had a camera like hers…..I could snap a few amateur (pretender) shots myself.

For the remainder of my summer….I’ll be enjoying the visitors God sends (both human and beast). Thank you Lord. Your creatures mesmerize me and put a smile on my face.

A Whole New World

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

I’ve been sitting on some pretty exciting news here. It’s not like this stuff happens everyday. I mean, listen to the news. Unemployment is at an all-time high. But today marks the start of a whole new lifestyle for my Ally. She begins her first job……at TJ Maxx!

Yeehaw, right?

Who doesn’t love that place? It’s one of my favorite stores and now I have insider information living in my very home. Blessings! Imagine all the job perks–first dibs on all the new merchandise, employee discounts, fairly decent hours and hello, BIG MONEY?!! Ok, it’s just minimum wage and she has to commute a bit. She still has a job! Plus, she will be attending college in the same town so this should be convenient. Right?

Congratulations Ally! I’m so excited for you and I’m proud of your eagerness to make your own money. Dad and I know what it feels like to gain that little bit of independance. Goodluck, sweet girl.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”
(Colossians 3:23)

Oh and don’t forget keep your eyes peeled for any Lilly Pulitzer dresses. πŸ˜‰